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Messages - psmith

Pages: 1 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Which role will you play?
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:46:54 pm »
A sniper so that I can shoot the officers and engineers :D

Not picking on this comment, but after reading this entire thread, a new game mode idea came into my head.  What if a "Hero" game mode was developed where the player(s) play an individual role of Sniper (or Artilleryman?) and the AI controlled everything else.  Imagine the pure joy of sneaking up through the woods and dropping enemy officers and such.  Perhaps could do it in small groups, i.e. "with your friends".  The outcome of which would modify the effectiveness or morale of that AI regiment...

Other comment on everyone wanting to be snipers - this is natural for peeps to seek a role that has some type of advantage over other players for more fun.  That being said, I would NEVER have fun playing the victim.  So sharpshooter class may not fit in well without some type of distinct disadvantage, (like 2 broken legs...or...)

Uhh WOW.  Love it.  Would lose my job and wife playing the game then  8)

General Discussion / Re: Most important feature to you for Battle Cry?
« on: January 25, 2013, 04:51:45 pm »
Commander Battle mode   8)

Community / Re: Introduce Yourself!
« on: January 25, 2013, 04:47:17 pm »
Hello all. 

Forgot to introduce myself:

87th Arty Bdr Psmith (on leave, but I will be back soon) - 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers - Napoleonic Wars DLC

Hospitaller FiDO - Order of the Knights Hospitallers - cRPG/Strategus

2Lt. P. Smith [29th ID] (retired) - 29th Infantry Division realism unit - Darkest Hour

Very excited about this game.  I do hope the Commander Battle mode gets some consideration in this one.  Would especially love to see weekly league/ladder play with Commander Battle teams, AND/OR a strategic game where battle outcomes matter (thinking of Iron Crescendo from Red Orchestra). 

Anyhow see u fellas around.

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