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Messages - Emperor Napoleon

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Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: June 12, 2016, 02:33:46 pm »
gib upd8 ples

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: June 06, 2016, 01:31:33 pm »

The Chancellor and his Government have decided that socialists, like Communists are too a threat to the prosperity of the nation.
They, as have communists, have infiltrated our society and are slowly drowning this great nation in a puddle of lies and deceit. It is because of this that
the chancellor has decided to ban all socialists in the country. He has also decided that trade unions and strikes will be banned throughout
the nation. This will ensure that both communists and socialists cannot inflict any more hurt on the great People of Germany.

All workers must now join the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front; DAF). All members must pay a relevant membership fee
(ranging from 15 pfennig to 3 Reichsmark depending on the trade of the worker). Members of the DAF are guaranteed work. Unemployed
men between the ages of 18-15 will be placed working on infrastructure - mainly that of building roads between the major cities of Germany.
It is now also illegal to employ workers who are not members of the DAF.

To begin the improvement of our nation, factories are to be built in every major city with emphasis on the
following factories; steel, clothing and food. Unemployed men and women will be employed in these factories once constructed.

Germany also wishes to express our support for the Fascists in Greece. They are the rightful leaders of that nation

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:44:19 pm »

Germany Guarantees the republic of Greece.

To show the goodwill of Germany towards Italy, the Chancellor has decided to send the Italian cabinet a truckload of
German fine alcohols.
We hope that our friendship will blossom in the future.

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:41:43 pm »


Maybe the updates should be more often? I feel that the wait between is way too long

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: May 30, 2016, 10:37:16 pm »
I was using the imperial flag without realising. Plus the official flag wasn't changed until 1934/35 I think

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 30, 2016, 06:30:24 pm »

The Chancellor Adolf Hitler wishes to thank all members of German Parliament that voted for the NSDAP. Now, the government
can begin strengthen and unify the German people. The Chancellor and his Government wish to reinforce what has been said before; "The Treaty of
Versailles is an embarrassment to the people of Greater Germany. Our nation cannot survive without the honour it deserves."

Following the victory in the government, the Chancellor wishes to announce the passing of the Enabling Act.
This will allow him the unlimited power needed to create a better Germany. As part of the above mentioned Act, the Chancellor has passed
the following laws;

Communism is now a completely illegal pursuit. The Communist Part is now banned from all German politics. Anyone known to be
operating as a Communist will be persecuted and imprisoned immediately.

Every form of local government must now have a NSDAP majority. This is the only way the Chancellor can insure Germany can become strong again.

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: May 28, 2016, 08:20:41 pm »
is it me or is it getting quiet.........

no one seems to be posting lately :'(

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: May 28, 2016, 07:28:19 pm »
Just let Dazzer play as a minor power, then if he fucks up we take it from there...

Let him play as Mexico. Mexico has always wanted to become part of the USA. Hue hue hue
lel you think Americans want Mexicans in their country?

Trump do ya thing

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 25, 2016, 06:04:58 pm »

With elections due in the next few days, the Reichstag issue the following statement;
"The Weimar Republic is on the verge of a Communist revolution. Communism has a grip on all of our Europe, and especially our nation.
Commuists are dangerous people, and have attacked our country, only recently setting fire to the Reichstag. The Chancellor, and his fellow
party members encourage all true German politicians, who love their country, to vote for them in the upcoming election on the 5th of March. By doing so,
the NSDAP will pass the Enabling Act, to allow the Chancellor to pass laws without the involvement of the Reichstag. This is the only way Communsim can
be stopped in the great nation of Germany"

The Reichstag on fire

The Chancellor, as promised, will begin the improvement of our nation. He, and his colleagues in Government have
passed the following motions;

The Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front; DAF) is to be formed. The new organisation will be run as a trade union for all
people of Germany. Its function will be 'to create a true social and productive community' in Germany. Each region in the State of Germany will have
its own office for the DAF, where willing citizens of Germany may sign up. The Chancellor and his Government guarantee work will be found for
those who join the DAF.

With the threat of Communism, the Anti-Kominterm will be formed. This agency will be tasked with removing all known Communists from the
nation. Communism is now an illegal pursuit, and any person attempting to promote Communism will be imprisoned.

Anti-Communist propaganda is to be produced and distributed around the Nation.

Germany offers non-aggression treaties with the following countries;
Russia, France, United States, Poland and the United Kingdom.
We hope the US can see that if they refuse an offer a second time, there will be no chance to change their mind.

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:02:16 pm »
Which day is update?
Tomorrow I think.....

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 22, 2016, 03:19:49 pm »

Germany begins producing propaganda promoting the ideals of Fascism. Nationalism is also promoted in media, and will be introduced to schools as a subject of study around the nation.

Germany refuses Norway's request - we are not in a position to be helping our neighbours.
Germany offers Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America a non aggression treaty

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933 [Out-of-character-thread]
« on: May 20, 2016, 11:33:22 pm »
Its not like I've done anything bad yet.....

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 20, 2016, 07:34:02 pm »

Germany accepts the offers of Yugoslavia and Spain

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:31:37 pm »

Germany accepts Portugal's offer

Forum Games / Re: BoP: 1933
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:14:18 pm »

The new Chancellor being greeted by fans

The new Chancellor of Germany, Adolf Hitler, would like to thank all those who voted for the NSDAP party in the recent election. Our glorious nation
has, for too long, been left week by those who wish to control her. This country will be great again!

Germany offers Italy a non-aggression pact to formalise our friendship
Germany accepts Norway's proposition for a non-aggression pact.

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