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Messages - Skipper

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Sorry I missed gf, went home to my parents for the weekend, got back to my house today and only sat down on my PC around 7:30

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: June 12, 2019, 05:15:28 pm »
In-game Name: New_PIayer
Admin Who Banned You (If Known): Unsure.
Reason For Ban: Unsure, I suspect accidental double spawn after timing out, but am not aware.
Time/date (If Known): 4:10pm UK time 12/6/2019
Apology/Statement Against Ban: If I knew what I did I would apologise. My assumption is that it was for a double spawn, because I timed out before the last round ended and rejoined as soon as possible (it takes the body a while to die after the person has actually timed out). If that is what I was banned for then I apologise, though I would like to re-iterate that I timed out the round before (when I rejoined a new round had just started) so if it was a double spawn then I can't really do anything to prevent it as I have absolutely no way of knowing when the body actually dies. Friends who were playing with me on the server at the time claimed that the admin was abusing, though I don't wish to voice any personal opinions on that front.
Player ID (If Known): 392541

Please forgive me if my apology seems insincere, I am sorry for whatever rule I broke. I'm just understandably upset that I can no longer spend my evening on groupfighting because of (what I suspect was) a poorly-timed connection loss and a trigger-happy admin. I'm very bored right now with uni over but having not yet gone home and groupfighting is about the only thing for me to do.

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: June 12, 2019, 09:45:34 am »
Who runs around an empty map at 7am

Salogas had just left the server.

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: June 12, 2019, 07:51:28 am »
I was messing around on the groupfighting server this morning and I found a glitch in one of the maps, thought I should post it here so it can be fixed.

The glitch can be accessed by going through the gap near one of the spawns with the tavern sign at a certain angle. From there, the whole map can be accessed.

Gap which allows player to leave map:
Access to whole map:

Don't open

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: Mini-Napoleonic Wars World Cup 2019
« on: June 09, 2019, 04:28:41 pm »
Just wanted to give you guys props for the professionalism in every aspect of this event. I appreciate that none of this is new and it has all been done before, but regardless, well done on everything.

The Mess Hall / Re: Naming New GF TEAM
« on: June 06, 2019, 04:06:50 pm »

Haha, yes, thanks for the name (s_keying_gimp).

Yes, autist_noname_traschcan and s_keying_gimp are alternate aliases (the former voted by the public).

I've also gone by Skipper (obviously), Skippy and Nibbles among other random aliases I come up with on the spot.

Looking for a Groupfighting team.
Nickname in game over past couple of months on Groupfighting Server has been: New_PIayer.

Steam will probably be the quickest way to get in contact with me.

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: June 02, 2019, 05:01:44 am »
In-Game Name: New_PIayer/Skipper/autist_noname_trashcan (I got people to choose that one)/s_keying_gimp/Skippy/Nibbles
Steam Name: Skipper
Regiment/Rank(If Any): None, but previously in many regiments (including leader of 126th for 6 years).
Admin Experience: Admin on many servers including Jail Break, the various 126th and 88th servers, Oasis PW, Killbox
Spoken Languages: English/Spanish
Banned before? (If yes, state why): If I was banned before it was so many years ago that I don't remember
Reason Why You Want This Role (Make it detailed and unique):

I'll be honest, I've taken a while to deliberate whether or not I should apply. Eventually, I decided I should give it a go. The reason for this is simple: It is the only server I actually play on Warband anymore (regularly) and I feel I owe it to help out. I very regularly go on the server - whether there are 30 people on, or just 2 - and it feels like the only server in the game that is worth anything. The other servers have a significantly lower average quality when it comes to melee and get boring quickly, whilst groupfighting continues to remain interesting and competitive. The admin team do a fantastic job and I am certainly not needed to help keep things afloat, but I want to extend my hand in help anyway. Little things such as preventing delays can always use more help (I'm not suggesting the admin team is understaffed, don't rip my guts out please) and I would be more than willing to be the person to offer it.

Woo, 6 years!

Both accepted.

Regiments / Re: 65y Moskovskiy Pehotny Polk [EU/NA/AUS] - 4 YEARS TODAY!
« on: January 18, 2018, 11:41:49 pm »
Happy anniversary

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