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Server hardware has been reconfigured, all servers now run on an E3-1240v2 processor.

Unban Request and Admin Complaint

Unban Request on: [PSG]Gmnr_Klauser
Admin Complaint on: ~[LaZy-ThuGz]~*Emo*Celestia*

Just tonight me and one of the PSG's members were enjoying Public Duel NA and just doing harmless dueling, nothing against the rules or anything of the kind, no verbal abuse or trolly behaviour was taking place at all. Emo Celestia (one of the admins) came on and started dueling for a couple minutes. By then he had dueled "Klauser" around 3 times in a row or so. Emo responded with "yolo" and perma banned Klauser out of anger, and then proceeded to leave the server. What I am requesting is for him to be unbanned and a warning given to Emo for abuse of admin powers. Please and thanks.  :)


He has been revoked of admin privileges, thank you for your report.

ID_Finder is now located in Chicago!

Regiments / Re: 2nd United States Marine Division [NA] [Recruiting]
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:03:45 am »
Nice thread!!

We are in need of more Commander Battle admins so apply if you're interested :)

We also hit 50 players today :D

Steam Name: Hessian
Name of which you were banned: Name Of the Current admin that banned me Was an Emo Celestia
Date when you were banned: 10/9/14
What server did you get ban from: Public Duel NA
Why did you get banned: Reason I believed was I banned an Admin of Public Duel NA on another server, In which I broke No rules To Public Duel NA
Why should we unban you: Because I enjoy going on The Duel server, for It helps me get better, and Its ping is Decent in my region.
User ID: The User ID In game is Hessian. 60th_Cpl_Hessian, or 1stIR_LtCol_Hessian.
Unbanned, will talk to the Admin who banned you.

Congrats to all the new admins!

ID_Finder has now been added to find your GUID. The gamemode is duel. Tupac is also hosting free servers so contact him if you are in need of one :)

Servers / Re: Public Commander Battle / Public Duel [NA]
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:14:46 am »
Those who are still interested in becoming an admin, please re-post your application.

Off Topic / Re: 1+4?? and more help!!
« on: September 21, 2014, 12:19:55 am »

Regiments / Re: WEASTSIDE GANG
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:58:46 pm »
so bad, east side forever u scrubs

Off Topic / 1+4?? and more help!!
« on: September 16, 2014, 04:18:57 am »
need help really quick!!
i have a test soon and i need to review


for number two i tried doing it but i dont really understand it like i think its b but i dont know so i ask you people

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