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Messages - DrunkenSpartan

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It depends on whether people disappeared while driving! Then their cars are just sitting there jamming roads!

That is an interesting variable. For the purposes of this thought experiment, since you’ve awoken with no idea of what happened to anyone, I think it is safe to assume the disappearance was sudden, and affected those who were driving at the time. I will however, for the purpose of granting freedom of movement, say that they disappeared between the hours of 2 and 4 am local time. In my experience these are the least populated times for roads, so there would theoretically be less congestion when you arose, at least in your area. If you somehow managed to make it to a radically different time zone then obviously you would experience the normal levels of congestion left by commuters and such.


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Events: NA / Re: NRP/BBG Campaign Event(starts Dec 14th)
« on: January 22, 2020, 07:09:53 am »
Regiment name: 40th
leaders steam:
Estimated attendance: 20

bro its just the greatest public event since the 63e Siege server was taken down just slide on in

Fixed that for you uwu

The Mess Hall / Re: An Apology To God, Country, and Community
« on: January 20, 2020, 04:00:32 pm »
At least he admitted it when caught. Take care Winters.

The Mess Hall / Re: Predictions For The 2020s
« on: January 19, 2020, 08:24:28 pm »
I completely understand your skepticism. Dealing with the harsh realities of the near-future is never easy. Billions may die but perhaps we will come out with a better understanding of our existential predicament.

A complete implosion of China is possible. This could be caused by an economic crisis or a failed military venture abroad which destroys the legitimacy of the communist party and sparks a revolution calling for democratic and other reforms. Perhaps in tandem with this, North Korea implodes and is reunified with South Korea (this is unlikely to occur without a major change in China first, given their status as essentially a buffer state with the US-backed south).

[Later in the paper]:

-An alliance of African nations form to combat common issues. One possible state that stands out as a future superpower is the ‘East African Federation’, an intended evolution of the existing ‘East African Community’ that now includes Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan. At present these states are very poor, with a combined GDP smaller than New Zealand. However, they are now growing at 6% a year. Linked by Swahili as a common lingual, they are expected to have a population of 410 million by 2050 and 800 million by 2100 – not far behind India and China. If their political integration succeeds and their economic growth continues, the EAF could emerge as a major world power by mid-century.

[Later in the paper]:

-Significant advances in medicine and medical technology. ML and AI, along with a move towards personalized and algorithmic care, radically change how we receive basic medical care, manage chronic diseases, and perhaps with cheap genomics we see an increase in lifespan through optimized medical care. Medical imaging will become exponentially cheaper, with sub-cellular resolution, and more likely to happen in-office if this tech works out. It revolutionizes medical care long before we get into the computer-brain interface and telepathy. Anti-aging efforts start to bear fruit. This one has many question marks attached, but I would expect that substantial progress will eventually be made. Global life expectancy is now 72 years, up from 67 in the year 2000 or 48 in 1950. Most of this has been as the ‘low-hanging fruit’ of vaccines, improved sanitation and nutrition and other changes have finally spread to the third world.

"A complete implosion of China is possible. This could be caused by an economic crisis or a failed military venture abroad which destroys the legitimacy of the communist party and sparks a revolution calling for democratic and other reforms. Perhaps in tandem with this, North Korea implodes and is reunified with South Korea (this is unlikely to occur without a major change in China first, given their status as essentially a buffer state with the US-backed south).

One possible state that stands out as a future superpower is the ‘East African Federation’, an intended evolution of the existing ‘East African Community’ that now includes Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan. At present these states are very poor, with a combined GDP smaller than New Zealand. However, they are now growing at 6% a year. Linked by Swahili as a common lingua franca they are expected to have a population of 410 million by 2050 and 800 million by 2100 – not far behind India and China. If their political integration succeeds and their economic growth continues, the EAF could emerge as a major world power by mid-century.

[Later in his paper]

Anti-aging efforts start to bear fruit – this one has many question marks attached, but I would expect that substantial progress will eventually be made. Global life expectancy is now 72 years, up from 67 in the year 2000 or 48 in 1950. Most of this has been as the ‘low-hanging fruit’ of vaccines, improved sanitation and nutrition and other changes have finally spread to the third world.  "

Author: u/ThomasHobbesROK
Website URL:

-Automation has decimated the manual labor market. Global unemployment levels have risen from 8% to 15% over last two decades - plenty of long-term untrainable unemployed workers in that 15%. This results in record levels of crime and xenophobia in developed countries.

"Automation has decimated the manual labor market. Global unemployment levels have risen from 8% to 15% over last two decades – plenty of long-term untrainable unemployed workers in that 15%. This results in record levels of crime and xenophobia in developed countries."

Author: Tanmay Subhash
Website URL:

In case you were wondering, no, this was not the only paper in which Winters plagiarized someone else's work. His supposed masterpiece, "Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius", is also someone else's work.

The answer is simple.

Only by looking at the core of the psychology of sentient beings can you determine who's the biased one and who's the realist. Think about why the zebras chases any feel good moment. Because it would feel deprivation from not having those moments. Just like you. You think the zebra eats mainly for the taste? No, it eats because it's fucking hungry. Just like both you and the zebra are hungry for satisfactory moments. The core of the game is suffering and avoiding it as much as you can. We are addicted to being whipped less than usually. It makes wayyy too much sense when you consider that an efficient psychology in evolution isn't one that is happy. It's one that gets the job done. And for this, you need an animal that is motivated to do shit, never truly being satisfied. We exist to WANT to be happy/in peace, not to BE happy. And life constantly imposes suffering onto us, problems with have to deal with. The brain is a problem solving machine. It's a zero sum game, a scam.

"The answer is simple:

Only by looking at the core of the psychology of sentient beings can you determine who's the biased one and who's the realist:
Think about why the zebras chases any feelgood moment.
Because it would feel deprivation from not having those moments. Just like you.
You think the zebra eats mainly for the taste?
No, it eats because it's fucking hungry.
Just like both you and the zebra are hungry for satisfactory moments.
The core of the game is suffering and avoiding it as much as you can. We are addicted to being whipped less than usually.
It makes wayyy too much sense when you consider that an efficient psychology in evolution isn't one that is happy. It's one that gets the job done. And for this, you need an animal that is motivated to do shit, never truly being satisfied.
We exist to WANT to be happy/ in peace. Not to BE happy. And life constantly imposes suffering onto us, problems with have to deal with. The brain is a problem solving machine.
It's a zero sum game, a scam, and it should end as soon as possible."

Author: u/Uridoz
Date: March 17th, 2018 (A full year before Winters' essay)

bold text signifies plagiarism
We recognize that the welfare of all living creatures (be it a frog or human) are of equal importance. This is juxtaposed to speciesism, which values one animal over another. This concept is fundamentally flawed on many levels and is presented with a dose of the irrational. We were all born to be slaughtered. No sentient being is immune. Without humans, other animals will continue to suffer just like they have been for millions of years. The main difference between human and non-human species is our capacity to understand the futility of existence and right from wrong. We have the intellectual ability to see the meat grinder for what it really is. We are all in this rat maze together.

The best interest of humans are in conflict with nature. If we stay alive to try solving suffering in all organisms in the universe
then we ourselves will be forced to remain in suffering. And we don't even know if its possible to solve all suffering, its not a guarantee. Is it right to force our own kind to suffer for an indefinite amount of time chasing a gargantuan and potentially impossible to solve task? What makes us morally obligated to complete such a task, the accident of our cognition?

The answer is simple.

Only by looking at the core of the psychology of sentient beings can you determine who's the biased one and who's the realist. Think about why the zebras chases any feel good moment. Because it would feel deprivation from not having those moments. Just like you. You think the zebra eats mainly for the taste? No, it eats because it's fucking hungry. Just like both you and the zebra are hungry for satisfactory moments. The core of the game is suffering and avoiding it as much as you can. We are addicted to being whipped less than usually. It makes wayyy too much sense when you consider that an efficient psychology in evolution isn't one that is happy. It's one that gets the job done. And for this, you need an animal that is motivated to do shit, never truly being satisfied. We exist to WANT to be happy/in peace, not to BE happy. And life constantly imposes suffering onto us, problems with have to deal with. The brain is a problem solving machine. It's a zero sum game, a scam.

This is where Gary, or "Inmendham" comes into play.

I largely consider this man to be a public intellectual to the highest degree.I have never seen a man that argues so efficiently for any sort of philosophical or ethical position as he does. His logic is irrefutable and cannot be argued against without resorting to fallacies of all sorts. There is no piercing his rationale, for it is the answer to our woes by adding finality to the existential dilemma.

Our nervous systems are hardwired to experience suffering far more than pleasure; both in intensity and duration. This brutal functionality of nature motivates all species to stay alive long enough to pass their DNA to the next generation. This would also explain why sex is so pleasurable. Life evolved to torture and to be tortured. We are all victims and predators. There is no justification for nature’s cruel design. It’s wasteful, needless, and causes suffering. As Gary puts it, “life is more friction than function”. With knowledge comes responsibility. We must be janitorial, not wasteful in our endeavor to eliminate harm. As far as the red button scenario goes, I wouldn’t press it unless it painlessly and instantaneously evaporated all life on Earth, from men to microbes. And only if pressing that button had a guaranteed failsafe that would prevent life from re-emerging.

More than 50% of his "masterpiece" essay is someone else's idea.

Those weren't all the cases of plagiarism I found, just the easiest to convey. I found several instances where the language of Winters' paper was changed sufficiently to fool plagiarism detection software, but not enough to make it his unique words. Overall I would estimate the percentage of plagiarism in this essay as at least 25%, though I haven't done extensive searching on it, only cursory, and the amount could be much higher if you use the interpretation of plagiarism as including ideas and concepts in addition to direct words of other authors. Regardless, the amount found is definitely enough to fail Winters if his paper was submitted for grading, and usually enough to begin academic disciplinary proceedings if the paper was of substantial weight. I'm honestly a little surprised that Winters would resort to what essentially amounts to intellectual theft. But do you want to know the kicker? He appears to have looked through articles that by and large give an optimistic view of the future, then cherry picked the few pessimistic portions he could get his hands on and used them to construct the foundation for his essay. The Reddit Futurism post is a good example of this. I would say I feel ashamed for Winters and deceived, but this is NW so I've come to expect this level of nonsense. In conclusion, in the future I would take anything of this nature posted by Winters with a larger amount of skepticism than before, and hopefully in turn he will strive to avoid plagiarizing the works of others.

TL;DR: I don't want to be the one saying this, but I feel I should. Winters is a fraud.

The Mess Hall / Re: Martial arts/Combat systems
« on: January 14, 2020, 06:18:21 am »
I have no experience with Krav Maga but I know few things. 1st of all, everybody thinks that they can teach Krav Maga which is a big fuck up not only for civilians or the people who pay for it but mainly for the combat system itself. 2nd there are some certain tasks which the instructor should done or get through - no one cares about them nowadays. There are hundreds of Krav Maga dojangs in the Czech Republic and the most of them are "fake" with "fake" instructors - money makers.

As you said you cant expect them to teach you everything if you are "just" a civilian which is correct in my opinion.

Martial arts and mainly combat systems are definitely not overrated. You never know what's going to happen or if you can carry your weapon everywhere so even a little knowledge may be difference between you being dead or alive.

Even in North America I understand what you're talking about there. There are a lot of McDojos and black belt mills that will teach you how to fight in a well lit environment, but not much else. It really ruins the credibility of the craft when you have people peddling nonsense that will get you killed on the streets of Houston or anywhere else I imagine. A lot of questionable gun/knife disarm techniques come to mind. The example you showed in the video is actually one of the few times I think it'd be fine to try that type of high risk maneuver. It looked like a captured soldier was about to be executed. The risk of trying a disarm was still there but it's favorable to being shot in the woods. Not something you usually want to try on your average armed mugger, who just wants your wallet and doesn't really care about you. Not sure what those "tasks" you're referring to are, maybe it was just lost in translation. And yeah, agreed, you can't expect anyone with common sense to teach you "everything" if you're "just" a civilian. DT LEO/EMS wasn't really a "civilian" martial art or complete military combat system so much as a quick how-to of control or neutralize type stuff. Not all encompassing but still practical. Having used it a lot in the field when I was a paramedic, I will say that the material I was taught was fairly effective. You still had difficulty controlling people on PCP/meth or in excited delirium, but there will always be a certain level of difficulty there I'd wager. For combative drunks, junkies attempting to rob us of our narcotics at knifepoint, or general altercations from wannabe Mayweathers it was pretty effective.

I will also concede that a little knowledge and a good state of mind can go a long way. When I say martial arts are overrated for self defense I do so mostly based on past experiences, knowing that "street fighting" is stupid and also that a lot of the things I've seen/heard/read about being taught on the subject are garbage. It doesn't help you to know how to use karate or kick box or whatever if three or four people are stomping you over some gang initiation/turf bullshit, or if your home is being invaded or whatever countless scenarios you could come up with. They don't fight fair, they don't attack one at a time, they use weapons and they don't care if you happen to die in the process. In those situations a little knowledge about avoidance or fighting for your life helps, but I'd be hesitant to say that competition type stuff would have any use there. Though in the spirit of fairness the non-DT Krav Maga wouldn't help either.

As far as carrying a firearm goes, in Texas it's pretty normal to do so with a few exceptions. It is true that there are a few places where concealed carry is prohibited, but that mostly pertains to courthouses/TDCJ facilities/hospitals, that type of stuff. Bars and churches are the only frequented places I can think of where prohibition applies as a rule of thumb off the top of my head, though there are others. Again, I can only speak from my experiences and I have no idea what the situation is like in eastern Europe. If your streets are like the old American West then I could imagine having some type of offensive or martial training would be useful. In North America when people get into "REAL STREET FIGHTS HEEHEE" they typically go to jail/prison if they get caught, and they typically get caught.  Reasonable use of force scenarios are rarer than Hollywood portrays, much to the dismay of a certain small subset of MMA nutters.

Hope my response was at least a little insightful for you, Kul. This post will probably get salt from a small minority of the martial arts community that obsesses over "street fighting" and "but bruh what if he pulls a shank?" but I don't care, they're a cancer to their art. I'll let the karate kids pick up the conversation from here :P

The Mess Hall / Re: Matrial arts/Combat systems
« on: January 13, 2020, 07:30:10 pm »
martial arts in army is basically autism why would i use my hands when i have a machine gun :d

Cuz this is combat system not a martial art. BIG DIFFERENCE YA KNOW

Ok so to rephrase, why would he use a hand to hand combat system when he has a machine gun :p

Anyways to answer your op, Krav Maga on and off for a few years. It was okay. Some instructors had a tough time answering technical questions on the legality of self defense (big red flag). From a technical standpoint, what turned me away from it in the end was the fact that they were teaching "fighting" and not really self defense. Also the techniques they taught members of the public were watered down from what you see Israeli commandos doing in documentaries. DT LEO/EMS was much more useful but requires a certain level of maturity to use, so I can understand why they were hesitant to teach it to members of the public. LEO/EMS are held to a higher standard than the public with regards to use of force and they have a different job to do than the average person caught up in an altercation, so they taught us different stuff than what the "civilians" were learning. Was it engaging and did I learn a lot? Yes. Did it turn me into Jason Bourne? Hell no, that shit's reserved for special forces types. Short of finding a veteran commando to teach me a few pointers, I doubt I'd find that type of material you hear Mossad or whatever using being taught in a school/dojo/etc. I can't speak for everyone, just from my experiences, but that was my takeaway from the whole thing.

tl;dr martial arts for self defense are overrated, my .38 works just fine in its stead and modern wheel guns are notoriously reliable and easy to use. I might draw a lot of hate for my opinion on it but there it is :P

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: NA Spring 4v4 League
« on: January 13, 2020, 06:31:23 am »
I’m bout to be a 2x MVP

god bless

40th vs nr8 2.0

good luck 66th!

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: NA Spring 4v4 League
« on: January 11, 2020, 02:57:19 am »
Me and Risk are making a new team with Drunken

captain sanders ez

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: NA Spring 4v4 League
« on: January 11, 2020, 02:52:54 am »
lies that would make merc frank proud
Okay since people are assuming shit and forming sides I wanted to clear up the Drunken situation. The 28th I believe we did a scrim vs Yolo's team however I wasn't there to see what happen. Others like Armada & Artanis who were there that night don't remember what happened. Both Drunken and Cwater told me different stories but the rundown is that they got mad at each other and had some big fight. Cwater was thinking about leaving the team but decided to stay. Drunken wouldn't let him back on the team any-though Cwater wanted to. Fast foward to a couple of nights ago, I talked to Drunken about the team and how we needed Cwater. I told him again Cwater wanted to be on the team and you should send him a Inv to the chat. He tells me Cwater blocked him on steam but Cwater doesn't have him blocked. When I told him Cwater didn't have him blocked he said no. Movement and Armada agreed Drunken should let Cwater back on the team and just get over what happened. Of course drunken said no. Last night I talked to Drunken about what options he had with the team. I gave him 3 choices of A). Let Cwater back on the team and sort the issues out, B). step down from the team, or C). Be a FA (Idk if he heard me tell him this or not). When I talked to the mods about what happen they pretty much agreed that both of them should stop bitching and just play together. I didn't want to kick Cwater out the league because of the fact that he wanted to still play on the team and didn't want him in FA since it would be unfair to every other team in the league if a first round guy was in FA (which would mean a team would have 2 first round picks). I don't get why Drunken is saying I couped him when I gave him options but I thought I was being fair with him about the situation. The guy picked Cwater any-though they had some type of "beef" in the past which I didn't get why. I am still willing to let Drunken back on the team and play or become a FA if he wants to. I didn't get the chance to tell him since he blocked me on steam. I just wanted to tell people what happen since he is trying to make me look bad. I thought I was being fair and am still will give him the chance to play on the team or in the league again.

cytiuz it is your time to step up as captain and coup nickcole as he coup'd me

funniest thing to ever come out of this regiment

Fucking love that guy. RIP he was the fasted rec to leave

I must inform yolo swag to use the smoke from the guns to cover his wheelchair, brb


The Mess Hall / Re: 2019 NW Awards
« on: January 06, 2020, 10:25:35 pm »
I am very happy to see Olafson as the most influential Person 2019. He truly deserves that title.

Ok bill

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