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Messages - maskmanmarks

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 ... 271
This is a great regiment thumbs up!

Thanks *thumbs up*

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 1 | Swiss
« on: September 15, 2023, 08:17:41 am »

1Ls and 2Ws

both wins and losses we take in stride

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: Ciom's Evaluation (Polish edition)
« on: August 24, 2023, 04:22:04 am »
Japierdole jzu ten jebany grzyb bzbk musial po angielsku napisac zeby pokazac jaki jest swiatowy i znany na scenie pocaluj sie irl tftf

miss u

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Re: Ciom's Evaluation (Polish edition)
« on: August 23, 2023, 07:03:52 pm »
Missing Ari!!

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: 7v7 Low-Mid Tournament [27/8]
« on: August 23, 2023, 04:22:07 pm »
Team Signup
Captain Steam Link:
Team Name: TBE
MightyPaiN - 1237787
Lefevre_Charles - GUID
Nedim - GUID
Tomppa - GUID
Yovko - GUID
have you read and agreed to the rules yes

welcome back

The Mess Hall / Re: Python's Evaluation
« on: August 23, 2023, 04:21:45 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

LeBrave falling from grace? I don't know what kinda drugs uve been taking

Falling? Fell

At least he has an RGL to his name.
Some people don't even have that  :P

The Mess Hall / Re: Python's Evaluation
« on: August 23, 2023, 12:30:30 pm »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

I mean you could include LeBrave in 'Admirable and Accomplished', but in recent times he should be in Python's new category 'biggest falls from grace'. On a real though, different categories would have different players because categories are subjective and are completely different from one another? Unless you would put LeBrave in 'If they started earlier'? Use your brain IDIOT

LeBrave falling from grace? I don't know what kinda drugs uve been taking

Community / Re: Napoleonic Wars - Current state - almost dead?
« on: August 23, 2023, 05:01:27 am »
50+ regiments maybe true at a stretch but the 5 biggest regiments  (at least) full strength would bring more players than 50 5 man regiments. (Talking about 2018+)

It's just a shame that huge staple international regiments, other than 33rd and maybe 16th, have died, regiments like 92nd, 17th/40th - in its short time, 45thN of course, 32nd and 19th just haven't been replaced.

Also regiments exclusive to their nations have died out, not only looking at the 3pp in the Polish scene/ or the 98e in Turkey or the VG/14e in France but also there used to be tons of regiments from seriously niche countries back in 2015 onwards, that'd bring huge numbers. I remember a Hungarian as well as a Romanian regiment bringing 30-40+ each daily to my line battles. Also the DDA from Denmark!

Nice to see Deluge popping though :)

The Mess Hall / Re: Python's Evaluation
« on: August 23, 2023, 04:48:57 am »
Mentioning Fietta and not even including LeBrave in this is criminal

You must've had your cock jammed in Fietta's mouth for the longest of times

Get involved
stfu, you haven't been involved in ages...
Wolf, Pumti and Jam are the real OG's, since they are the only ones trying to keep this shit alive. (don't know how many people still attend, bc I only come by once a month)

If I'm not involved why am I in the NWSC groupfighting roster for SF  :o

But in all seriousness - yes Wolf Pumti and Jam do carry the regiment nowadays, they're there true OGs

missing you drop by more often

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Nottinghamshire Pew Pews Series (NPP)
« on: August 18, 2023, 06:48:13 pm »
NPP with a gold palmares once again after a while  ;D

NPP ♥️


he already got one beating your asss in RGL duffuss

my ass? I don't remember playing

probs w alf on the bench then

Get involved

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