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Messages - Aternox

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Events / Re: 24th Foot Battle Event
« on: February 01, 2017, 11:13:28 pm »
Current lineup for Saturday 4th:
24th Regiment of Foot (AZW): 6-8 (Line)
63rd Regiment of Foot (NW): 10-15 (Line)

We realise that 6pm GMT isn't a great time and we're trying to find one that's more suitable for NW regiments to come along but different groups have different start times like for training, different finish times with debriefings, N&S events etc. But, we'll try and find a permanent time for this. If you want to come along you can suggest a time that fits your group between 5:30 and 8:00pm GMT start times and we might be able to arrange something (By default it's still 6)

+Change: Groups may now change troops between rounds at their own will if there are spare slots in that troop and new matching troop rule would apply

EDIT: +Change: Event is currently now 8pm GMT!

Events / Re: 24th Foot Battle Event
« on: January 24, 2017, 06:57:38 pm »
Regiment name: 63rd (West suffolk) Regiment of foot
Preferred troop: Line and Light
Leader/Represenative steam name/link: [63rd] Skitty / [63rd] Flaming arrow
Expected attendance: 10 + For line / 5+ For light
Read and agreed to the rules: Yes
Accepted 63rd

Also for anyone else, currently all groups are currently signing up for once-off attendance until we fix this event with permanent times, rules etc.

Good luck with this Aternox!
Thanks Finn, I'm going to need it!

Lineup for Saturday 28th w/ expected attendance:
24th Regiment (AZW): 8 (Line)
63rd Regiment (NW): 15-20 (Line + Lights)
EDIT: 67th KGL (NW): 8-12 (Line)

EDIT: Accepted 67thKGL, today is now full

Events / 24th Foot Battle Event
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:51:47 pm »
Not a fancy thread I'm afraid but should tell you everything you need to know:

The 24th AZWR Regiment (UK/EU based) is now opening our Saturday 8pm (UK time event) for other regiments to come join. This is almost always a VS bots event. Our regiment is small but we are just going to get some events going with other regiments invited while our own group lasts, especially since there are no other open EU events for this mod

Event structure

We start a map with 150 bots on the Zulu team (if there are too many to begin with the games lags out) and each win adds +100 bots, until 350 bots max. After the 3rd-5th round we start a new map and repeat with the bots at 150 again. IF gameplay was noticibly too easy for the brits at the 350 bots round(s), the map is changed deliberately to one that increases difficulty. We may also invite a regiment to play on the Zulu faction (non sharpshooter) and give the brits a sapper later on to change things up a bit.

Map Pool
Rorkes Drift
Old map - Rorkes Drift v1
Old map - Rorkes Drift v2
Old map - Isandlwana
Random maps (Random Desert, etc.)
A few custom maps

General Rules
  • Common sense rules apply (eg be respectful, don't rambo, etc. - ask if in doubt....)
  • Under 5 men left = Join a new line (Incl. Cav)
  • Infantry and Cavalry must move out in line/columns
  • Show a level of sportsmanship whereby you don't exploit the bots (eg no cav herding the AI in circles)
  • No sappers unless there's a group assigned to the Zulu side
Troop specific Rules:
Line+Lights (Incl. Sailor+Naval captain)
  • No spacing in formations (except regiments that practise 1/2 pace standards)
  • Fire on charge is allowed. Other shooting should always be done with your line where possible, whether as a static line, a line retreating or grouped inside a building. If you are clearly able to be with your/a line but are shooting from a distance away it's considered rambo
  • Can only crouch for double ranks or behind cover
Rifles (Max 1 regiment/detatchment)
  • Can have up to 5 men spacing
  • Fire on charge is allowed. Other shooting should always be done with your line where possible, whether as a static line, a line retreating or grouped inside a building. If you are clearly able to be with your/a line but are shooting from a distance away it's considered rambo
  • Not allowed to use bayonets (balancing purpose like in NW and old AZW 0.4)
  • Max 1 Sgt troop
Cavalry (Max 1 regiment/detatchment or 2 if 1 is always dismounted)
  • May be asked to dismount immediately on maps that are heavily defensive based or if they are the last ones alive
  • Cannot fire while mounted
  • When dismounted have to follow rifles/skirms rules (including no bayonets when dismounted)
  • Can't use Winchester rifles
Artillery (Max 1 regiment/detatchment with 8 players max)
  • Max 2 cannons (Only one cannon can be replaced for a rocket launcher)
  • Max 4 artillery guards

The troop rules are subject to change

Groups may change troops between rounds at their own will if there are spare slots in that troop. New troop rule would apply

We ask that you bring a minimum of 5 people and leaders/representatives do not need to join our TS. Our server is currently 60 slots - we wouldn't accept more than 60 as the number of bots needed is far too laggy. Finally, if your group complies with the rules we should invite you to come to our event again

To signup do an application below or add me on Steam [24th] Peter Falk

The upcoming weekly lineups (roster) are usually shown in this thread's comments

Signup template
Regiment name:
Preferred troop:
Leader/Represenative steam name/link:
Expected attendance:
Read and agreed to the rules:

Servers / Re: ☠ Mininaval [Admin applications open]
« on: November 10, 2016, 06:25:58 pm »
Can the friendly fire settings on this server be altered/auto kick turned on please? After playing today it was way too easy for trolls to sabotage their own team by TKing with the 100% FF (not to mention trolls kicking artillerists and sabotaging the direction of the steering on the boats). The server logs show all the mass TKers and hopefully you will ban them...?

It's a huge shame that for once there were players on (~25+) the mod experience was destroyed by trolls

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:23:29 pm »

Looking great! Is there a new estimated release time?

North & South: First Manassas / Re: I cannot join servers!
« on: October 15, 2016, 08:45:38 pm »
Please write the name of the north and south folder exactly as written in your Modules folder.
(By default the Modules folder is found C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules )

Also, write what steps you take to open up the game with the mount and blade:warband launcher

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte - The English Civil War
« on: September 19, 2016, 05:07:43 pm »
Looking good with details like white cuffs! I think there is a way to alter the shading on the arms on the models to make them look more curved (so you can't see the individual planes from the model mesh), but I'm afraid you'd have to ask a good modder what would have to be done to do that

Modifications / Re: Have a question about Modding? Ask Here!
« on: September 08, 2016, 01:19:17 pm »
Anyone know if the module.txt file is all 'set in stone' client side? or can it be server side altered?
#missiles with damage > shield_penetration_offset + shield_penetration_factor * shield
#will penetrate.

shield_penetration_offset = 5.0
shield_penetration_factor = 3.0

#setting speed_power to 2.0 makes damage scale with the square of missile's speed.
# you can set it to 1.0 to make it scale linearly as it was before.
missile_damage_speed_power = 1.9;
melee_damage_speed_power = 2.0;

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: AZWR Screen tearing patch
« on: April 24, 2016, 08:09:02 pm »
hmm..I'm not sure if its your operating system but do check you have just the zulu_elder.brf and not the "Readme".

Edit: if not I'll look into getting another download for you...

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: AZWR Screen tearing patch
« on: April 24, 2016, 07:51:40 pm »
You don't need to open the file, just find your AZW Reloaded folder, and then open the Resource folder and save the zulu_elder.brf in there making sure it overwrites the old zulu_elder.brf

The Anglo-Zulu War / Putting your NW server on AZW
« on: April 18, 2016, 07:41:29 pm »
After a few requests asking how to put your server on AZW (or a different module) I'm just going to put a very brief guide how to do this here

Putting your NW server on AZW Reloaded (or a different module)

1. Copy and paste your AZW Reloaded folder (or mod file) into the Modules folder in your server files.

2. Find and open the file NW_Sample_Battle.txt (or gamemode of your choice, in AZW you want battle). Make sure you have the server details done correctly. The lines set_admin_pass, set_server_name and set_welcome_message must not have a # symbol on those lines. There are customisation options further down in this guide for this file. After checking/customising, save and close.

3. Right click on the file NW_Sample_Battle_start.bat and click edit. You should be able to see the single line: mb_warband_dedicated.exe -r NW_Sample_Battle.txt -m Napoleonic Wars. Simply change the Napoleonic Wars to AZW Reloaded (or the name of your mod shown on its folder) spelt exactly to be -m AZW Reloaded

 4. Run the NW_Sample_Battle_start.bat (or gamemode of choice start file) and it will be up in AZW Reloaded

I'll make this mini guide a little clearer later...possibly including the server from scratch tutorial

Server load options for AZW Reloaded
  • Remove the default faction lines and add the lines below for Factions automatically loaded as Brit vs Zulu. This stops factions switching/randomising after a round as well.
    #adding less nations will reduce the randomization set (used in set_randomize_factions command)
    add_factions fac_britain fac_britain
    add_factions fac_france fac_france

    set_randomize_factions 0
    set_factions fac_britain fac_france
  • Below the line set_max_players, add the lines below for: allowing team stack, no friendly fire, mouse controlled block direction and no class limits
    set_auto_team_balance_limit 7
    set_friendly_fire 0
    set_melee_friendly_fire 0
    set_control_block_direction 1
    use_class_limits 0
  • You can also choose to have ban and faction voting removed with the lines below (only use this with the factions permanently set to Brits vs Zulu)
    set_ban_voteable 0
    set_factions_voteable 0

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: Single Player?
« on: March 22, 2016, 02:20:28 am »
The dev for AZW Reloaded has moved on to Blood and Iron I'm afraid. However, the Blood and Iron mod (which is also multiplayer) is set in the late 19th Century so it may be of interest to you...

The Anglo-Zulu War / Re: Problem with install
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:54:07 pm »
Either go through these steps:

- Right click on Mount & Blade: Warband on steam and select view CD key.
Copy the Napoleonic Wars serial code or keep it open.

- Click Start > Run
- Enter regedit, right click to open with administrative rights
- A new window will open, browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > MountAndBladeWarbandKeys
- Search the entry, serial_key_nw,
- If it doesent exist, make a string value with that name and enter your cd key there.
- make sure that the value is the same as your CD key. Also make sure that the key is separated correctly. Double click the entry and modify it until it is correct. Watch out for invisible spaces in the CD key.
- If you are done with that, close the Registry Window and start the installer, and have fun playing!

OR you need to copy and paste an AZW Reloaded that is already extracted

EDIT: you could install the mod on a different computer and then copy it over to the computer you want to use

The Anglo-Zulu War / AZWR Screen tearing patch + 24th Reskins
« on: March 06, 2016, 12:48:21 pm »
The screen tearing was being caused by a particular version of the elder Zulu warrior that didn't load some attached props properly. I have made a simple patch to make the props load properly. This fix has been tested.

So there will be no more of this:

You must save the zulu_elder.brf file in your Resource folder which is located in the AZW Reloaded module folder. You must allow it to replace the old zulu_elder.brf file



Skins on the side: here are 2 basic reskins of the 24th Regiment for anyone interested. 1st is a basic ZULU (1964) film reskin and 2nd is slightly more historical 24th:

Basic ZULU film reskin/retexture (be aware for the helmet edit, most units in game have to have the helmet plate (badge))

Sergeant (Film actually has Chevrons on left for some reason, didn't seem worth replicating)

Officer (Just Bromheads uniform with helmet on your own character)

CSgt Bourne


The README.txt is the download instructions

Historical 24th Reskin
Ranker (with 24 on epaulettes)

Sergeant in reduced marching order

Officer in India Pattern Frock (Cuff detail of Lieut.)


The README.txt is the download instructions

21st Royal Scots Fusiliers Reskin (Replaces 91st Regiment)

Officer in India Pattern Frock (Cuff detail of Capt.)


Includes the blue lines fix


Maps on the side: here are basic maps (fun but not visually great) to replace the unused blank maps 1-4 and a few others:

Blank Map 1 (Remake of a 0.4 classic)

Blank map 2 (1964 ZULU Rorkes Drift)

Blank map 3

Blank map 4

Isandlwana (Replaces 'Isandlwana' - THIS is an event size map)

Final outpost (Replaces 'Intombe' - fun/fictional map from NW)


Full map download (scenes.txt needs to go in AZW Reloaded Folder, .obj files need to go in SceneObj folder):

If you do not want to overwrite certain maps, just copy out the selected terrain codes in scenes.txt file here and copy the terrain codes to your regular scenes.txt

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