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Messages - FreyrDS

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Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official - Admin Apps Open
« on: November 22, 2020, 07:05:11 pm »

Belgians are needed for diversity and to represent the European ideals of peace and brotherhood.

There may have been some small errors in the past but it's all a part of a neverending process of self-improvement.

Servers / Re: ♞ Cavalry Groupfighting Official - Admin Apps Open
« on: November 22, 2020, 05:03:27 pm »
Name: FreyrDS
Unique GUID: 837710
Steam profile link:
How active can you be?: Depends on the season. During exams activity will drop. But since I have no life whatsoever nothing is stopping me from being very active. Also depends on how dead the community will get since it has a tendency to die out for a few months and then return out of nowhere.
Why do you want this role?: To feel important and wanted in society, stop people from trolling and put heavies in their place. I also feel it is important that the admin staff does not solely exist out of Germans, Frenchmen and Brits. Belgians are needed for diversity and to represent the European ideals of peace and brotherhood.
Do you have any relevant admin experience?: Been a vital part of the admin team on the actual decent cav gf for several years. I am a gentle and peaceful admin but I also do not tolerate disrespect, t-bagging and racial slurs. I believe that banter is important and will not immediately slay anyone unless I know what they are saying is supposed to be intentionally harmful.

Six Nations Championship / Re: ♞ [SNC-2020] Discussion Thread
« on: November 22, 2020, 04:20:10 pm »
too much drama
Not enough. I'm still missing the "monkeys with sticks" aspect of the FSE drama, but I suspect we might have to wait untill the final matches for that goldmine of salt.

Six Nations Championship / Re: ♞ [SNC-2020] Discussion Thread
« on: November 21, 2020, 09:27:59 pm »
Good match Deutschland, expected to get gangraped but we put up a better fight than expected. Was a pleasure.

Not a fan of the referee today I must sadly admit. I can excuse not knowing how cav 1v1s work but to then insult as by saying things like "are you mad because you got raped" I find unprofessional. We were only bantering with our Germanic brethren and to then be treated like that is simply unacceptable.

Overall a good match despite a tiny bit of delaying at the start but nothing of value was lost since time is all relative anyway.

Six Nations Championship / Re: ♞ [SNC-2020] Discussion Thread
« on: November 17, 2020, 03:11:19 pm »
Freyr got done dirty 🤣

I was blessed to be represented by the legendary Samson, our Lord and Saviour.

Cavalry League / Re: Discussion
« on: November 08, 2020, 10:03:56 pm »

Cavalry League / Re: Discussion
« on: September 25, 2020, 11:59:53 am »
While you are having this absolutely pointless discussion, the children in Aless' basement are starving! Please think of the children!

Cavalry League / Re: Discussion
« on: September 25, 2020, 01:37:46 am »

Benelux has 0 language difficulties Dragon. We all speak Dutch lad. Also naz has been playing for like... 2 years max xD hes the least veteran in the team

Ilypa and Freyr also speak dutch? :O

60% of the country does, so big odds we do too.

Will you let this game die ffs

There's a reason I never liked native in the first place. Too many overpowered players who have shields and arrows. Anyway, congrats to Spain for winning the whole thing. Too bad BNL wasn't as strong as last year, we would have easily won this whole thing (Sarcasm). I think the best thing we can do is just forget this whole thing ever existed in the first place and try to enjoy NW and the rest of MB now that the game is still alive.

Looks like Benelux is going to have an impressive team!
Can't wait to win this thing.

Application for Team Player,
Your Name: FreyrDS
Your Steam Name (please give a link):
Your Nation: Benelux (Tho I'd prefer Belgium but what can we do about it :/)

Nickname: FreyrDS
Steamname: FreyrDS
GUID: 837710
How active can you be: Nearly every day. Altough I can be more active during the weekend and on wednesdays and fridays.
Current Regiment/Clan: 8thKRH
Adminexperience: None :/
Why do you want this role: I have been playing on cav gf for over 3 years and I think I know wich things are allowed and wich aren't. I think I have enough experience on the server to become an admin.

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