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Messages - Desant

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M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Teams & Free Agents
« on: October 22, 2023, 04:01:14 pm »
Team Name: Renaissance
Player(s) to add:
@529287 #Felociraptor

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Questions & Suggestions
« on: October 21, 2023, 01:42:22 pm »
Stoiky stop cry about me or LTT u are nothing on this community just LGBT femboy L2 player try to have this place here
Why are nearly all of your posts on this forum retarded nonsense?
if my all post is retarded nonsense why u answer then ?

you proved him right


Player Application :

Nickname: Desant
Steam Contact (Link required):
GUIDs : 840822

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 4 | Swiss
« on: October 07, 2023, 12:17:44 pm »
Renaissance 16 11 Nr59

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 4 | Swiss
« on: October 05, 2023, 06:11:15 pm »
Match: Renaissance vs Nr59
Date & Time: 06/10/23 8 GMT
Server Number (1-4): 1

arranging on Thursday? how ridiculous! should be done by early on Wednesday surely?
Don't embarrass yourself, you idiot.

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 4 | Swiss
« on: October 05, 2023, 03:14:06 pm »
Match: Renaissance vs Nr59
Date & Time: 06/10/23 8 GMT
Server Number (1-4): ger 1

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Questions & Suggestions
« on: October 02, 2023, 07:03:27 pm »
btw how to book a match when your opposant blocked you ?
But as far as I know, Tommy is arranging a match with you, so that shouldn't be a problem

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC | Questions & Suggestions
« on: October 02, 2023, 06:56:43 pm »
btw how to book a match when your opposant blocked you ?

Team Name: Renaissance
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Desant
Did you read all the rules and accept them?:
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 10 max):

Desant | 840822
Twister | 1783914
Raime | 1722460
Lis | 1149934
Xodok | 1803585
Vegi | 1223304
LaPache | 1831699
Yoda | 838879
Tommy | 1916824


looking for players

last updated

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 3 | Swiss
« on: October 01, 2023, 11:58:26 am »
man has no concept of time, thinks i should be at my pc all night, morning and afternoon to reply when movement messages at 1am to say we have to play tomorrow

Indeed, three days is not enough to reply to one message. And when did you plan to write to him and arrange a match? Friday or Saturday?
I don't understand why you're writing this here. You can discuss it with your friends all you want, but there's no point in writing it here. Have your tournaments and dictate your rules as you want, but as long as this is our tournament, you will do what we want you to do

Team Name: Renaissance
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Desant
Did you read all the rules and accept them?:
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 10 max):

| Desant
| Lisowczyk
| MarxeiL
| Raime
| Tw1st[eR]*
| Vegi
| Xodok


looking for players

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 3 | Swiss
« on: September 30, 2023, 10:28:44 pm »
No body ignored movement. I told him to message gibby OR giorno on monday i guess. Gibby couldnt answer him so why didnt he messaged giorno? But its obvious that this is to much for your room temperature iq desant
You have to write three players to organise a match with you, do you think that's normal? Why did he put himself down as captain then?

Stop crying mates, if you don't like it, don't play.

no one ignored - gibby replies in 3 days

Writing 3 guys is done in 1 min

But none of these guys could write to sir Movement to arrange a match  :o

Team Name: Renaissance
Team Captain (Steam Link required): Desant
Did you read all the rules and accept them?:
Roster (IDs/Nations required, 10 max):

| Desant
| Freedom
| Lisowczyk
| MarxeiL
| Raime
| Tw1st[eR]*
| Vegi
| Xodok


M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 3 | Swiss
« on: September 30, 2023, 09:12:11 pm »
No body ignored movement. I told him to message gibby OR giorno on monday i guess. Gibby couldnt answer him so why didnt he messaged giorno? But its obvious that this is to much for your room temperature iq desant
You have to write three players to organise a match with you, do you think that's normal? Why did he put himself down as captain then?

Stop crying mates, if you don't like it, don't play.

no one ignored - gibby replies in 3 days

M.Tournaments Board / Re: NWMC S2 | Round 3 | Swiss
« on: September 29, 2023, 08:26:27 pm »
playing 6v5 after begging the admins to force us to play on a random weekday, crazy how desperate some ppl are to cheat for wins in 2023 😂


what's next? we gotta play 3v6 at 2am sharing 1 musket between us?

You shouldn't blame everyone else for your mistake. You put together this lineup of "friends" who can't make it to the match and agreed to play that day. Appreciate not only your time, but other people's time as well.
Don't create drama where you've failed yourself.

We didn’t agree to play that day, admins forced us to cuz we hadn’t arranged our match by the end of Tuesday (2 days in a 7 day matchweek btw)

you seem a bit confused about what could possibly be our fault when new rules get made up to disadvantage our team

This wouldn't have happened if you had responded to Sir Movement on Monday when he asked you what day you could play the match. Then two days later (Wednesday) you direct another player to decide when you can play the match, which sounds ridiculous. As I was told by the guys that Sir Giorno himself didn't mind playing on Thursday, he also said you didn't care and it was your mistake.

movement told me on wednesday he could only play on thursday, and before I'd gotten to my pc that same day I was messaged by stoiki that i was 'trying to gain an advantage' by not responding, which is ridiculous and gave me no window in which to find a solution

the matchweek is 25.09-01.10, but because I had not arranged by early on the 27th the admins can randomly set a date we have to play it? it's plainly biased, not even considering the very dubious claim by the opposing team that they can't field 6 people on any date other than thursday. we would have been happy to play 5v5, as is in the rules, on another date :)

You don't think that's an advantage? When you ignore him for three game days?
You sent Sir Giorno to handle the situation and he agreed to play on Thursday. Why couldn't you have gone and handled it yourself? Don't pass the buck.
And yes, we can set the date ourselves if the captains can't agree when to play, like we did in the first season.

This rule was not created for you to initially assign a 5v5 match.
to play 5v5 on purpose when the tournament format is 6v6, you're a genius.
Two days. Like I mentioned already, movement only told me on Wednesday that he “needed” to play on Thursday, and before I got to my pc the same day stoiki messaged me to say I was “trying to get an unfair advantage”. Sound normal to you? Giorno did not “agree” to play Thursday, he was told if we don’t play on an arbitrary early weekday we’d lose by default. Sound normal to you? If captains don’t agree, the default day is usually Sunday, or there’s an extension to Monday or Tuesday, instead we had to play extremely early into the matchweek. Sound normal to you? When we asked to be allowed an emergency sub so we could have enough people for this randomly assigned day, we were also denied.

I’m not sure why you are pretending that the response of the admins was normal when it goes against pretty much all the standard solutions in a situation like this.

And yes, I’m not sure if you’ve read your rule page but we can play 5v5 if both teams agree, and we would have had no problem doing that if the other team had scheduling issues. That sounds like exactly the sort of use case the rule was created for? Unfortunately movement’s team don’t have quite the same sportsmanship

Yes, by default the match is scheduled for Sunday. But you didn't even try to write down what days you can play on. You recognised your opponent on Sunday. But you did nothing to organise this match in FOUR days. Why should sir Movement, after three days of ignoring you and losing game days, make concessions? Do you really want the admins to waste time figuring out who can play on what days? You should have talked to sir Movement and not let this situation get to the admins. But since you didn't care, the admins leaned towards sir Movement's team.

Everyone knew there was a 7v7 tournament on Sunday, Friday and Saturday were not game days as usual. If you had responded earlier, you could have tried to play Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

And yes, the rules don't say that teams can agree to play 5v5.

I don't care if it goes against your standards. No one is forcing you to play this tournament, especially I don't understand why there is so much stink if you are playing with "friends". You can pull out a gun and find me if you need to.
You are adding days now. Being disingenuous like that makes it obvious you are not confident in your position, and your insistence that the rules don’t allow teams to agree to play 5v5 demonstrates your lack of understanding of what they say.

Monday and Tuesday, two days, I didn’t reply. On Wednesday movement told me he needed to play Thursday, and later that day - again, as I have to keep repeating because you don’t want it to be true - with almost no time to respond, before I had gotten to my pc that day, I was told by stoiki that I was “trying to gain an unfair advantage” by not replying and we were forced to play the next day. There was almost no opportunity for me to engage with that before a decision was made, and the decision was made with no regard for fairness for our team. You’ve repeated this mantra about our team not really being “friends” several times, and I think each time you do you make your bias more obvious.

It’s possible to play before the tournament on Sunday - by the way, movement’s team are signed up for the Sunday tournament, but the admins accepted their claim they could only play on Thursday at face value? When it’s obviously untrue? It’s laughably poorly done

You don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. I am not trying to justify Tommy as I believe Tommy's decision was fair and correct. The decision's already been made. I don't see the point of further discussion.

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