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Messages - Sap

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Is the 5th coming back? Or?
sort of. yes.

Sort of? Just curious because i might be interested in joining.
I dont remember you fam. Did you go under a different alias at one point?

Yes, I think so but i do not remember my name.

Is the 5th coming back? Or?
sort of. yes.

Sort of? Just curious because i might be interested in joining.

Is the 5th coming back? Or?

Servers / Re: Tropical Paradise
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:09:20 pm »
Steam Name: Sap
In-game Name: Sap
Why you should be an administrator?: I want to be an administrator on Tropical Paradise because I feel I need to enforce the rules, I see a lot of people using racial slurs or abusing the rules when admins are not on at the moment. I feel as I'am a fair and honest person that I would do well as an admin on TP. I really enjoy the server and I want everyone else to enjoy It also without others spoiling the fun. Thank you for your time!
Previous Experience(If Any): I have been Admin on my previous Regiments servers as well as the 59th Jailbreak.
you already have posted an application on our steam group .-.

My bad, This was the first place I came to once I saw that admin applications were open.

Servers / Re: Tropical Paradise
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:43:25 am »
Steam Name: Sap
In-game Name: Sap
Why you should be an administrator?: I want to be an administrator on Tropical Paradise because I feel I need to enforce the rules, I see a lot of people using racial slurs or abusing the rules when admins are not on at the moment. I feel as I'am a fair and honest person that I would do well as an admin on TP. I really enjoy the server and I want everyone else to enjoy It also without others spoiling the fun. Thank you for your time!
Previous Experience(If Any): I have been Admin on my previous Regiments servers as well as the 59th Jailbreak.

Regiment still a thing?


Tywin, you kept coming near us like you wanted us to hit you. Please stop. You kept coming in front of us. We never went to you..

That is a simply a lie. Just by looking at the timestamps in the first two images, you can see that I was literally standing in the same spot for 20 seconds, waiting for him to go away.

Here is another screenshot of closer to the beginning of the round, when Sap began to follow me and stab...


I stabbed? So? I see know stabbing you in this image? I'm not the one lying here you did follow us and stand right besides us for the whole game. Like I said this is just ridiculous. I said my sorries and I will not do this again. It seems like you're just desperate to get me banned now. 

As for stabbing your horse, I have a pretty bad mouse and when I was holding my attack near your horse (I'll admit this was very stupid) my finger was still holding the LMB but my guy attacked.

Not exactly how this occurred. To elaborate, when I alt-tabbed back into my game, he weas crouching next to me, spamming his attack next to my horse. If I had tried to move out of the way, I'm sure I would have been hit.


The first few times the stabs managed to just barely miss me and hit the ground instead. Then he stabbed my horse and ran away; I don't think it could be called an accident and certainly not an unexpected outcome.

I don't really care about what happened and I'm not sure if it's deserving of a permaban, but I hope that at least they will stop doing these kinds of things on the server.

Tywin, you kept coming near us like you wanted us to hit you. Please stop. You kept coming in front of us. We never went to you. I mean is this really that big of a deal the worst we did was accidentally stab your horse. There was less then 10 people on server and we were just having a little bit of fun its not like im gonna go off and  team wound everyone i see. Kind of silly. But at the end i shouldn't of team wounded.

Ill admit, I did do some of these things, The horse one where i stabbed his horse was i can honestly say was an accident I wasn't planning on stabbing his horse I was trying to be funny and stand in front of his horse thinking I was going to stab him I  tried to slide it out of the way but it hit his horse, for that iam sorry. But is this really necessary to spend the time to upload this? When this happened there was no more then 6-8 people on the server and that is why i did it. I would never do this if the server was heavily populated. So i'm sorry for my actions

Regiments / Re: 82nd Prince of Wales' Volunteers
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:37:04 pm »
Good Luck.

Regiments / Re: Kgl. Würt. Infanterieregiment Nr.1 [EU] - Recruiting
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:45:01 am »
2 bad not NA ): Good Luck!

Regiments / Re: 1st Regiment of Janissaries EU Recruiting!
« on: March 03, 2016, 02:08:17 am »
EU has the best Regiments ): Good Luck!

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