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Messages - Mr Warlord

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Regiments / Re: 54th "West Norfolk" Regiment of foot
« on: April 26, 2018, 05:12:35 pm »
Right so i make a comment pointing out that you copied and pasted the 9e thread, so your response is to delete my comment?

You have to be coming up for DanTheMan level stupidity, grow a fucking pare of bollocks and respond to my comment rather that removing it like a child.
Why you even care lol

Firstly my post was not addressed to you so kindly remove yourself from the situation, Secondly Skitty 'SHOULD BE' more than capable of responding to me with out hiding behind a arsehole like you.

Please do not respond to this comment Vegi as it is not your concern.

Regiments / Re: 54th "West Norfolk" Regiment of foot
« on: April 26, 2018, 04:25:24 pm »
Right so i make a comment pointing out that you copied and pasted the 9e thread, so your response is to delete my comment?

You have to be coming up for DanTheMan level stupidity, grow a fucking pare of bollocks and respond to my comment rather that removing it like a child.

Regiments / Re: Nr.15 Infanterie-Regiment (I. Leibgarde battalion) EU
« on: April 25, 2018, 07:11:36 pm »
it was probably kids from skitty's regiment

Totally ye, you perm banned my reg from your server, how tf would they have been able to join in?!?!?!

Don't waste your breath sticking up for shitty people. You can't stick a flower in an arsehole and pretend it's a vase.

Regiments / Re: Nr.15 Infanterie-Regiment (I. Leibgarde battalion) EU
« on: April 25, 2018, 05:31:28 am »
It's not Bush Pirates Heinrich had some new recruits who started a mutiny against him and he blamed Bush Pirates!!!!

If i wanted to listen to an arsehole id fart, Now fuck off.  ::)

Regiments / Re: Nr.15 Infanterie-Regiment (I. Leibgarde battalion) EU
« on: April 20, 2018, 12:44:55 am »
4v4 on saturday along with a Line/Art event on sunday. Hope they'll be fun.

Will update roster later.

Name: Sam
Link Pls:
Regiment: 87th/Nr.87
Past Event Admin Experience: None, but would like to learn
GUID (For Whitelist): 1566387

Depending on which regs enter and whether there will be 2 leagues, I will enter my reg into EIC
The European Infantry Cup is a standard 2 stage tournament with the first stage being a Round Robin Group Stage followed by 2 back to back Play Offs with an upper and a lower bracket. There are 4 groups, A,B,C and D consisting of 4 regiment each. The top 2 placing regiments of each group will proceed to the single elimination knockout-Upper Bracket competing for first and second place. The remaining 2 regiments of each group will proceed to the lower knockout bracket to compete for third place.

Regiments / Re: Nr.15 Infanterie-Regiment (I. Leibgarde battalion) EU
« on: April 11, 2018, 10:06:03 pm »

Regiments / Re: 9e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère [EU]
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:23:40 pm »
We didn't even make it out of the pregnancy, FeelsBadMan.


Regiments / Re: 9e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère [EU]
« on: April 07, 2018, 09:18:43 pm »
RIP 9e

27th of August - 7th April

Events: EU / Re: 9e Friday Linebattle
« on: March 30, 2018, 07:04:57 pm »
Applying for a regiment in our Brigade

Regiment name: 96th Regiment of Foot "Queen's Own Germans"

Class: Line Infantry

Expected attendance: 10-15

Steam contact (1st- and 2nd-in-command):

Do you Agree to the set rules?: Yes

Do you wish to come once or weekly?: Weekly


Events: EU / Re: 9e Friday Linebattle
« on: March 28, 2018, 03:25:16 pm »
Regiment name: WGR
Expected attendance: 4-10
Steam contact (1st- and 2nd-in-command):
Do you Agree to the set rules?:yes
Do you wish to come once or weekly?: once

Regiment name: Junta Suprema Central
Class: Arty
Expected attendance: 4-8
Steam contact (1st- and 2nd-in-command):
Do you Agree to the set rules?: yes
Do you wish to come once or weekly?: weekly

Arty is full sorry

Comfortable win against the 2Lr, as it stands we are now the 2nd League champions  ;D

Congratulations on winning the League, well played.  :)

Good event, see you next week !  8)

Regiment Name: 9éme Régiment d'infanterie légère
Class (Line,Light): Lights
Expected attendance: 10-12
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Once for the moment maybe weekly
Regiment leader's Steam name (we prefer to have two contacts):
Have you read and do you agree to the rules ?: Yes

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