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Messages - JesterJc

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Regiments / Re: Official Regiment List
« on: July 23, 2016, 11:07:10 pm »
- Regiment Name : Bayerisches Freikorps
- Faction : Königreich Preußen
- Class : Light Infantry
- Based : NA/EU
- Thread Link :

Regiments / Bayerisches Freikorps - [NA/EU] *Recruiting!*
« on: July 23, 2016, 07:59:37 pm »
Bayerisches Freikorps


With Austria's defeat in the Austro-Prussian War, the northern German states quickly unified into the North German Confederation, with Prussia's King leading the state. Bavaria's previous inhibitions towards Prussia changed, along with those of many of the south German states, after French emperor Napoleon III began speaking of France's need for "compensation" from its loss in 1814 and included Bavarian-held Palatinate as part of its territorial claims. Ludwig II joined an alliance with Prussia, in 1870, against France, which was seen by Germans as the greatest enemy to a united Germany. At the same time, Bavaria increased its political, legal, and trade ties with the North German Confederation. In 1870, war erupted between France and Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War. The Bavarian Army was sent under the command of the Prussian crown prince against the French army.

-The Franco-Prussian War Mod-

For mod purposes we are a light infantry rifle Regiment and operate as such on the battle field. A strong sense of duty and discipline drives us forward, without order there is chaos. The Regiment strives itself upon its excellence in sharpshooting ability, picking the enemy off from afar. Just like our motto “Mess with the best, we’ll put a bullet in your chest.”

♔✠-Bayerisches Freikorps-✠♔

The Bayerisches Freikorps is a realism unit based in Blood and Iron a Mount and Blade Napoleonic Wars Modification. The unit is focused around playing the game to a serious level, and concentrating on a high level of team work. Here at the BFK, we condone only players who strive for realism and sheer team work to succeed in game.

Our unit has a solid rank structure based around that of The Bavarian Army of the Franco-Prussian War. We implement these ranks into the Regiment which encourages strategy, and tactics on the field of battle and gives everyone the sense of achievement and commitment on getting a better rank through success on the fields of battle.

We welcome all new players to the Bayerisches Freikorps, and hope you will be enlisting to fight out on the front with the men of the Bayerisches Freikorps.

-Rules-(Apply to Events)
- Have respect for other members
- Trolling will Not be tolerated
- Listen to your Officers
- No speaking out of line or over commanding Officers
- Above all Have fun!

Rank Structure- (Bavarian/Abbreviation)
- Colonel = Oberst = Obst
- Major = Major = Maj
- Captain = Hauptmann = Hptm
- 1st Lieutenant = Oberleutnant = OLt
- Lieutenant = Leutnant = Lt
- Sergeant First Class = Oberfeldwebel = OFw
- Sergeant = Sergent = Sgt
- Corporal = Korporal = Kpl
- Lance Corporal = Schützenkorporal = SKpl
- Private First Class = Gefreiter = Gefr
- Private = Schütze = Sch
- Volunteer = Freiwilliger = Frw

Specialist Classes- (Bavarian/Abbreviation)
- Engineer = Pionier = Pio
- Medic = Sanitäter = San
- Quartermaster = Quartiermeister = Qm

Contact Info

                  Reply to this thread:


Last Edited - August 30th, 2016

Union / 1st Delaware Regiment [NA] - New Thread!
« on: July 20, 2016, 11:33:46 pm »
Welcome to the 1st Delaware Regiment!

The 1st Regiment Delaware Volunteer Infantry was a United States volunteer infantry regiment raised for Union Army service in the American Civil War. Part of the II Corps it served in the Eastern Theater of the American Civil War.
90-Day Volunteers
When the Civil War began in April 1861, there were only about 16,000 men in the U.S. Army, and many Southern soldiers and officers were already resigning and joining the new Confederate States Army. With this drastic shortage of men in the army, President Abraham Lincoln called on the states to raise a force of 75,000 volunteers for three months to put down the insurrection in the South. Accordingly, the 1st Delaware was raised at Wilmington, Delaware on May 22, 1861 and mustered into Federal service on May 28. The regiment comprised 37 officers and 742 enlisted men under the command of Colonel Henry H. Lockwood.
The original Field & Staff were:
Colonel: Henry H. Lockwood
Lieutenant Colonel: John W. Andrews
Major: Robert Lamott
Surgeon: R. W. Johnson
Assistant-Surgeon: James Knight
Adjutant: Lieutenant W. P. Seville
Quartermaster: H. Alderdice
The original Company Commanders were:
Co. A (Delaware Blues): Cpt. Evans Watson
Co. B: Cot. Charles Lamott
Co. C: Cpt. James Bare
Co. D: Cpt. James Green
Co. E (Wilmington Rifles): Cpt. Robert Mulligan
Co. F: Cpt. Thomas Crossley
Co. G (Sussex Volunteers): Cpt. J. Rodney Layton
Co. H: Cpt. S.H. Jenskins
Co. I: Cpt. James Leonard
Co. K: Cpt. Smith
The regiment was attached to the command of Major General John Dix ('Dix's Command", Department of the Potomac) and assigned to duty along the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. The regiment mustered out on August 30, 1861.

3-Years Volunteers
On July 22, 1861, the United States Congress authorized a volunteer army of 500,000 men. When in August the enlistment term for the regiment ended a new 1st Regiment was raised for a term of three years at Wilmington, Delaware between September 10 and October 19, 1861. This time the regiment had 37 officers and 846 enlisted men under the command of Colonel John W. Andrews.
The Field & Staff were:
Colonel: John W. Andrews
Lieutenant Colonel: 0. Hopkinson
Major: Thomas A. Smyth
Surgeon: D. W. Maull
Chaplain: Thomas G. Murphey
Assistant-Surgeon: S. D. Marshall
Adjutant: First Lieutenant W. P. Saville
Quartermaster: First Lieutenant T. Y. England
Sergeant-Major: James Lewis
Quartermaster's Sergeant: Frank Wilson
Commissary Sergeant: Charles S. Sehocffer
Hospital Steward: Archibald D. O'Mera
Drum-Major: Patrick Dooley
The Company Commanders were:
Co. A: Cpt. Evans S. Watson
Co. B: Cpt. James Leonard
Co. C: Cpt. Neal Ward
Co. D: Cpt. Enoch J. Smithers
Co. E: Cpt. Edward P. Harris
Co. F: Cpt. Daniel Woodall
Co. G: Cpt. Allen Shortledge
Co. H: Cpt. John B. Tanner
Co. I: Cpt. Charles Lesper
Co. K: Cpt. Thomas Crassley

Veteran Volunteers
On July 1, 1864 the 3 years enlistment would have ended and the regiment would be mustered out. Instead in July 1863 the men, still having nine months of their enlistment left, got the chance to reenlist for another 3 years from now on. On December 19, 1863, three quarters of the regiment reenlisted. The 1st Delaware was upgraded to veteran status as 1st Delaware Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The 1st Delaware claimed to be first regiment in the Union to receive the coveted veteran status.
In April 1864 the 1st Delaware absorbed the remnants of the 2nd Delaware Infantry, a number of recruits and veterans with two complete companies.

TheDoctor found the North and South mod and he, in the 63e at the time, decided to make a regiment in the Dixieland Army for him and some friends. They started playing North and South more and more often. The 63e gave them a warning saying not to skip events and play the mod. Eventually the 63e banned everyone who attended these NaS events. Although they still played NaS, they created their own reg for NW. Eventually merging into the 34th and slowly everyone left NW and came to NaS for good. The 11thMS grew and got bigger, however the colonel, TheDoctor disappeared presumably for school. Without any leadership and people going inactive by the day. Cago split from the 11thMS and created the 13th Vermont and took any active members still in the 11thMS willing to join. This is considered the Golden Age in this timeline. The 13thVT got big and things were going great. Soon however, the rule was changed in the DA to not allow Skirmishers to bring bayonets anymore. A line company was created by JesterJc to help protect the main Skirm line. Things heated up between the 2 companies, each one getting more and more angry at the other. Eventually things boiled over and the Line company left to create the 24th Missouri. Both regiments were great friends but also bitter rivals. The 13thVT was in a slow decline, and eventually talk of merging together to bring back that Golden Age was everywhere. On January 28th they officially merged together to form the 1st Delaware! Cago, the colonel, disappeared and no one knew what happend to him until about a month after he was gone. The way things were set up in the 1stDE was broken, it was designed to be fair to everyone but was the exact opposite. Jayden left the regiment, Mageus was elected the new Colonel in the absence of Cago. Levy started talking to people in the 1st Delaware including the Lieutenant Colonel, JesterJc. The regiment took a vote to leave the DA for the ANV, the vote passed and everyone except 4 people left to the ANV. A while went by until JesterJc saw the error he had made and left Levy, he created the Western Sharpshooters-14thMissouri. Things were great and he wanted to go back to the 1stDE but did not want to lose his company he cared so much about. Mageus offered him the merge back and told Jester he could keep his company of Sharpshooters. Things were Reformed to make things better and do what the original 1stDE never could. Now the goal is to build upon this past and learn from what worked and what didn't. Now we plan on building towards War of Rights! 

Officer Ranks:          NCO Ranks:          Enlisted Ranks:         
  • Colonel
  • Captain
  • 1st Lieutenant
  • 2nd Lieutenant
  • Sergeant Major
  • First Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Corporal
  • Private First Class
  • Veteran Private
  • Private
  • Recruit
  • Volunteer

Total Roster Size - 50

TheDoctor has recently moved to Israel for a while due to his father in the military. We don't know for sure how long he will be gone but I will update this thread for now on! Doc will be missed and we will be waiting upon his return, he has been through everything that has happend and he deserves a medal for it! See ya round Doc!

Last Updated July 20th, 2016

Union / Re: 1st Colorado Volunteer Infantry
« on: June 03, 2016, 11:41:36 pm »

I personally don't think it should be banned, its freedom of speech and the supreme court should have stepped in and said that. In the Skokie case of 1977. The supreme court ruled that the the Swastika was representing freedom of speech.

National Socialist Party of America v. Skokie, Illinois historical info:
In the 1977 case, the National Socialist Party of America wanted to hold a Nazi rally, law enforcement stepped in and stopped it. Keep in mind Skokie is a dominantly Jewish town. This case went all the way to the supreme court and the supreme court ruled that the Swastika itself is a form of freedom of speech.

If they allow the Swastika to be allowed as a freedom of speech then I think that the flag should be allowed to fly wherever it wants to be flown. It's also the fact, do we want to get rid of the flag and erase that part of our past? I don't think it should be banned also because it represents a civil war that took place roughly 85 year after the birth of the USA. It should stand to remind us not to go down that path again.

Plus the Civil War was a huge help in in the end of slavery (I know that the civil war didn't officially end slavery, but it put us on the path). Great Britain was the first country to end the slave trade. Then things like the Haitian revolution and our own civil war helped put the world on the path to no slavery. Also keep in mind that before the triangle trade of the Atlantic, slavery was not based upon race.

Okay I'm done rambling. If you want to talk more about to find me or reply or something.

Also sorry to revive this dead thread, I was scrolling through and saw it, I read through some of it and wanted to say something.

Foreign Intervention / Re: The Artardians
« on: May 24, 2016, 10:22:59 pm »
if this is the siege i think it is, then i'd like to say that its very stupid when a line moves out in 3 (like your rules state). Then they get hit by a cannonball and only 1-2 remaining. Then they just continue charging the wall as they're normally close to it, but then they get called out by an admin for rambo even though they can't control whether they get hit by a cannonball or not.
You slayed me and my guys multiple times without realizing we had just been shot, or a cannonball hit us, we moved out in lines of 3.

And good luck doc :D

Union / Re: The 54th Massachusetts is recruiting
« on: May 24, 2016, 07:34:14 pm »
not really but he can use it
okay thanks man :D

Union / Re: The 54th Massachusetts is recruiting
« on: May 24, 2016, 06:50:56 pm »
is this reg still alive?

(helping a friend, and he wants to know but is too lazy to create an account for the forums)

Union / Re: 1st Colorado Cavalry
« on: May 15, 2016, 05:22:05 pm »
good luck jayden cakes

Union / Re: Union Regiment List
« on: May 14, 2016, 06:39:13 am »
Regiment Name: John Brown's Raiders & Runaways
Regiment Tag: JBRR
Class:Skirmishers and Sharpshooter
Thread Link:
We changed name to Western Sharpshooters-14th Missouri
New Tags: WSS
Same thread link, class, and based.

Union / Re: Army of the Tennessee (Official Thread)[NA]
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:11:39 am »
Good Luck Oliver :D

Union / Re: its fun to stay at the YMCA
« on: May 06, 2016, 11:38:18 pm »
cant wait to see :D
look luck bb

Union / Re: Western Sharpshooters - 14th Missouri [NA] *Recruiting*
« on: May 04, 2016, 03:34:27 am »
bump for name change

Union / Re: Union Regiment List
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:33:12 am »
Regiment Name: John Brown's Raiders & Runaways
Regiment Tag: JBRR
Class:Skirmishers and Sharpshooter
Thread Link:

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