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Messages - Enderby

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Gosh I missed things Im gutted. Enderby Im sorry but you're talking about something you cannot handle, lets not talk about skill. However I have an other solution, you vs me in a little 1v1 how about that  8)

Didnt expect that one but refusing a duel is not honorable at all from you :( Imagine, you winning a duel, you could post the screen of it after the game, everyone will see how strong you Really are after all these years

Zzzz... imagine asking for a 1vs1 in 2022 soon. I'm afraid you screenshot again to show it to your daddy like on cav gf then complain on fse, because you will be disappointed with your result, keep crying kid. If i accept and you lose you'll find a way to say it's not deserving the way i play etc i know kids like you. I'm already full. I've already played a lot. In 2016 I would have accepted as a child, and I would have kicked your ass, but thank god I changed, do the same. It's not the place to talk again.

Seriously, keep sucking your mother's breasts, it will make you grow taller, it's just a game, you will understand later, bye. :)

Gosh I missed things Im gutted. Enderby Im sorry but you're talking about something you cannot handle, lets not talk about skill. However I have an other solution, you vs me in a little 1v1 how about that  8)

Are we still in 2014 when we posted good scores on cavgf ?

We like still in 2012 to post the score of a match against a regiment in fse like Remao ? You definitely don't like a respond and facts. You have the right but not the others. it's really funny and tiring at the same time.

I leave you otherwise I will end up trolling you and not throwing the facts, like the other 4e members, because you are too young to talk with you, like what, the jokes are real.

Especially since me I did not even laugh on them on cav gf with the 4e, but I should have, because you make me want to do it too, bye !

The video of Dokletian is gold :

Yes show us more pls, so all of us can take a good exemple how to be the best in this game pls !!  :)

Sad that you delete one though :'(

Zzzzz ...

Cry baby girl, cry, you are sick when I respond to an attack, at no time did I say to be the best there, would like you if I didn't answer with facts so you cry and make up words, but your ass also hurts, I understand. stop trying to add drama when we try to set it up in vocal. I simply answered LaSalle, not you. Because he will continue after the private discussion with Remao by speaking publicly about my personal level in fse. He should learn to stop when we say it's over, I did not speak with Reamo on ts3 1 hour for nothing.

Especially since me I did not even laugh on them on cav gf with the 4e, but I should have, because you are to die of laughing.

Termito, I could show more battle screan and not cav gf but what good? it would have fallen to his level. LaSalle on steam: "go 1v1 Erik if u got balls" xD

it was just to respond to his attack with real fact, it's so funy dude, that he continues to cry like a child, we are having fun.

I understand why your buttocks hurt now LaSalle, it's time for you to grow up, when we say it's over, try to stop LaSalle, after talking with Remao in ts3 for stop, while it's not my role, if you want to keep laughing, you risk losing, I love throwing facts against you. But It will be the last time that I answer you, because unlike you, I tried with Remao to resolve it, while I was not even part of this story. But maybe I should have made fun of you too like the others 4e members.

Regarding my personal level compared to your fse image, I was already doing 30 kills when you suckle your mother's breast, I would teach you to do the same in time. But you know I did my time on the games like many former players on this game. God knows I can finish you in fse, But I am older, but reminders in your face with real facts, it's so funny. I know that 2 years that you play well, we all went through it at our beginnings, if in 8 years you have the same levels, you can talk. You didn't start the game the same time we did, I can't blame you. Practice more, because losing 8-0 against guys boomers who haven't played for 5 months must be hard for you.

Keep crying like a child, we love it, reminders in your face with real facts, it's so funny, but for me it's over with you and this little drama which concerns other member of the 4e, but i love facts, Enjoy !

You can Lightning. btw we talk about it with Remao in ts3, about the situation, even if there are not the person concerned from the 4e and 6e, it's finish, it's cool now :)

Enjoy :D

The 4e Team 2 did not play any match In this tournament if you don't know Lightning. Now u know. We have regrouped the 2 teams from the start :)

fuck maxence

"I have ~7-8 better players than you without training :D" and "when team 1 just beat you 8-6 ?"

If you want to talk about fact, we can talk about fact.

If you want to talk about number and score, you're in deep trouble, you remember all matches lost for 6 years, that's why you're mad. It's so cringe like fortnite kids making fortnite dances in public.

For me it starts there, Cringe dude to say that after 6 years of ass kicking and u know it. Talk when we are active, that's all. Not when we are no longer active. You trash talk always the 4e inactive and we say nothing.

I'm glad if you win by training every week with ur team while the members of 4e fire up their games for the second time in 4 months, except me, I hope you will win by doing this. That's cool man, you deserve for real ! Because that's what to do when you're active. Do not take example from the current 4e if u want to win xD

We also joined the tournament for the community knowing that we were not active since the fall of the 1er Huss and the 8th 4 mouths ago. If I hadn't told Erik to create a team, we wouldn't even have played the tournament. We will come back to play seriously when there are more peoples in the cav community. But we decided to play fun anyway to help support the cav community. We even have members of the 4e Huss who play in other team for this tournament.

But if it's to then get out of the scores when we don't play like "we won 8-6", 6 round is good for guys who don't play anymore, imagine when we really play active and seriously, well no, no need to imagine, you already know that ofc. It's more fair play to talk about it when we are active. :)

And LaSalle, you insulted Erik after the match on steam, telling him to do a duel 1v1 etc, i can't blame you, i would have done the same 4 years ago, but you have to grow up my friend. You laugh with Remao of the inactivity of the 4e in front of me in vocal ts3 since the fall of the 1er Huss and the 8th 4 mouths ago, and I will not cry on fse.

And stop being so serious with a little joke, guys know we appreciate them. I had to talk to Huggu (6e team 2 members) in team speak the same night to explain the Skittles and Tommy and Jelly joke to him, it's cool, drama for nothing. It's tiring. Like i said, we wish you the best because it must stop. We like you man, and the rest of the 6e as well, it's stupid.

Guys know we appreciate them. I had to talk to Huggu (6e team 2 members) in team speak the same night to explain the Skittles and Tommy and Jelly joke to him, it's cool, drama for nothing. It's tiring.

"when team 1 just beat you 8-6 ?" "I have ~7-8 better players than you without training :D"

If you want to talk about fact, we can talk about fact. If you want to talk about number and score, we can.

Cringe dude to say that after 6 years of ass kicking. You trash talk always the 4e inactive and we say nothing. It's tiring. If you want to talk about number and score, you're in deep trouble, you remember all matches lost for 6 years, that's why you're mad. It's so cringe like fortnite kids making fortnite dances in public.

You laugh Remao of the inactivity of the 4e in front of me in vocal ts3 since the fall of the 1er Huss and the 8th 4 mouths ago, and I will not cry on fse.

And yes, u won 8-6 against guys who hadn't turned on the games for 4 months in the 4e, 6 round is good for guys who don't play anymore, while you train every week with your friends, just me, I don't see the point of repeating it, other than show your big arms, unless I have to repeat of all battles and all scores for 6 years when the 4e are active. it's more fair play to talk about it when we are active. :)

I'm glad if you win by training every week with ur team while the members of 4e fire up their games for the second time in 4 months, except me, I hope you will win by doing this. That's cool man, you deserve ! Because that's what to do when you're active. Do not take example from the current 4e if u want to win xD

We also joined the tournament for the community knowing that we were not active since the fall of the 1er Huss and the 8th 4 mouths ago. If I hadn't told Erik to create a team, we wouldn't even have played the tournament. We will come back to play seriously when there are more peoples in the cav community. But we decided to play fun anyway to help support the cav community. We even have members of the 4e Huss who play in other team for this tournament.

But if it's to then get out of the scores when we don't play like "we won 8-6", 6 round is good for guys who don't play anymore, imagine when we really play active and seriously, well no, no need to imagine, you already know that ofc.

No drama here guys, we wish you the best because it must stop. We like you man, and the rest of the 6e as well, it's stupid.

Teams: 4e Huss 1st Team ( The only now) vs 6e Huss Team 2
Day & Time: 05/12 (Sunday) 19:45 CET
Referee: Domi aka Jumper_Luigi can't, I'm sad  :( But giorno the boss can  :D

I can't wait to participate, see you in the battle :D

Regiments / Re: ♞ 4e Régiment de Hussards [EU]
« on: June 09, 2021, 03:43:24 am »
Mixed of old videos for the 6th birthday. ( late ) ( There is a jump, easy to find in the video haha ) :D
Lots of good times, and it's cool that there are even more now with all these new good people and veteran players, much funnier than before. Too bad I can't film anymore for now to film the games with the current roster of the 4e because my PC suck now. :-\

Player Name: Enderby
Steam link:
Do you accept the tournament rules : Yes

Cavalry Fantasy League / Re: [CFL - S1] Discussion
« on: April 05, 2021, 05:47:39 pm »
Once again I am not talking about this list, i speak about the CFL tier list, just read man, and I am not talking about my own placement but about those to whom it may hurt to be touched without real justification, You understand ? The admin has already answered, I won't repeat myself 50 times if you don't read, I gave an opinion on the CFL tier, not the rest of the other list, that's why I'm talking about it here. If we don't have the right to talk about it, then say it clearly, if I want to talk about it, I talk about it, now stop, as harford said, everyone has an opinion. And we have the right to give it if we find certain things crazy, why we should be silent and let everything be done without saying if we agree if we find that there is no justification, now I understood he explained to me that he had no time, i understand, it's ok and It doesn't start from a bad attention if you would read carefully despite my bad English, just play and fun :)

Congrats man, you are the most intelligent person in the whole community.

Trying to hurt someone for a opinion constructif is not very smart, if you are smarter than me you should know, but its not working on me, sorry, like you try to do. :)

You are part of the people who do not accept that someone gives their opinion, you must be a funny guy, i hope for you, I find people like that funny, but it's ok for me because while others responded more seriously. the case has been closed for a long time, stop adding to try to be seen, if to be just negative about the people who give their opinion on which person to give it before on what this person decides for the general players, everyone has the right to talk about it, you are not the decision-maker, if i want to say something that i can't find bad i do it, personally I got my answer, just be cool man, I won't talk about it anymore, just play and fun :)

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