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Messages - Norwegian

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Name: Norwegian
Do you agree with the rules?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: RIH Sunday Linebattle [New event!]
« on: July 12, 2019, 12:48:14 am »
Regiment Name: 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot, Cavalry Company
Expected Attendance: 8
Which class would you like to play?: Cav, Hussar
Will you be attending once, or weekly: once for now, if we like it we might do weekly
Steam Name/ID:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: I agree

Congratz Nr 4 and Felix. 1 year milestone achieved.

Team Name & Tag: Garde Husarene (GH_Name)
Class: Hussar
Steam Contact: and
Roster: Norwegian, Mech, Olof, Quinn, Beaufort, Shadey, TBA

Our 2 last players are: Pearse and Odiin. Thank you :)

Team Name & Tag: Garde Husarene (GH_Name)
Class: Hussar
Steam Contact: and
Roster: Norwegian, Mech, Olof, Quinn, Beaufort, Shadey, TBA

Name: MrSharkie
Steam contact:

Extra Note: I'm on holiday next week if it starts then -_-

Yeah Sharkie's on holiday. He isn't gonna be around untill sometime next week I believe, so idk what you wanna do about that.

Regiment Name: Gardehusarregimentet
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending: 8-10
Class: Cav
Weekly or Once: Weekly
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 13, 2018, 05:58:07 pm »
Doesn't matter cav players are all shit anyway

You forget tho that almost everyone on this list is better than you. And if you're so bloody good Pres, how come you didn't make the inf list even.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 12, 2018, 07:12:09 pm »
Here you are you lazy bastard Stephan.

Scandinavian Flag:

Thank you very much :)!!! Will add

Much better, great flag. :D

Scandinavia approves!

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 11, 2018, 03:51:55 pm »
Simon isn't Scandinavian, he's welsh.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 11, 2018, 01:07:45 am »
u gotta be trolling or stupid. Finland aint even a part of scandinavia and now you have them as the flag?

No scandinavian flag in the flags of choice sadly.

Edit: Found one, has been changed

Majority of Scandinavia is Norwegians so far- can we have a Norwegian flag?

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 10, 2018, 11:46:03 pm »
I have a few issues considering this list.

By far the biggest problem is that a list created by a handful of people is unreliable and not depicting the community as a whole.
Also me not denying the skill of the people leading the scoreboard, it is still suspicious that most of the creators are leading their nations.
This to me personally seems that this list was not created to depict the current situation in the community but to strengthen the self esteem of some individuals.

The only proper solution i can come up with is making fair tournaments where the actual skill is the decisive factor of gaining reputation and acknowledgment, as it has always been like.
Creating a list like this will only lead to people arguing for ages with no clear results to be shown.
With this there will be people who deserve their place on this list, but won't be able to achieve anything because they simply are not known enough or do not have sufficient friends within the community.

I agree with Caylor here, we should have a tournament and those who want to be part of the list can.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 10, 2018, 11:15:52 pm »
I believe some Scandinavian players are missing, some in the 16e like Olof and Bamse. Or Rhen, although he isn't playing anymore. Scott from the 84th is pretty good. I also just realised that all the Scandinavian's you put down are Norwegians... what about the Danes or Swedes- surely they must have at least one person above 80 and what about Finland? 

Also how are points awarded? Becuase right now its just random numbers with no explenation to how the "rank" points are awarded which makes the ranking pretty worthless.

I don't know many Scandinavian nor did I have anyone other than Andros to help me with them, the ranks are awarded on How you perform in Tournaments / 1v1s and Cav GF (Dismounted 1v1, Mounted 1v1, And Groupfight Skill)

16e Olof and Bamse will be taken into consideration for the update. Rhen is not cause he is inactive

Stephan did you fall down the stairs again?

You put yourself 1 point above Clausewitz. Please remove this thread.

Clausewitz is inactive, when he has a new PC he will most likely go up

You still haven't explained what the points mean just how you could potentially earn them. Its still just random numbers where the highest 97 out of what? What is the lowest?

It might be me who just have a flawed logic but nothing on the thread explains properly how the point system works. Do I get 1 point for performing well in a tournament or as many matches I performed well in the tournament. Do I get 1 point for winning a 1v1 or is it based on kills? I mean if it was based on your k/d ratio on cav gf or 1v1's or in tournaments collectively- well that's damn hard to get ahold of. Furthermore, many of these players have been playing for many years, excuse me, but I don't think you, of all, don't have enough experience to rank the current active ones.

This then is currently yours and Shadey's opinion of how people are rated and in that case I'm honoured to have made the list even.
PS- Rival is English.

The Mess Hall / Re: ♞ Hussars Rated ♞ Active EU Only
« on: May 10, 2018, 10:54:51 pm »
I believe some Scandinavian players are missing, some in the 16e like Olof and Bamse. Or Rhen, although he isn't playing anymore. Scott from the 84th is pretty good. I also just realised that all the Scandinavian's you put down are Norwegians... what about the Danes or Swedes- surely they must have at least one person above 80 and what about Finland? 

Also how are points awarded? Becuase right now its just random numbers with no explenation to how the "rank" points are awarded which makes the ranking pretty worthless.

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