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Messages - SilentMan

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Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Unban request for SilentMan NA1
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:41:06 pm »
it's been two months almost, I would like to be unbanned now

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:04:21 am »
Lol, but the government installed by the US that used snipers to kill its own supporters is legitimate.  ::)
You belong in the Alex Jones channel.

Listen to the recordings I posted.

Off Topic / Re: Fifa World Cup 2014
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:44:57 am »
Argentina's going to win it.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:48:03 am »
I tried to explain it before, I give up. You are being ridiculous.

Lets get back to topic without more conspiracy theories, thanks.

What did you explain exactly? I proved my point and then you stopped replying, you did not explain anything, asides from calling it rumors and a "conspiracy theory". I want to continue this discussion, please elaborate on why you think I'm the one being ridiculous.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:36:41 am »
Vincenzo, why do you think I support Russia in this? I don't. I already told you I didn't. But I've also already proven to you that the new government is Kiev is criminal.
You have proven jack shit, you pasted the same telephone recording now 10 times, the bullshit does not change.

You are unbelievable. That telephone recording is of EU representatives who are literally admitting how the opposition used snipers against its own people (when questioned about it they did not answer, and when they themselves questioned Euromaidan leaders about it they refused to investigate), and the second is of US officials literally talking about who they are installing in the new government. You can post all of these anti-russian videos and images and pass them off as fact without a thought, but I give you evidence, and all you can do is call it bullshit. This thread is ridiculous.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:11:55 am »
Lol, but the government installed by the US that used snipers to kill its own supporters is legitimate.  ::)

Such proof, much believe.


Bugged call proving that the snipers were not used by Yanukovych, but by Maidan leaders.
"all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides,"

Basically, they are talking about who they are going to install as the new government leaders.

Yeah, the west is definitely not pulling any strings here..

Such retarded meme, please educate yourself, wow.

Vincenzo, why do you think I support Russia in this? I don't. I already told you I didn't. But I've also already proven to you that the new government is Kiev is criminal.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 08, 2014, 12:38:05 am »
Lol, but the government installed by the US that used snipers to kill its own supporters is legitimate.  ::)

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:36:11 pm »
Where is the proof of this? There are rumors the minister mentioned... it does not automatically make them true.

These are the Estonian foreign minister and an EU representative speaking, who are admitting that the snipers were from the opposition, who admitted there was physical evidence to prove so. I'm sorry, but you're hopeless.
They admitted jack shit, they only spoke about rumors.
There is no physical evidence proving oposition hired snipers.. lol.

Ok, sure, we can't completely prove that the opposition used snipers aside from rumors. But if you had watched the video, they said they asked the Maidan leaders to investigate and they refused. If it was the government who used the snipers, why would they refuse to investigate?

I don't need to show you anything different, as the officials in the video said, there were already rumors of such thing but the doctor who talked to the EU official in the recording proved it.

Let me post this again:
So she also showed me some photos, she said that as medical doctor, she can say it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened.

Why would these officials lie about it? They are the ones who support Euromaidan.

What photographic evidence?, the quote your give me is that the foreign minister heard just that its the same type of bullets, nowhere is mentioned its the exact same weapon used.
If these pictures exist and this woman is real, why are these things not investigated and her findings published?
Now don't come with your big conspiracy theory of them putting it all in the freezer, if a random Estonian foreign minister was able to hear about this rumors, so would anyone else.

Like I said, Euromaidan leaders refused to investigate. When this "random" Estonian foreign minister was questioned about this call, he also refused to talk about it.

You are blinded by propaganda and there is no point in even trying. I wish you a happy life in the United States, where there are no Kremlin Russians taking over your country,

Hahaha, okay. Just ignore the facts and call me an unreasonable conspiracy theorist, works everytime. If you don't think an EU representative admitting there is photographic evidence to prove it was the opposition who used the snipers, then maybe you are the one blinded by propaganda.

Finally there is an open letter to putin that disproves all this propaganda lies about nazi's in Kiev.

Okay, I never said Russia was the good guy here. I hate Russian propaganda as well. But if you support Euromaidan, you are equally as foolish. Watch the second video, they are US officials literally discussing who they are going to install in the new government. Why do you ignore these facts? Euromaidan was supported, if not engineered by the west.

It's funny you were all quick to fight Raddeo and I about this a few pages ago.. but now I bring you evidence, and all you can do is deny it and call me unreasonable. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:47:42 am »
I'm done posting for tonight, just listen to the recordings I posted if you think I'm wrong. Good night

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:43:44 am »
Ignoring TORN's useless remark, let me repost this before I go to sleep:

Bugged call proving that the snipers were not used by Yanukovych, but by Maidan leaders.
"all the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides,"

Basically, they are talking about who they are going to install as the new government leaders.

Yeah, the west is definitely not pulling any strings here..

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:33:26 am »
These are the Estonian foreign minister and an EU representative speaking, who are admitting that the snipers were from the opposition, who admitted there was physical evidence to prove so. I'm sorry, but you're hopeless.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:28:10 am »
So she also showed me some photos

The man in the video admitted there was photographic evidence. If you are still this delusional, I can't help you.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:17:00 am »
Because it's only one report. One report was enough to throw the US headfirst into the shitstorm that was Iraqi Freedom, and after that I'm not keen on believing one piece of the pie.

What more evidence do you need? Even these officials are sure it was the opposition who were the snipers, and they were the ones who wanted Yanukovych removed.

Off Topic / Re: Ukraine
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:10:04 am »
You're basically posting the same video five times over. I mean multiple sources showing different incidents, not many sources talking about a singular call.

Show me something like pictures of non-Police snipers firing on civvies, or reports from citizens.

I don't need to show you anything different, as the officials in the video said, there were already rumors of such thing but the doctor who talked to the EU official in the recording proved it.

Let me post this again:
So she also showed me some photos, she said that as medical doctor, she can say it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it's really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don't want to investigate what exactly happened.

Why would these officials lie about it? They are the ones who support Euromaidan.

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