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Messages - Professor

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Actually, it wasn't one of the Koopas who killed you first. Even so, prior to that, you were kicking repeatedly and attacking friendly structures without reason, and being a general nuisance. I personally didn't want you to be teamkilled, I just wanted you to stop trolling. Then after the second teamkill, which might have been done by a Koopa, i honestly don't remember, you arbitrarily decided to teamkill Koopa himself, even though he had nothing to do with the teamkill, and in fact did not want you to be teamkilled. Koopa and his gang did not teamkill you, only 1 or two of Koopa's supporters (those in the 1stkoopguard) killed you the second time.  I don't really care whichever way this request goes, just wanted to post what I saw. I did notice you saying that you were quite drunk, though...

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Unban Request : Sippi
« on: June 11, 2013, 06:23:51 am »
I'd like to start this post off with saying that I was being unreasonable earlier. That being said, I am sorry for beig so hard on you earlier, Sippi. I thought before that the only way that you would learn your lesson to not teamkill like that would be for you to be banned for some time. Then, I thought about what I would do if I were similarly banned from NA_1 for something. I think that, within the first two days I would have learned my lesson. The current ban stated is plenty, let's both not let this happen again.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Unban Request : Sippi
« on: June 09, 2013, 08:20:45 pm »
Being the person that made the ban req, I would be very pleased if I could know for sure that there would be no more tking/teamwounding from sippi, but I find this extremely difficult to believe, given how he acted.  Being an immature dick has its consequences, and saying on the internet has absolutely no meaning. You don't see serial killers getting the death penalty, then saying that they are sorry for what they did, and getting paroled. However, being permabanned will be a good learning experience for you, about following the rules. For some reason or another, you fail to even note who you tked and trolled, despite attempting to express regret over it. I have as much respect and sympathy for you as you did for the "cyber poleese."  Quit saying things like "I assume that me and the player who requested my ban are on a quite terrible social equilibrium at the moment so if my ban was lifted I would avoid contact with them to prevent further conflicts between us," as they make it seem as though somehow I was the real problem in all of this. To drive that point home, I think it is appropriate to post the rest of the screens from that night.

I'll post captions this time. Pics are generally from latest to oldest.
This is the log of him claiming I delayed the round, and tking me for it. In reality, I was alt tabbed at spawn, and killed halfway through the prior round.
This is a funny one. I alt tab back in and out rather frequently, so I can catch him when he tks me. This time, at the beginning of the round, for the same reason of "delaying rounds," despite having been killed before I was the last the round before, he aimed a pistol directly at my head. He then proceeded to fire, and miss, and stabbed me to death.
Pic of the sword death
Pic of him pointing pistol directly at me and claiming I was delaying.
Pic of him MISSING with the pistol, my fav pic.
Pic of him teamwounding Renton Thurston, who was afk at the time.
Pic of his buddy tking Renton the round before.
Pic of him running away form me after clubbing me, blaming it on a misclick. (obviously untrue) 
Another pic of me being teamwounded a bit by them, and of Renton's bloodied loins, suggesting that he had also been teamwounded 
Pic of his buddy pointing his gun at me and Sippi running away after hitting me. 
Pic of Sippi being a terrible shot once again, shooting a musketoon directly at both of us, and managing to miss. 
Pic of Sippi tking Renton Thurston (AFK) with a bottle 
Pic of Sippi inexplicably stabbing me with a pitchfork. 
The aftermath of me being stabbed 
Pic of him threatening to hit me with a bottle 
Log of him tking me, Thurston revenge tking him, then him tking Thurston despite the fact that he was afk, and then him tking me again, citing round delaying (even though he had tked me at the start of the round before) 
Pic of a tk.

Stevebot actually does have some bearing in this req, he did witness Sippi being a troll on 33rd_Siege Server.

I'm simply going to no longer reply to your post's in an attempt to make sure no further conflict comes between us and so we both don't end up breaking the forum rules.

Once again, you post as if you have done absolutely nothing wrong, and he was hte one who started the conflict. I am rather certain that Stevebot will not break the rules, it will be you. It would not be fair for you to give me the amount of crap that you did and get away with it.

Now, before you go around quoting how terrible of a person I am, I already stated I was being an immature jerk and am sorry, if you actually read my post you may have not had a *WHOOSH* moment there. Yep, that's the kind of argument starting posts I wanted on this thread.

We can go around all we want quoting how much of a terrible person you are, saying "sorry" doesn't change that fact.

You deserve to be banned for a long time, far past the point where you become truly sorry that you chose to tk so many times. Refer to my original ban request, so nicely posted by Sippi, for more screens demonstrating why he should remain banned.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request-NA1 Sippi
« on: June 08, 2013, 10:08:29 pm »
Thank you very much for the ban, probably one of the least fun nights I have ever had in this game. The rest of the pics are up on my steam profile for public viewing. Glad that this is all over.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request-NA1 Sippi
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:51:22 pm »
Also just as a second though, if there is enough proof in the pics to ban his buddy, then that would be nice too.

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Ban Request-NA1 Sippi
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:32:06 pm »
Name of the server you were on: NA1_Official
Name of the person causing trouble: Sippi
Nature of their offense: Trolling, destroying fortifications, teamwounding, tking, general assery
Time and date of their offense: June 7 1:45-3:00Northwest US time (No admins on, this started right after Pip left)
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Recipient of all this
Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!)

As I'm playing, the list just gets longer and longer.
This is simply inexcusable
It's getting harder and harder to think straight, it's just so unbearable.
Lost my temper, tked them both, apologies for breaking rules
Sippi just autobanned, still going to post. 3:06 Tked me 3 rounds straight.

This began with me building random plank towers, on which he would stand at key points and kick at those who got near. I asked him to stop, told him he was being an ass, and when he persisted, I kicked him off. Then, he proceeded to actively kick/punch me, and when i kicked him off again, he began to destroy the planks that I was making, and he got his buddy to help him. By this point, I was rather fed up with it, as they would simply not stop breaking the fortifications and trolling me, so I did react, slashed one with a sapper axe, and was teamkilled by the other.

By this time the next map had begun, on which i told him rather forcefully that he was being an ass and had to stop it, warning him that I would get fed up with it. When I tried to build the plank tower, he simply continued to destroy the fortifications, and I attacked him, being very pissed off, but he killed me. The next round, I had to quit, but when I rejoined, I did tk him, but then his partner tked me. Following this, I decided that it was not right to tk him, and instead let him tk me. This is where the bulk of my evidence is, and is still coming.

For the next MANY games, I have not done anything, but write this ban request, and warn him that he will be banned if he continues to do this, which he has.
For this reason, I'll just post the screens in a somewhat random. Sorting through 80 images of this and ordering them is really just something I don't want to have to deal with. I apologize in advance for the order, as it might raise questions about what was happening, but I hope that I answered them in my description of this.
^top of log is 1st encounter

Here's the pic of me tking them both, in the log. They had been relentlessly teamwounding and tking Thurston Renton for the past few games, and also me, of course, I got fed up with it. 2:56

I wish I could find the log that shows me tking one, but I don't know where it is.
For the record, I did have the intent to teamkill Sippi on the first map, with the plank towers, when he first started to troll me. I somewhat apologize for that, but I do recognize that it is against the rules. In fact, only because of recent ban requests that have hit close to home I took the photographs. In all honesty, normally I would have downright teamkilled him over and over and over and over again.


These only go to 2:33, he continued to tk and such for the next half hour. This has been the absolute worst experience I have ever had playing this game. If I do need to post more pics to support my claim, I can nearly match the screens I've sent in so far with new ones.

I admit that I was very reactionary and easy to provoke, but the simple fact that I was teamkilled for over 45 minutes without struggling or trying to kill them shows his malice. Please perma ban him.....

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request NA1
« on: June 06, 2013, 07:29:59 am »
Should the thread be locked?

Official Servers Bans & Unbans / Re: Ban Request NA1
« on: June 06, 2013, 12:53:03 am »
Really? Your first ill-advised attempt to ban Koopa was denied, and all of TWO DAYS later you post a ban request again? All I see in the pics is Koopa sitting down to the right of your aim, not at all blocking your shot. If you had taken a shot, you would not have hit anything anyways, as all you were aiming at was ground. All the pics of the chat show Koopa being fed up with being constantly trolled and harassed by you guys, and him insulting you for it. Insulting someone is not the same as trolling them. If you don't like what Koopa is saying, mute him. Beans deserved to be permabanned, don't blame Koopa for your friend's actions. While I don't have any evidence, I clearly remember many games back, where you decided to teamwound me a good deal for no reason with kicking/punching. However, knowing that I have no evidence, I will not post a ban request as you have done to Koopa. The fact of the matter is that this is a petty squabble between beans and Koopa, and a mod just on the previous ban request said to simply quit the squabble. Cut the crap, it's ruining many people's experiences.

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