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Messages - Eamon

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Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: January 22, 2016, 05:38:08 pm »
Nation: Ireland
Player's Name: James_TTT
Player's Steam:
Why you should be a Co-Captain: Because iv have been in team Ireland for 2 years of which i was Captain last season i know most of the players and have extra members keen to join, there is also Currently an Official Ireland team which should be taking into consideration which me and skittles are the Captain of.


Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: January 22, 2016, 05:34:32 pm »
Nation: Ireland
Player's Name: Irish
Player's Steam:

I wish i could say good luck but then i see Macan and now i feel sorry for you.
You do realize that already 4 people left your regiment becouse of you? You have daddy issues man. I heard from my friend in the 84th (who will remain unnamed so you don't get triggered) that you talk behind my back

You are a snake, pure and simple. I cut of your head only you still keep shitposting and talking behind my back, too scared too confront me, and now becouse of my justified actions against you
in the 84th you are making a newly formed regiment suffer? You are a worse snake than i possibly imagined. Have a good day.

"Meme Master" + Muted = Snake

4 people in a regiment of 40-50 in the EU division does not mean much.

Bjarzii has confronted you plenty of times to be honest. Pretty much everybody has.

Argument Invalid.

Events: NA / Re: [8pm EST] Bush Wookie Gaming LB [Friday Nights!!!.]
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:23:34 pm »
Regiment name: 12th East Suffolk Regiment of Foot
Regiment Tags: 12th_Rank_Name
Which Day(s) Will You Attend?: Friday 15th January
Regimental Leader's Steam:
Estimated Attendance:20-30

Name: 84th York & Lancaster Regiment of Foot
Team-Captain: Smollett
Team-Captain's Steam:
Normal Attendance: 15 - 20

Great to see the 84th taking part in a competitive league best of luck, and welcome!

Cheers!  :D

Events: NA / Re: Highlands Friday Linebattle! [NA] [OPEN!]
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:25:13 am »
Regiment name: 12th East Suffolk Regiment of foot
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line
Predicted Attendance: 10-20
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending?: Every week on Fridays.

Name: 84th York & Lancaster Regiment of Foot
Team-Captain: Smollett
Team-Captain's Steam:
Normal Attendance: 15 - 20

Regiment Name: 12th East Suffolk Regiment of Foot
Applying for: Specialty Event - Sunday
Estimated Attendance: 10-20
Have you read the rules?: Yes I have.
Leaders Steam:
Teamspeak is Bookmarked

Il try to not fall into turning my arguement into an autistic spat, plenty of people still play the game, alot of people arent very good, but if you recruit on pleb servers, you can always teach them your ways, its not that difficult, iv been obsessed with this game for the 1 year iv played, and i may be really late to the game, but i still think the old horse has life in her yet. New regiments are always forming, renaming, while the veterans of the game sit here and feign ignorance claiming NA is dead, somebody just needs to inject some life into the competitive side for those particular regs.**

Irish, my friend. You just got yourself in my Top 5 favorite people. True words that many do not say do to the fact that a lot of older members overpower any intelligent comments said on these forums.

Faith in community restored

Il try to not fall into turning my arguement into an autistic spat, plenty of people still play the game, alot of people arent very good, but if you recruit on pleb servers, you can always teach them your ways, its not that difficult, iv been obsessed with this game for the 1 year iv played, and i may be really late to the game, but i still think the old horse has life in her yet. New regiments are always forming, renaming, while the veterans of the game sit here and feign ignorance claiming NA is dead, somebody just needs to inject some life into the competitive side for those particular regs.**

When everybody in the community claims it to be dead, then you see all the those plebs on FSE talking about the "glory days", why dont you just play the game, its not difficult, buy your own server, buy your own teamspeaks, host your own events, "NA is dead" pffft look at the bloody forums, theres plenty of intelligience in the community to start some sort of revival, but now its all autism and memes, so who the fuck would listen, NA isnt dead, people are just ignorant.


Servers / Re: [NA]Free servers for regiments, 1 month lend
« on: December 02, 2015, 06:21:00 pm »
Now available for lend again. Come get em'!

gl fag

Regiments / Re: 3te Silesian Landwehr [NA]
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:06:09 pm »
3te name has been reserved. Regiment will rename to the 1st Irish Brigade

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: Mini-Napoleonic Wars World Cup [M-NWWC]
« on: October 15, 2015, 12:10:54 am »
where do you sign up for the Irish teams lads

Regiments / Re: 78th Regiment of Foot. The Ross-Shire Buffs [EU Recruiting]
« on: September 17, 2015, 12:14:23 pm »
Will be interesting to see how we'll do in the 5v5 tournament :)

As long as I'm there I would say semis at least.

you mean me, plebby mebphis

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