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Messages - Eamon

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Regiments / 6te Silesian Landwehr [NA][Old Thread]
« on: March 14, 2016, 11:59:23 pm »


The 6te Silesian Landwehr are a North American Napoleonic Wars Prussian regiment that focus heavily on discipline and maturity while maintaining a sense of community and cohesiveness. We strive to become the best we can be, through daily training and partaking in both casual and competitive events and competitions. We aim to be different from every other NW regiment by instilling a strict attitude towards trolling and childish behaviour and focus on expanding and improving our core community of people. As a regiment we prefer functionality over historical accuracy, and our structure and formation aim for efficiency and simplicity, rather than complexity.

Recruitment Phase

This regiment will not be for everyone, we don't have an open door policy for recruiting. The recruitment phase involves each recruit going through a 7 day trial period to see if they are a good fit for the regiment in all areas including activity, loyalty, discipline, attitude and potential to improve. Skill level is not our main concern as long as each recruit has the willingness to train and improve under our guidance. A good recruit is loyal to the regiment, can take criticism, and sticks with the regiment through the good days and the bad, nobody said it will be easy. We reserve the right to remove any recruit from the regiment if we deem them unsuitable!

Rank Structure

CO Ranks


Oberstleutnant - ObLt.


Hauptmann - Hptm

Oberleutnant - OLt.

Leutnant - Lt.

NCO Ranks

Oberstabsfeldwebel - Ofw.

Stabsfeldwebel - Sfw.

Feldwebel - Fw.

Stabsunteroffizier - SUttz.

Unteroffizier - Uttz.

Oberstabsgefreiter - OSGfr.

Enlisted Ranks

Stabsgefreiter - SGfr.

Hauptgefreiter - HGfr.

Obergefreiter - OGfr.

Gefreiter - Gfr.

Soldat - Sdt.

Rekrut - Rek.


How do I join?
In order to join the regiment, add [6teSLR] Irish on Steam.

What troop types do the 6teSLR play as?
The regiment currently has line and artillery detachments.

How many events a week do the 6teSLR have?
We currently have anywhere from 3 to 4 events per week.

What kind of events/competitions do you guys go to?
Our events vary from casual public events to serious 1v1 events to groupfighting events and even tourneys like the Napoleonic Wars League.

Who do i go to if i have more questions/issues?
You can go to any CO or NCO for additional queries.

Im worried the regiment will be too serious and strict for me..?
A common misconception, we enforce discipline but outside of events we are just normal, nice plebs.

The regimental FSE thread is missing an inspirational quote, my morale is wavering, please fix?
"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." --Henry Ford

Events: NA / Re: 6teSLR Monday Linebattle![NA][OPEN!]
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:25:31 pm »
Regiment name: American Expeditionary Force
Predicted Attendance:7-11
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending?:Weekly

Regiment name:4ePL
Predicted Attendance:7-12
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending?:Perm
Regiment Name: 4ePL
Role desired: Skirms
Date you're applying for: 3/14
How many people for this role: 7-10
Regiment name: Nr4
Predicted Attendance: 7-9
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending: Every week
Regiment name: 4th Royal Coalition [4thRC]
Predicted Attendance: 5-10
Leader's Steam link: Rovernic
How often do you plan on attending?: Next week for sure. If we enjoy it, weekly.
Regiment Name: 69th South Lincolnshire
Role desired:Arty
Date you're applying for:3/14/16
How many people for this role:10
Regiment name:Regimiento Latino
Predicted Attendance:20+
Leader's Steam link:You got me bae (Fibrik)
How often do you plan on attending?:weekly
Spec: Artillery


Events: NA / Re: 6teSLR Monday Linebattle![NA][OPEN!]
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:53:20 am »
Regiment Name: 74th (Campbell Highlanders) Regiment of Foot
Predicted Attendance: Anywhere from 8 to 20. Varies heavily
Leader's Steam Link:
How often do you plan on attending?: Probably weekly. To be decided, but definitely 7.3.2016


Events: NA / Re: 6teSLR Monday Linebattle![NA][OPEN!]
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:48:17 am »
Regiment name: 21st (Royal North British Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot
Predicted Attendance: 17 - 30 (Big number difference, eh?)
Leader's Steam link: Colonel Eireman and/or Ensign Hanover
How often do you plan on attending?: We'll see after tomorrow's event, if we're accepted for it.

Regiment name: 1stIB
Role Desired: Arty, Skirm, or Cav
Date applying for:3/7/16
How many people for this role: 10-15


Regiments / Re: 8th King's Regiment of Foot [NA]
« on: March 01, 2016, 01:44:26 am »
The 8th has officially Retired from Napoleonic Wars after 6 years of being a community and a regiment that has accomplished many things and made life lasting friendships.
Most of us have been playing since we were 14 or 15 and now we are far too bussy with school,work, and other commitments. This does not mean we might be back one day but
for now goodbye.

As a 600 pound NW no-lifer, i decorated my mothers basement with screenshots of the 8ths victories and highlights in my amazing one year spell there, they taught me the definition of cancer, and autistic but likeable friends.

"Everybody tbag"


Events: NA / Re: 84th Sunday Linebattle [NA][OPEN!][Moved to Sundays!]
« on: February 21, 2016, 10:28:09 pm »
Regiment name: 3rd (East Kent) Regiment of Foot
Predicted Attendance: 10-15
Leader's Steam link:
How often do you plan on attending?: Tonight for sure if we can, and afterwards every Sunday if we like it!


First match of the season is today 8pm est

4thKGA vs. 84th 2/10

Correction: We have agreed with the 4thKGA on the 11th at 8pm EST

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: February 02, 2016, 04:38:27 pm »
Nation: Ireland
Player's Name: Bagins
Player's Steam:[51st]Bagins
You ain't Irish.

Neither is the guy he wanted as Cpt, James_TTT.

Lol I think only Darragh could play for the team.


Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2016
« on: February 02, 2016, 04:35:57 pm »
Ireland is the new/old "im not good enough to join the gb team". Look, there were 2-3 irish players and one of them left because it's full of brits. #GiveIrelandBackToTheIrish  ;D ;D


Events: EU / Re: Clash of Nations [CN by the 2e] - France vs UK
« on: January 28, 2016, 04:24:00 pm »
Regiment Name : 84th York and Lancaster
Unit type : Infantry
Number : 20-40
Leaders steam id :
Teamspeak ip :
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules : yes

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