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Messages - Diamond63

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17
Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:14:34 pm »
- In-game name: Momchilo
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): MomciloWarband
- Desired class: Line Infantry


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:57:53 pm »
- In-game name: 7th_RSM_bmayest2712
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): [7th] bmayest2712
- Desired class: Rifles Or Lights


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:19:22 pm »
- In-game name: CSA_[NC]_Stonewall
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): Stonewall (
- Desired class: Line

Noted and accepted!

Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:48:53 pm »
Thanks for the answers, I will probably sign up if my regiment has nothing planned that day. If it is the case I will try to get some to join  :D

You're welcome! Thank you very much!

Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 06:21:23 pm »
- In-game name: k_Xorty
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed):
- Desired class: infantery


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 05:14:27 pm »

Steam name: K|Brage

In game name: K_Brage

Desired troop: Line infantry


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 05:07:13 pm »
- In-game name: 32nd_2Lt_Wolfus
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): [32nd] 2Lt. Wolfus [HTy]
- Desired class: Preferably cavalry - but anything providing it's not artillery.

Gladly accepted!

Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 04:37:02 pm »
How many bots per players do you intend to have (for 20 players, 10 per team for example)? Because I really like it when there is tons of bots, but some servers (and players) crash when there is too many.

Also, I advise you to add 1 rule: all infantry type must be 2 ranks minimum all the time (moving, firing, charging).
This to avoid ahistorical 1 rank fire for line infantry, and extremely hard to hit skirms using 1 line + heavy spread.
Since cavalry units and artillery units have low number of bots per squad, I think its ok that they can have 1 rank.

Black Knight had already answered about bots.

People can use 1 rank if they want and they can use 5 ranks if they are fighting cavalry.

Light infantry can spread 2X, Riflemen must be in 2 rows and they are allowed to spread 3X. In that way we will keep game balanced.

- In-game name: ed112
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): one of leading team members
- Desired class: Light Infantry


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:12:51 pm »
Good luck with this, i hope there will be lot of participants.

Thanks! Hope to see you there!

Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:47:30 am »
- In-game name: [SRB] Black_Knight
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): one of leading team members
- Desired class: Light cav

Hope to see you in wast numbers!


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:40:02 am »
In-game name: 32nd_Cdt_xIVixtro
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed):
- Desired class: Line Infantry


Events: EU / Re: EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 09:06:07 am »
- In-game name: AlekoTheGreek
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed): You got me babi
- Desired class: Artillery


Good Luck

Thank you very much!

Events: EU / EU Commander Battle Event
« on: July 01, 2015, 01:32:14 am »

Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am 32nd_Rfl_Diamond63, one of the admins on EU Commander Battle server. One of the admins, Ed112, along with Black_Knight came up with idea to make this kind of event. When they told me, I was thrilled, because I've always wanted to make this, but I've never had resources. So we all talked to BI_4eGre_Maximilien, who is the owner of the server, and he agreed that it's good idea.

 Our plan is to organize first *successful* Commander Battle Event. We intend to start with few pretty usual events, but later we want to bring it to the next level. And by that I mean we want to make historical battles on custom made historical maps. But for start, our usual Commander Battle maps will do the job. This thread should be used to inform people and here people will be able to apply for the event. One of the admins will always be in spectator during the event, to make sure everything goes smoothly.



- Each team will be able to choose 1 Commander. Commanders will be in spectator and will be able to coordinate their troops. Also Commanders will be granted admin rights so they could use special script to see names of their teammates. This is supposed to make command easier. But Commanders CAN'T use other admin powers, otherwise they will be forever banned from the server.

- No ramboing: Players are not allowed to charge alone without their squad or at least without friendly line.
- Only LIGHT infantry and RIFLEMEN/JAEGERS can spread while shooting. Everyone can spread when charging artillery while in melee.
- Camping on spawn IS NOT allowed, unless you are artillery.
- Insulting other players and admins on any basis (racism, fascism, or any other type of insults) IS NOT allowed
- Light infantry can spread max 2X.
- Riflemen/Jaegers MUST be in at least 2 ranks while firing and they are allowed to spread max 2X.
- Line and Light infantry can use 1 or 2 rank formation while firing and ALL INFANTRY (Line, Light, Rifles) can use 5 rank formation when fighting cavalry.
- Cavalry cannot use different formations and it IS NOT allowed to spread (including Dragoons).
- Both armies will have 1 minute to deploy before battle starts.

Unit composition (per team):

- 10% Artillery: *if there are more than 2 arty, only 1 howitzer is allowed.
- 20% Cavalry: *only 1 heavy cavalry per team allowed at any number of cavalry units;
                        *Light cavalry units: Dragoons, Lancers, Hussars;
                        *Heavy Dragoons will be considered as Heavy Cavalry.
- 20% Light Infantry/Riflemen/Jaegers;
- 50% Line Infantry.

**In order to make this event happen, we will need minimum 20 players.**

***Next event will  be held in Saturday, 12th September at 18:00 GMT.***

You can apply by filling this application form:

- In-game name:
- Steam name and profile link (so we could contact you if needed):
- Desired class:


* Applicants will be called to our TeamSpeak adress one hour before event to confirm their participation. If someone quit, others will be able to get free spot.

If you need more information about the event or something needs to be clarified, add me on steam [32nd] Diamond63 or join official TS server.

***We can go up to 15v15, these teams are not definite! We will assign you to your respected team one hour before the event!***

***** Please add Black Knight and Ed on steam, because I won't be able to be on the event, because my game lags a lot! ****

Known participants:

Team 1:



Almighty_Landon (Heavy Cavalry)


[SRB] Black Knight (Light)

Line Infantry:


Team 2:




Line infantry:

Line infantry:

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