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Messages - DjOverJoy

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17
79th 6 - 4 PSG nice event, a few discrepancies over some FOL's and OAs and spacings but overall good event. Also I'd like to speak to you privately either JAckie or Andrew.

DjOverjoy referee application: Accepted

Rafael is unbanned as well.

Thanks Andrew! Will do my best to adjust to becoming a referee!

Referee Application:

Community Name:    Dj Overjoy (ign: 5th_CSjt_DjOverJoy)

Steam Profile (link):

Regiment:   5th Northumberland Fusilers

Why do you want to be a referee?   Always found admining interesting, I would like to see a different perspective of how admins make decisions, should be a good experience overall since it will be my first major commitment to admining.

Why do you think you would be a good referee?   I'm very fair, I'm (believe it or not) smart as well. I do not lose my temper often if at all, and keep my cool in almost all siutations. I do not like cheating, personally I can not stand someone having an unfair advantage over another person. Finally, I am dedicated, I will show up to many lb's and will referee for lb's if anybody else is busy.

Admin Experience: Not much admining experience, just the occasional lb here and there, some 5th events, like I said before I want to get into the admining business I guess.

Did you read all the rules thoroughly? Yes, and I will study them even further if I am accepted.

Will you admin fairly and unbiased?  Of course.

:-[ Crai every tiem for mien fellow weeaboo

Reported, too much weeaboo for me. 5th, you will be reported.

Glad to see we still got some fight left in us, it's been a long time but I'm coming home bb. Niggas fo lyfe.

Seeing as I missed Ritz's I'll give this a go.

Steam Name: DjOverJoy
In-game Name: [1aSvea]Kpl_DjOverJoy
Current Regiment: 1aSvea
Do You Agree To The Following Rules Listed Above?: Yes

P.S. Please invite me to steam group and send announcement when it is starting. Thanks.

Events: EU / Re: Napoleonic Wars North American Cup
« on: April 13, 2014, 11:27:31 pm »
I think we need some NYC pride  8)

Name: Dj OverJoy

State: New York

Steam: Dj OverJoy - Steam Link:

As always, thanks for the opportunity!

Events: EU / Re: RitZ's NA Duel Tournament
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:34:01 am »
Hit me up.
Steam Name: Dj OverJoy
In-game Name: [14th]Pte_DjOverJoy
Current Regiment: 14th
Do You Agree To The Following Rules Listed Above?: Sure

Steam Name: Dj OverJoy
In-game Name: [14th]Pte_DjOverJoy
Current Regiment: 14th
Do You Agree To The Following Rules Listed Above?: Damn Straight

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