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Messages - Romulus76

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Servers / Re: ♜ Minisiege & EU_Commander
« on: February 27, 2018, 11:42:10 am »
It's been a long time since something was posted under this topic, so I think it's about time that I correct that! Minisiege and EU_Commander are still going strong today since their creation some years ago (2014 for Minisiege and 2015 for EU_Commander respectively). I will post below the changes that have come in the last 5 or so months since the last update post here for both of our servers.

- We've founded a Discord server and have reached 200 members! Link to join here:

- Our up-to-date Steam Group for both servers has reached 800 members! Link here:

- Our website has almost reached 800 unique members too, we're sitting at 795 as of posting this!

- Admin applications for both servers are open on a permanent basis. Apply on our website ( if interested.

- New Head Admin. This spot goes to TheQuickOne of the 77y.

- New senior admin. This spot goes to Takeout of the 16th.

- New Community Manager (hi). This spot goes to me, Gretel of the 1stEB. Qubez will be missed and thanks for everything he did whilst he was on our server and 33rdNW_Siege.

- Banlist has been wiped in it's entirety (Around 640 names in all) on the 25th of December 2017. However, this doesn't include those we deem deserving of our "Special Banlist", which includes around 44 names currently.

- Restructure of admin team, new Trial period system introduced to help assist newer admins into their roles. Before it was a simple "You're in, have fun and here's the password / whitelist".

Script changes and additions done by Caesim, very much appreciated work from him and big thanks to him for all of these changes!

- All scripts updated to be compatible with the new NW update as of day 1 of the release.

- Optimisations regarding server lag.

- Server welcome message updated (Text wrapping also was fixed as it used to take up a new line for 1 word). This also adds player GUID here.

- Server automatic messages introduced to advertise our Steam group and Discord 5 minutes into every round, rotating between the messages (So first round could be Discord, 2nd Steam).

- Earthworks now disappear, if they are undug when they have no hp left. Allows undigging of glitched earthworks.

- Medics have been buffed (To replace our old toilet healing system).
     - Healing cap was removed (used to only be able to heal someone to a certain percentage of extra health, now you can infinitely heal to 100% health)
     - Health per hit with the bandage increased to 20% per hit.
     - Text colour changed from pink to red (helps admins, as it was the same colour as internal admin chat)

- Flags have been re-introduced into the server. If these are dropped, however, they do not stand upright but are dropped like a weapon (to avoid flag blocking / trolling).

- Spyglasses re-enabled, bugs regarding this have been fixed.

- Bonuses turned back on so flag bearers and musicians are not useless in a battle now.

- Cheer animation for everyone, this is attached to the B key.

- Admin skins are re-added. These skins (not admin ones, ofc) will be available for players at some stage via the leaderboard positions.

Map changes are done by the good work of our 2 map managers, Kruse and Aztir. Big thanks to them for keeping things fresh and updating maps on requests!

- Various minor tweaks to old rotation maps, all details can be found below for these:

- Zulu map (Custom map 9) - removed from rotation entirely.   

- Out of rotation map (Fort Fausbourg (Morning)) is a new cav map being tested.

- Rotation completely changed, much easier to keep track of as it goes from custom map 1, 2 , 3, 4 ,5 - In a logical order.

- Sjotofta, new rotation map to replace custom map 9 (Zulu map).

- Custom map 16, new hybrid infantry and cavalry map.

- Avignon, new map added into rotation. Full rotation list can be found below:

- Arty ammo glitch re-added (after being removed in official NW update).

- Grenzers don't have musketoons anymore.

- Regiments should spawn in Hold Fire stance.

- Added more non-rotation custom and vanilla maps.

- Full list of non-rotation maps can be found on our website here:

- Flags and musicians are in the middle of your line again.

- After 30 seconds into the map, a reset is issued (A timer informs the Players) (also for big maps the timer is longer).

- Austrian Grenzer, Prussian Freikorps and Russian Militia are counted as lights. They are limited and spreading them is allowed.

- Russian Militia spawn with guns only.

- All Lancers have Lances now.

- When in 1 Row, Light infantry and Skirmishers can spread only 1 time, instead of 2 (does not apply to cav).

- Dragoon horses won't go wild.

- Horses that are dismounted on purpose can't be killed by teammembers.

- Arty is teleported 10 meters at spawn.

- Draws will give both teams 1 Point

- Admin message at roundstart is back.

- Anti-Rambo script will be enabled all the time

Apologies for the long post and list of changes, but as you may understand it's been quite some time since anything has been posted here so I've tried to keep it brief. I will attempt to keep things updated here from now on as I would on our Discord and Steam group. Thank you for reading!

Napoleonic Wars Public Community Manager

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