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Messages - VGC

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Sorry for those lags in the server, we gonna try to buy a new and better server for the next saturday. Thanks all for coming  8)  ;D

btw, 3 lines and 1 more cav spot available, and we needs admins as well

Regiment Name: 3erEjército "Los Castaños"
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending:15+-
Class: Line
Regular or once?: Once
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: yes

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 23, 2017, 03:20:10 pm »
Regiment Name: 1 Pułk Szwoleżerów-Lansjerów Gwardii Cesarskiej
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending: 5 - 15
Regular or once?:Regular
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 23, 2017, 03:00:20 pm »

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:35:30 pm »

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines Lights and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 22, 2017, 05:47:51 pm »
Regiment Name: 7 Regimiento de Campo Mayor
Regiment Leader's Steam: Pilota155 /
Numbers attending: 5 - 15
Class: Ligths
Regular or once?: Weekly bro  ;) ;) :-* :-* :P :P
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes, we read.

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines Lights and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 22, 2017, 03:20:09 pm »

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines Lights and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 22, 2017, 10:57:08 am »
Slots of cav , line and lights :D

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines Lights and 2 more cav spots)
« on: September 21, 2017, 05:03:08 pm »
Line , Light and 2 cav spots :D

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines and lights spots)
« on: September 21, 2017, 02:56:55 pm »
UP lines nad light spots :D

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event (Lines and lights spots)
« on: September 20, 2017, 05:51:04 pm »
Regiment Name: 77y
Regiment Leader's Steam: Me: and Syncmaster:
Numbers attending: 12-15
Class: Lights
Regular or once?: Regular
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes we do.

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:59:36 pm »
WE Need Lines And lights :D

Events: EU / Re: VGC Saturday Event
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:58:31 pm »
We changed the name of 1erBG and VGC evento to VGC event only cause 1erBG dont want to continious no worry guya the regs has the spots that had on the other post

Events: EU / VGC Saturday Event [Canceled]
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:56:21 pm »


I'm proud to present my Saturday Event! It will take place every week.
The event will be hosted every Saturdayat 7:00pm GMT / 2pm EST!

This is a European BattleEvent. All events will be held on a French server which should provide decent pings for the whole of the EU player base (200 slots). These events will be hosted weekly. The same thread will be used every week for this event. Any news or information will be posted here, also all the sign ups.

In this event we will allow every classes (Line, Rifles, Lights, Cavalry and Artillery) less Rockets

VGC Saturday Event:
The event will take place every Saturday
The event will start at 19:00 GMT (20:00 GMT+1)
Sign ups will be made on this forum
If your regiment won't come for any reason must inform any admin,  via steam or ts.
The event details will be posted in the description of our ts3 channel event at 18:30 GMT (19:30 GMT+1)

|Sign-Up Format|

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending:
Regular or once?:
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?:

Make sure once you have signed up to add one of the organisers on Steam!

Steam Name :
Experience :
Regular or once?:
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?:

Make sure once you have signed up to add one of the organisers on Steam!


Head Organiser:

|Regiments attending|

Regiments Attending

|Server 1|
|Main Admin: Retamar|
Team One:
Lines: ,(free), 4pu , 1.Ner ,  Legion of Czechoslovakia
Light 1 : VGC
Light2: 1st Vistula Legionairres
Cavalry: 8pu
Cavalry :1 Pułk
Artillery: VGC(1 cannon) , 3erEJ (1 cannon )

People who comes 190 -200

Team Two:
Lines: 56e, 7ph ,(Free) , 116th
Light1: 77y
Light2: 56e
Cavalry: 7ph
Cavalry:  9th
Artillery: 9th (1 cannon), Nr47 ( 1 cannon )

reserve: 2eme carabinier (Cav)




No insult.
No teamkilling.
No ramboing.
No trolling or flaming of other regiments/players.
No spamming chat.
Speed combat in medium
No reloading in charge.
When all charge is called,cavalry must dismount. All units can regroup
Commander unit and staff is allowed
Can do officer aim unless the officer is beholding
Realoading in Charge is not allowed
Obey the admins
Breaking a rule during the final round will be understood as "I break rules because is the last round and I don't care about punishment"
During the event, the Head Organiser (Retamar or Zedize) can change any of the rules

Class Information:


Do not use rockets
Minimum 3 men for 1 cannon, and 5 men for 2 cannons, maximum 12 men.
Max 2 cannons
Cannot be separate from their cannons
Artillery men must be near their cannons unless an enemy charges them. In that case they can retreat, always together(rifles formation), and then return to the cannon
Can have guard who have to follow the light infantry rules


Minimum 5 men, maximum 30 men.
May only crouch when forming a anti-cavalry formation or double line
Must maintain a line formation
Have to have a close formation always
When 3 or less men, must join a friendly line


Minimum 5 to join, maximum 15 men.
Can Have 2-3 men spacing
May fire in charge
When 3 or less men, must join a friendly line


Minimun 5 to join, maximum 15 men.
Always stay in formation
Must dismount and join a line if 3 or less men
Cavalry have to form a line if they want to shoot
Cavalry cannot fire in charge
Cavalry cannot fire when riding a horse
Cavalry have to play with their own weaponds (Hussars cannot take lances, for example)


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