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Messages - LeGenD1605

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PW or PF are like Napoleonics Wars; 200 players can play in real time on a same server. And it's all. Certainly, PW and PF have some features like automatic respawn and money system who differs a lot of NW, but according me, these two mods are not open world mods, but more persitent mods (there is a huge difference).

NWC is technically the first real open world mod in Warband. NWC makes finally the server linking possible on Mount & Blade: Warband. This really is a giant progress on the game! When PF or PW will offer a travel system between few server or a another system to creat a real immersive world (not only a server of 200 slots with a limited map), that would be a open world.

To return to the main subject, thank you for the feedback!  ;D

In Development / Re: New World Conflict (First Open World Mod)
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:49:06 pm »
    To perpetuate proper operation within the Supremacy universe, some regulations have to be applied and democratized to the extent of the community. Besides, there are two important rules that apply to all (except some exceptions): no Fire Out of Line (FOL), no Fire On Charge (FOC). Now here is the list of fundamental rules which must be systematically applied to ensure proper operation of the game.                   

    *Please note that these regulations are for the extensive time and may be changed at any time.

    • The Line Infantry regiments must move and evolve in line. They cannot move out of line or crouch. A line has a minimum of 3 players; below this number and they are no longer considered as a line. The "rambos" (players who are part of a line/formation under 3 players are deemed "rambos") must join another line or create a new one with other survivors, like what they will sanctioned by server administrators. The exception applies when the line infantry regiments defend any strategic point (city, crossing, military camps, etc.). In this defensive position, line infantry regiments have the right to disperse, hide, and shoot out of line. This is however not the case for opposing line infantry regiments which must always remain in line, despite the fact that they are taking by storm a strategic point. See the point number 6 for the fort regulations.

    • The Light Infantry regiments do not have an obligation to move and evolve online. They do have the right to adopt a slightly spread out line/group, which means they have to be away from each other at a maximum of 2 meters (approximate distance of 5 lined soldiers) and stay grouped. A light infantry regiment having below 3 players still alive must join another formation/line, as otherwise they will be considered "rambos" and therefore receive sanctions. Light Infantry formation under 3 players must join a nearby regiment and adapt to its role in game (Meaning you must follow the rules of whatever type of line it is you join).

    • Players/regiments that use the specialist class must comply with regulations on the chosen class:
      • Artillery: The artillery regiments using the class must move and operate in group. There are no rules as to how to move apart from the artillerists, other than they are required to stay together. Besides this restriction, no other concrete regulations with respect to the artillery.
      • Artillery Guard: Players or regiments using artillery guard class are required to stay together and close to the artillery. Artillery guards may in no case leave the artillery site; they must at all times assist the artillery. Nevertheless, they can pull off formation and do not have an obligation to move in a line. In the situation where an artillery guard formation would be the only survivor of all the artillery, it should be noted that he must join the formation/line of a another allied regiment, this will be enforced by the server administrators.
      • Cavalry: Cavalry Regiments must move and fight in groups. They actually have no obligation as to the type of formation to be adopted; this is at the discretion of the officer. However, they do have to fire in formation, that is to say, at the order of the officer. Any breach of the terms of this aspect of the game will be reprimanded. When a cavalry line has less than 3 players alive, following a charge for example, players must dismount their horse and join a nearby formation/line. Of course, they must adapt to the role of formation/line in question.
      • Native American: The regiments embodying this troop must move in formation. There are no fixed rules as to the distance between the players; they must simply stay grouped. A regiment of Native Americans not may have more than 2 bowman.

    • Independent Fighter can only embody two types of troops: Independent Fighter classified troops and Native American troops. No Independent Fighter has the right to be an bowman when he plays in Native American. In addition, it must always follow at a maximum distance of about 30 meters, other allied regiments. The Independant Fighter cannot move and attack the enemy alone, or he will face sanctions. An Independent Fighter not may undertake a charge alone; he can only enter in charge when one or more allied regiments charge the enemy.

    • The "trolls" (detrimental to the proper functioning of a server) of any kind will not be tolerated on the servers of Supremacy game mode. These harmful actions will result in punishments ranging from a simple kick to permanent ban of the player/regiment. The respect between all players is also needed. Hate speech issued in the server chat, whether racist, sexist, homophobic or violent will lead to extreme sanctions.

    • When a regiment, and regardless of the class, enters or is situated near a fort (from 1 to 10 meters), take note that these regulations come into account:

      • The FOC is, in this unique case, enabled.
      • The FOL is, in this unique case, enabled.
      • Players have the right to crouch and hide behind objects/obstacles.
      • Players inside the fort only do not necessarily need to follow their line to shoot or charge.
      • The Independent Fighter can attack or defend a fort; in this case, all the above rules apply.
      • Moreover, an Independent Fighter is allowed, inside the fort only, to charge the enemy at will.

    In Development / Re: New World Conflict (First Open World Mod)
    « on: June 16, 2015, 12:48:42 pm »

    Open World System (100%)
    Nations Scripting (100%)
    Troops Scripting (100%)
    Weapons Scripting (90%)
    Supremacy Game Mode (95%)
    Other (60%)

    Note: We actually looking for a Scripter with a huge experience on the Napoleonics Wars sourcecode. Feel free contact us if you are interested!

    Main Server Map (100%)
    New York Map (25%)
    Iroquois Country Map (0%)
    New England Map (0%)
    St Lawrence Valley Map (0%)

    Note: We actually looking for a Mapper to help us in this task. Feel free to contact us if you are interested!

    Accesories [3D Models + Textures] (85%)
    Uniforms [3D Models + Textures] (25%)
    Native American Cloths (0%)
    Native American Skins (0%)

    Note: We actually looking for a Texturer with experience in uniform retexturing on Napoleonics Wars and a 3D Modeler. Feel free to contact us if you are interested!

    Firearms [3D Models + Textures] (PENDING - Adding new models)
    Melee Weapons [3D Models + Textures] (PENDING - Adding new models)
    Native American Weapons [3D Models + Textures] (PENDING - Adding new models)

    Scene Ressources (100%)
    Sounds & Voices (70%)
    Musics (10%)


    New World Conflict (NWC) is a mod for Mount & Blade: Napoleonic Wars. It immerses players in the time of the French and Indian War (1754-1763). NWC is primarily based on the Supremacy game mode in which you can find the details below but also offers the classic game modes that can be found on Napoleonics Wars.
    Here’s the development team working on the project:
    • LeGenD: Dev Team Lead, Game Designer, Scripter, Mapper
    • Henker: Lead Programer, Scripter
    • thehir: Uniform Texturer, Ressources Texturer
    • Jonasspil: Scene Props Modeler/Texturer, Mapper
    • DarthTaco: Weapon Modeler/Texturer, Inorganic Modeler
    • Proton: Mapper

    We are currently recruiting any person who would be interested in this kind of project. Specifically, we are actively seeking a scripter with experience with the source code for Napoleonic Wars and a texturer (especially for the uniforms), also with experience on Napoleonics Wars. If you have expertise in a completely different area (voice acting, mapping, community management, etc.) Please feel free to contact us if you want to bring your help.



    Supremacy game mode is unlike the classic game modes. It’s specifically oriented towards the community. Supremacy certainly remains the central element of the New World Conflict mod! Strict rules and codes of conduct make this a totally unique way to play the game. Supremacy is based on the same principle as Napoleonic Wars. Mainly it puts forward a "regimental system" in which groups of players (known as a historical regiment) are invited to participate. In terms of gameplay, Supremacy stands out, innovates, and is based essentially on the establishment of an open world totally immersive and  continually based on a platform of FOUR 200 slot game servers; each server representing a region of the universe, each server being linked through points of entry and exit. Therefore, players will have the ability to travel over the 4 edges of this world, from one region to another. This is certainly the fundamental aspect that makes Supremacy an innovative game mode, that makes something unique and never seen before.

    Supremacy works as a historical reproduction of North American conflicts perceived during the mid-thirteenth century. Indeed, this game mode aims to propose a totally new gaming experience on Mount & Blade. It allows hundreds of players to compete in a major community battle, and this, in a huge open world reproducing the historical territory at the time. The Supremacy game mode uses two opposing nations: the Royaume de France and the Kingdom of Great Britain in a struggle to power to supremacy. Indeed the objective of Supremacy is, for each nation, to conquer the various strategic points within a region (forts, cities, camps, farms, etc.) in order to ultimately dominate the entire territory. To win the ultimate victory, each nation will spread its supremacy in the entire immersive world that will be open to them. In other words, every empire must rewrite History by changing the course of the French and Indian War.


    Besides the Supremacy game mode, a few other classic game modes will be also available such as Team Deathmatch, Battle, and Deathmatch. However, despite the fact that plans be drawn up in this regard, it should be noted that these game modes are not a short or medium term priority. So do not expect to see them in early versions of the mod. They will actually come later. So there will be a possibility of hosting  private and public game servers.

    As indicated above, the Supremacy universe will be composed of four maps. These remain historical reproductions of the territory and the environment of the time. This implies that the important cities of the time, the buildings of historical value, and historical forts will be carefully reproduced. This also applies for the typological aspect of the territory; forests, mountains and the most representative water during that time will be reconstructed as well.
    The Supremacy universe splits into 4 regions (maps) of which are named: New York, New England, Iroquois Country and St Lawrence Valley. Here is the official World Map Plan of the layout of the Supremacy universe:

    Supremacy World Map


    Overview Map - Legend

    NY - New York
    NE - New England
    IC - Iroquois Country
    St. L. V. - St Lawrence Valley
    Red Line - Frontier of each region
    Yellow Arrow - Possible Entry Point of each region             

    Detailled Map - Legend

    NY - New York
    NE - New England
    IC - Iroquois Country
    St. L. V. - St Lawrence Valley
    Red Line - Frontier of each region
    White Dot - City
    Yellow Star - Fort (Ft.)
    Historical 1750's NA Map

    Here is two Historical Map of the 1750's North America territory. These maps show the real strategic positions coveted during the French and Indian War. We rigourosly based on these historical maps to constitute the Supremacy World Map and the official in-game maps.

    English Version Map   

    French Version Map


    The regions will be connected via an app that has to be started separately during the main menu. This allows us to let the player travel among the regions (= servers) in real-time, i.e. he will be able to just go to the edge of the current region he is located at and hold the action button to “travel to New York” for example. Then he will appear in New York at the north edge, if he came from Iroquois Country, or at the east edge, if he came from New England. The player character keeps his weapons and other equipment, as well as his HP and ammunition.

    This little Demo Video show the general features of the NWC Open World System. Don't take consideration of the ressources showed in the video: it is NOT the final ressources of the mod, we have used random ressources for the demo video.


    Supremacy is based heavily on community participation, without it the game mode cannot work. In this sense, "virtual historical nations" will rigorously reproduce the historical nations in conflict during the French and Indian War, respectively the Nouvelle-France and Thirteen Colonies will be formed. They will bring together in their center two groups of key players (known players and important figures in the Mount & Blade communities) and would also be created in cooperation with the developers of the mod. The recruitment of the "head" of these virtual nations will be carefully made in the various communities of Mount & Blade: Warband, but essentially in that of Napoleonics Wars. These organizations will bring together a core of players who will need to work in cooperation with each other, building a strong role-playing, quality community. These organizations will be the basis of the process and the very heart of the development of this game mode. Consequently, each community must consist at the core of serious players who are involved and have qualities of leadership. Moreover, each virtual organization will have a military structure (with the creation of an army) and a political structure (with the creation of a government including senior officials, governors, etc.). Each structure will have its importance in the universe of Supremacy; it will regulate itself, to prioritize and be especially effective!


    In the end, once the virtual historical nations have been implemented the regimental recruitment will begin! This is something totally new and differs royally from the principles put forward in the Napoleonics Wars community. This will be at the virtual nations to recruit regiments! In this sense, historical regiments (personification of historic regiments the time of the French and Indian War, as on NW) or groupings of players will have applied to join one of the two armies. This will then to the General Staff of the army to ensure the selection of the most serious, promising and interesting regiments. This aspect complicates the task and makes the game much more RP. This process aims to filter the good and the bad (trolls and others) groupings of players. It is also noted that the General Staffs will have the ability to exclude any regiment who cause inconvenience and/or which disturbs the proper functioning of the army. This goes the same for promotions, since the Staffs will also have authority over each leader (the highest ranking player) of regiments. It will be only General Staffs who will have the ability to promote to a higher rank the leader of each regiment depending on their performance & implications on and off the battlefield. The leaders not being able to do self-promotion. In this sense, upon their arrival in one of the two armies, each regiment leader will be systematically assign to a Captain rank. The promotions they will get later will allow them to increase their status and their importance in the military, and especially (in some cases), allow them to join the General Staff of their army.


    Another perspective is possible for solo players. It will be possible for a handful of them to join the community and be active on the battlefield. These privileged players will be known under the emblem of Independent Fighter. To access this special class, the player must submit an application to the leaders of the two armies and must receive a favorable response from them. Warning! It's not everyone who can wear the colors of the Independent Fighter; it will be kind of a VIP class for players who will focus particularly on the role playing, and that will show maturity, mutual respect and seriousness. In short, only those who meet these criteria will access this class. In game, these players will must also have to bear the tag of those who have submitted their application and must embody a classified troop of Independent Fighter or a Native American troop.


    LeGenD's Steam     

         Henker's Steam

    thehir's Steam

    Our Development Steam Group:

    It was the last event tonight. Starting the next week, the event will be officially canceled. Thank you to all the regiments that participated at the event.

    See you on the battlefield!  ;)

    Regiment Name: Voltigeurs Canadiens de la Jeune Garde
    Regiment leader(s) steam: LeGenD, MrMastodonte, Minipaul
    Regiment expected attendance: 8-12
    Do you agree to bring at least 10 to the event?: We'll try
    Did you read all the rules and agree to them?: Yes

    Name of the regiment: 30th Regiment of Foot
    Regiment's leader Steam name: Stonewall
    Class played: Line
    Expected attendance: 20
    Do you want to attend once or weekly? For now just once. We want to see how this event is.
    Do you have read and agreed the rules? yes


    But for tonight, we will be probably full. I'll contact you on Steam for the holding of the event of tonight.

    Name of the regiment: 61LH
    Regiment's leader Steam name: Chinatown(white back ground with soldier in the middle)
    Class played: Cav
    Expected attendance: 8-11
    Do you want to attend once or weekly? Weekly
    Do you have read and agreed the rules? Yes


    The Cav slots are full. You are in the Waiting List for the moment.

    Name of the regiment: Nr.23 'Kurfurst von Salzburg' Infanterie Regiment
    Regiment's leader Steam name: Rowan12312345
    Class played: Line Infantry
    Expected attendance: 10-15
    Do you want to attend once or weekly? Weekly
    Do you have read and agreed the rules? Yes

    Name of the regiment: 18th Royal Irish
    Regiment's leader Steam name:[18th]Tico
    Class played:Line infantry
    Expected attendance:10 - 15
    Do you want to attend once or weekly? Possibly Weekly
    Do you have read and agreed the rules? Yes

    We still search more regiments for the next events!

    Merci à tous!  :)

    Bonjour à tous et à toutes! Je fais partie d’une petite équipe de développement de deux personnes - un retextureur et un game designer (moi-même), qui travaille présentement sur un projet de mod portant sur l’ère des batailles navales du début du XVIIIe siècle. Notre objectif est de constituer un mod multijoueur compétitif sur Mount & Blade: Warband, un mode empruntant la même philosophie que Napoleonics Wars; il serait également basé sur un “système régimentaire” qui inviterait les joueurs à se regrouper entre eux, créer des équipages (même principe que les régiments sur NW) et organiser des événements communautaires.

    Nous voyons en ce mod un certain “renouveau”, une “seconde étape”, une idée innovatrice qui, espérons-le, succédera au fameux et vieux Napoleonics Wars. Plusieurs joueurs se tannent de plus en plus du gameplay général de NW et délaissent par conséquent le DLC, puis le jeu. Nous désirons effectivement pallier à cela en créant un contenu et un type de gameplay nouveau, qui revivifiera la flamme chez plusieurs anciens joueurs.

    Bien que le concept des batailles navales ne soit pas révolutionnaire et déjà exploité dans divers projets tels que The Deluge et Blackwake par exemple, nous croyons que Mount & Blade: Warband demeure le jeu tout indiqué à la création d’un mod de ce genre. Pourquoi? Tout simplement pour son système de combat unique, pour sa base solide et déjà existante (nous n’aurons pas à développer un jeu à partir de zéro: réutilisation de modèles pour le mapping, armes, navires, etc., réutilisation de plusieurs scripts, système de batailles navales déjà mis en place, etc.) et pour sa contenance, son orientation historique. Pour ceux qui croient que la création d’un mod naval est impossible sur Mount & Blade: Warband, et ce, à cause notamment de son moteur graphique, je leur réponds ceci: maintenant en 2015, tout est possible. Plusieurs équipes de moddeurs l’ont précédemment démontré (je pense notamment à celle de The Deluge). Il suffit simplement de bien faire les choses, de les faire méthodiquement et intelligemment, pour que ce projet fonctionne et soit réalisable.

    Pour qu’un tel projet voie le jour, nous recherchons en effet activement un moddeur/scripteur qui ait une quelconque expérience en modding (et logiquement en Python) sur Napoleonics Wars et bien sûr du temps à consacrer à notre projet. Si cela vous intéresse, je vous invite donc à me contacter sans plus attendre par MP.

    Il est d’ailleurs à noter que le projet n’est qu'à un stade précoce de développement à l'heure actuelle, mais n'est néanmoins pas au point mort, dans le sens où un document (Game Design Document) comportant tous les détails du gameplay est déjà bien entamé (une vingtaine de pages pour le moment). Ce document sera bien sûr remis au moddeur dès qu’il se joindra à l’équipe. Quelques autres petits éléments techniques, de retexturage notamment, ont également été réalisé jusqu'à maintenant. Nous estimons cependant qu'il est encore trop tôt pour poster un post de présentation officiel du projet sur ce présent forum, ou un autre d'ailleurs.

    Merci d’avoir pris le temps de lire ce message.

    Au plaisir!

    We still look for a Skirmisher regiment and some Line Infantry Regiment! The next event is tonight at 8 PM EST.

    Thursdays arent good for 1stIR take us off the list.
    Good continuation to you!

    Due to the repeated absence of several regiments at our events, we have decided to erase the name of inactive regiments on the Participating Regiment List. Consenquently, a few slots are free in Line Infantry and one slot is free in Skirmisher.

    Name of the regiment: 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment of Foot - NA
    Regiment's leader Steam name: Amit
    Class played: Line Infantry
    Expected attendance: 13-17
    Do you want to attend once or weekly? Weekly
    Do you have read and agreed the rules? Fully read, understood, and agreed to


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