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Messages - 63ePootis

Pages: 1 2 3
I tried to connect to the TS but it does not work.

Regiments / Re: The 12Ier (moved to NW now.)
« on: August 02, 2013, 02:40:59 am »
Whoot first training! Also, removing inactive members from the roster.

Community / Re: Regimental marches?
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:11:24 am »
What can I say, i'm the typical 'murrican. I spam foreign words in attempts to sound intellectual and shit and i end up making myself look like an ignorant douche.

Technical Support / Re: A very bad problem
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:38:25 pm »
Try running antivirus.

Community / Re: Regimental marches?
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:30:06 pm »
NYLANDS OCH OMG I LOVE THAT ONE. If sweden was a NW faction i'd totally make a swede regiment and we'd all be fife and drummers and we'd all play that song.

Community / Re: Regimental marches?
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:09:36 pm »
Not from what I understand.

Community / Regimental marches?
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:05:51 pm »
Every regiment has its regimental march. Here's the regimental march of the 12. Infantrieregiment.


Post your own below!

In Development / Re: [Official] Warhammer 40k Grim Future
« on: July 29, 2013, 01:53:02 am »
Brothers. The Ultramarines have arrived. We march for macragge, and we shall see all heretics in this thread purged. We shall know no fear, and we shall not be found wanting in the emperor's eyes. In the emperor's name, brothers.

+++++++++++++TRANSMISSION END++++++++++++

Historical Discussion / Re: Favorite Weapon?
« on: July 29, 2013, 01:31:57 am »
Oh man, Lee Enfield Mk IV. Mostly for the round it shoots. (DAT .303 ROUND GODDAMN.)

Just my two cents.
I believe that washington won because of his mixed line and ambush warfare. Napoleon was the embodiment of european warfare, the last great line warfare general. Washington led both lines and ambushes. Napoleon's massed artillery would have well held down washington's lines, but certainly not the ambushers. Plus, napoleon refused to adapt rifles or the steamship, so he had rather old weapons.
Washington's skirmishers/ambushers would have had rifles, and therefore had range on napoleon's troops. Napoleon would have two options: One, thin his line by sending troops after them in a tiring, fruitless chase that would have led them right into washington's prepared line, or two, by focusing his artillery fire on the skirmishers, which would barely hit any of them, and they'd most likely be elsewhere before the shells even hit.
Napoleon would then have one option: Advancing his lines against washington, because he would believe (rightly) that he has higher quality infantry.
But, washington's aforementioned skirmishers would pick off many of their officers, as thus, their morale would fall, and so would their organization. Thus, the superiority of napoleon's infantry is gone. Washington's men would then send their lines into panic, as his infantry gives volleys into the demoralized, leaderless infantry.
A defeat for napoleon, at the hands of washington.

Most people like to state the start of WW1 as 1914. But, really, it was an inevitable boiling-over of tensions caused by the Congress of Vienna in 1814 and 1815. That is what I attribute as the real start, or at least the point where the boulder started rolling towards the inevitable war. The thing is, everyone knew it was coming. Especially those in germany, france, and england. And it was all caused by the fear of the nobility after napoleon's revolution and their futile re-dividing of nation-state lines. Instead of letting the nations do what they need to grow or shrink, they tried to create a self-sustaining system that depended on nations not being greedy. But metternich did not look at human nature, he should have known that nations have an innate desire to grow. And that's what WW1 was. A result of metternich and the congress of vienna, and the foolish nobility. And the result? Hundreds of thousands butchered, an entire generation minced and tattered, smashed against the wall and forever stained. It was one of the worst tragedies in human history: Happy, patriotic, brave young men going for glory in a war they anticipated to be a short little game, and they come back wounded, missing limbs, permenantly blind, and mentally scarred, if they're lucky.

It was the true incarnation of war, shown for what it truly was.

It was hell on earth.

Regiments / Re: The 12Ier (moved to NW now.)
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:40:16 am »
Thanks menelaos for clearing that little issue up!

Application to Join

Regiment name:12 Infantrieregiment

Are you the regiment leader?:Yes.

Regiment leader steam.:P[12Ier]Peetis

Regiment FSE Thread link.:;topicseen

Projected Attendence.: 6, 5 men

I agree to read and follow the rules and make sure to check the thread for any updates (y/n).: I will read and follow the rules of this event.

Regiments / Re: The 12Ier (moved to NW now.)
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:56:59 pm »
Vurk vas done.

Hoping so too. Best of luck to my friends in the 63e!

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