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Messages - Vortecks

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 59
i dont know whats better, the video game or the fucking memes it produces

Define bandwagon pls
any regiment that can beat the 30th consistently

Not really

Just means that they don't really want to interact with eachother at all outside of events.

Usually groups of friends will often stay on because they want to interact with eachother further.

It doesn't have any correlation to how long people have played the game or if they are a bandwagon group(although kinda for that one). People who tire of the game but want to continue interacting with friends will ask others if they want to play a different game or "what do you want to do now?"

not really

some people actually have to leave and can't play computer games all day. people go to different teamspeaks or discords with other friends (of which some are 3e) and play games there; or people like to play games by themselves and be quiet. Some stay on if they want to. Like I said, they do what they want...we are all big boys now.
And the 30th has those people too, but we still have a community of people that enjoy playing games together until 1am+. Stop denying that your core community is smaller and shittier than what it should be.
you are really taking this muh bandwagon thing to the next level, just because your regiment is shit doesnt mean you have to come call our regiments' community shit

Yall won anyways, sure it was shady but it was 8-2. Admin chat was kinda sketchy doe. Yall also had lady moraine and risk who coulda told Orcraryo stuff.
yeah im not too mad about it, i just got PTSD from Beanbean reffing our matches

i just watched the video of the match, that reffing was some NANWL S6 shit lmao

Game of thrones>shitty mount and blade tournament
jorge keeps scheduling it when fucking GoT starts and im gonna cut

Oh no weebism has affect the 3e
bro that shit was on adult swim, makes it a cartoon


this is the first anime ive watched in my life, it was pretty good
the only good anime ever

3e are worst NA. They have been 10-0'd by every reg. Check the records boys  8)  8)  8)
we lost to the 8th, time to disband

Listen here Zachary, Sleek doesn't check this thread. He only goes to the 3eVolt thread to complain that Asian hasn't updated the roster.

Listen here idiot, I check a lot of threads, don't assume my computer usage ever again you troglodyte garbage
Sorry sir, won't happen again.

Listen here Zachary, Sleek doesn't check this thread. He only goes to the 3eVolt thread to complain that Asian hasn't updated the roster.

30th win this. I'm calling it
give me 20 bucks and ill make it happen

The Mess Hall / Re: How famous is the person above you? Mk. 2
« on: August 02, 2017, 08:36:22 am »

hey guys, here is his second single released today. send PJ all your love and support!!

bro this is bars

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