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Messages - Kator Viridian

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Historical Discussion / Re: The Falklands War
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:38:58 pm »
My 'wrong' was based on this:

the country you live in is the Kingdom of the Netherlands

There is no such thing as the country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and also no such thing as the Netherlands region. Of course, I don't really mind and I'd never get pissed at anyone for making that mistake. I'm calling him out on the fact that not everybody finds the construction of the United Kingdom as easy as he does.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, by the way, consists of the countries of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten. Now, carry on talking about this silly neo-colonial business. Class dismissed.

Hence I said Nation.

Either way you said "nation", he put "country" in the wording but his answer correct, in any test he would get full marks ... end of Class ;)

Historical Discussion / Re: The Falklands War
« on: March 11, 2014, 11:20:35 pm »
You started it by your ridiculous and high-hearted comment. If you get mad at people for making a mistake, especially one that's easy to make if you're not British, expect people to get mad at you.

Duuring you will find the proper name of your "nation" on the front of your passport ... problem solved and I think you will find it states "Koninkrijk Der Nederlanden" which google translate so kindly puts it "Kingdom of the Netherlands" which may or may not be correct but it most certainly is not the Netherlands.

You can chose to say you are part of just "The Netherlands", but that part dosn't really matter at all in official documents. I can in all considerate fact consider myself German but I don't even though I have that possibility simply due to the fact as to where I was born ... but fact of the matter is I'm part of the nation of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" ... that is my Nation by default as I have citizenship.

Now unless you have Citizenship anywhere else you belong to the Nation of "Kingdom of the Netherlands" wether you like it or not, but you can chose and feel free to ... whatever country inside that you would like to assign yourself to until you find citizenship elsewhere.

For example anyone in Scotland can feel free to call themselves scottish, but by any official documentation no matter how they like it ... they are officially a Citizen of the "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", that is the nation not the country.

You asked for your Nation ... not country:
Regarding the proper names of the UK; it's not really that complicated if people actually take the time to know the difference.

What's the proper name of my nation?

Historical Discussion / Re: The Falklands War
« on: March 09, 2014, 12:18:25 pm »
I came to read about the Falklands war and hit upon the terrible need for "Irish". Just a quick thing:

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland - 1801-1922
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - 1922 - Present

Big difference between the whole of Ireland and the "Northern" part, no need to get so confused.

This Video will help you understand what "Great Britain" actually is and difference between it and the countries within it and Ireland:

Very simple really.

But anywho, the people are what make the country. For Example I strongly beleive due to the high population of Russians in Crimea, it should really be Russian and if they want an independance Vote then go for it.

Argentinians can easily go to and migrate to the Falkland Islands, unfortunatly an independance Vote will not happen again until requested and considering it was over 90% voted for to stay "British" ... well its just not gonna work now is it. If the choice is invading then Britain has full rights to defend it, much as Ukraine has full rights to defend the Crimea ... its just ... it can't.

The Biggest problem is that "Oh well the past this was ...", does that then give the right for Mexico to full on invade Texas? ... well No. Does this give Germany the full right to take over parts of Poland, France, Austria ... oh wait that happened and didn't go well ... multiple times. Britain used to own the 13 Colonies, does it give us a right to invade, well No ... and thats just stupid in the first place but it dosn't give us any legitimate right.

Maybe if I was playing a big game of Crusader Kings ... Nope still wouldn't as it would of bled out in the bloodlines by now.

I have no idea why the invasion happened on any leigitimate reasons other than ... "Because we can". Which quite often means ... a can of woop ass ... sorry Woop Arse.

Community / Re: How To Pronounce Cavalry
« on: March 01, 2014, 11:10:34 pm »
Why don't you come on over Ca-Valerie!


Community / Re: The NW Community & Mods: The Elephant In The Room
« on: February 23, 2014, 06:18:13 pm »
I agree with Vidrian, but the problem is getting them to play it, some might not even care to play, some might just completely back fire and public the closed beta link.

The lag certainly is a problem, but we are trying to fix it, but because of the limits of the engines and how the engine is already even more stretched it could get difficult, who knows... Maybe we might even move to BCoF if things go well there and if it allows modding capability like warband does, but without the limits.

Every mod has their reasons to why it dies. We cannot specifically assign a main reason to the death of a mod.

But I learned a bit from my other old mod:
MnG (The first revive): The team was very inexperienced atthe time, there was a lot of hype around it, the mod got released, public complained about the weapon balances, patches after patches without proper testing where released, bugs after bugs appeared. People go tired, team started to spread out.
Experience, reliability, the will to work, ability to hear, ability to comprehend criticism and obviously the price, are important. Some fail at it, but no game is perfect. There is always place for improvement. That's how I see it...

You know BCoF is looking exactly like an attempt on a different engine on Warband, I mean War of the Roses has already acheived that.

The reason most die quite simply is because of the community it is aimed at, unfortunatly due to hype this community throws into a mod they all think "Omg this will be the best ever" and blindly follow the opinion of their regiment leader before actually thinking anything.

I'm just downloading Iron Europe now, but i'm gonna watch Top Gear first before I try it for myself. The Idea i'm looking forward to is the idea of Granade Javelins (which were in wolfstars incarnation of the game). Seeing if they work on the same process because if they do i'll be launching them like mortars across the map. Shooting itself already looks game breaking simply because"Pew dead, Pew dead, Pew dead" without even being spotted.

I dunno why mods are still being created now, apart from the Roman one at the moment, atleast that has a bit of sustainability.

anything that breaks away from a melee focus, just destroys Warband/NW ... dunno why thats so hard to grasp because thats what the game engine is made for.

Community / Re: The NW Community & Mods: The Elephant In The Room
« on: February 23, 2014, 05:48:29 pm »
My opinion is that many mods simply are released not prepared. Yes for any mod there will be initial enthusiasm but itd the mods faults not the players if people dont stick. I dont mean to back any modders but I have seen a good amount of mods with their first releases being very poor and generally unfinished.
+1. When the modders give a release date and do not meet it, whether due to something in real life, or they simply do not have it done, it lowers the hype.  However, if the mod is given a release date, and it is released on the appropriate date, but unfinished, then people have no reason to stick around because the modder has already given the players a reason not to trust them.  It is really about finding a balance between 1) releasing while the mod has popularity and 2) releasing the mod when it is both fun and playable.

Unfortunatly the enthusiasm is the problem, with people so ready to play the modder feels they have to rush a project rather than work on it further. Another problem that occurs more than often is "Testing" where regiments who go "well i've done this and that test" give absolutely no actual testing or feed back on what they actually test in order to iron out these problems before the release.

Testing should be extremely critical on the game, even if it completely crushes the modders expectations on what they have built. Which is what has happened in the case of Iron Europe, very little critical testing, I can just see from it that the lag from servers is more than likely being cause by too many textures, this is the same problem as which occured in the first of the Roman mods using the OSP as their basis.

If you are ever going to test anything at all, it should be by the people who actually hate you, your mod and what you stand for .... why? because they will give you the most critical feed back you need in order to improve, having a load of people going "Oh yes this is perfect" at you like a bunch of Yes men causes well ... What you have now for mods.

Community / Re: The NW Community & Mods: The Elephant In The Room
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:54:35 am »
(considering its getting quite some critics on the taleworlds forum, it doesn't looks to well)

A lot of the criticism that is angled towards NW is the generally over-dramatic attitude that seems to be fairly common on these forums, the fact that we moved off of the forums in the first place and a general disdain for Flying Squirrel Entertainment. That said, the crew over at TaleWorlds seem to perform fairly well when it comes to moderation and the management of certain threads, like the Ban/Warn/Mute thread. Kator Viridian hit the nail on the head, though; Warband's population always has and always will exceed NWs by far.

Then there is (as mentioned previously) the extortionate cost of the Napoleonic Wars DLC. Given what you're getting it's hardly worth the investment when there are better and far more interesting modifications for Warband - the ASOFAI, the various Crusader-era modifications, L'Aigle, etc.

Here is how it is:

Cost of Warband is just Warband, Cost of NW is Warband plus NW.

Fortunatly I got my NW for free thanks to a hick up on steams part, which was rather helpful in letting me get Warband (Even though I had it), Mount and blade original (Which I had), With fire and Sword as well as NW ... for 30p less than NW was selling for. Couldn't say no to that and proceeded to buy it.

Warband offers a variety that NW cannot, to people who only have to buy one game. There will be a much smaller community for the game that FSE is creating for these simple facts:

No modability(that we know of) that NW players are used to.
Appealing to mainly NW players and re-enactors which will more than likely of already been appealed to.
The game looks pretty much the same gameplay as Warband/NW ... feel free to look at the gameplay pics and just scroll down thinking "NW" and you will just see NW with hyped up graphics from predicting what will happen next.

The new game offers very little and is just aiming for the same thing it always has.

Sorry but NW is not dead community wise but its spirit from the old MM days has been utterly crushed. There is no new life or thought process in the game, Events revolve around the same thing over and over again with nothing new to add. The game will slowly go down the drain until it is just the Die hards left.

Sorry but to me this game died a long long long time ago.

Community / Re: The NW Community & Mods: The Elephant In The Room
« on: February 22, 2014, 11:47:14 pm »
Here is your ratio for sustainability of people for a mod in NW:

Warband population > Napoleonic wars population > Mods for Napoleonic wars

You are appealing to a much more deminished population than if you built a mod for Warband. Why? dual forums.

Everyone knew the dual forum idea was a bad thing in the first place, but considering that Nw has no sustainability, aka its the same game over and over again no matter how you spin it with whichever modification. There is no new talent nor new things to explore with a mod. When you compare this to something like an ARMA game where you can have varying missions and bot tactics and then to pvp ... really there is nothing that NW holds up.

The melee was the key part in the warband engine, anything involving shooting just destroys this one key feature that warband has over most games ... basically more shooting just repeals it back to a state of "Battlefront 2" ... where most people would more than likely say "Yeh i'd rather play battlefront 2 again".

This new mod for NW will not last long, this is built off an old system that I beleive Wolfstar was working on before, it has more than likely evolved far from that but to me, it won't have that pop that Warband native can't sustain. If your mod does worse than a native version of the game, then your mod is pretty much useless.

Community / Re: Any Arabs in da hizzy fo' shizzy?
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:03:05 pm »

There really is a correlation between this community and monty python sketches.

Regiments / Re: 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot
« on: February 09, 2014, 01:45:11 pm »
On Delivinfrances behalf:
AgentGB cannot approve anything with suffcient evidence the regiment can outnumber the old 52nd and defeat it in any kind of battle circumstances.

Also AgentGB cannot approve anything because he is AgentGB.

Community / Re: How easy people can get annoyed over this game
« on: January 22, 2014, 08:57:14 pm »

Notions of Honor, integrity and Sportman behaviour.

Expect anything like that to happen in a video game you will most surely get annoyed, if anything you play games to relax, expect it to be a game and have problems or funny glitches.

To me gaming is far more about playing for a laugh than anything over serious behaviour like "Honor" "Integrity" and "Sportsman Behaviour" ... I mean from sports nowadays its more of swearing at each other than anything else.

Community / Re: Myths of Mount and Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:11:46 am »
Here is another thing, water on random maps will never hit the point where you lose your cartridges, running with your bayonete block up slows you down. So all you need to do is have no fear of water and just go right through it.

Silly things people miss when playing for not paying much attention.

Community / Re: New Regimental Naming System
« on: December 22, 2013, 06:53:08 pm »
Make up a name ... plenty do it. Why is there still a minor silly fuss over a name?

Its like naming your clan "The Templars" in Warband ... can't come up with some creativity?

We're all German:

Historical Discussion / Re: What if Columbus hadn't found the Americas?
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:33:06 pm »
Then comparisons to a fictitious character could of never been made:

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