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Messages - Yaro

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Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:32:57 pm »
unbreakable resolve to be free of tyranny.

Tyranny? The colonists didn't want to pay taxes to a King 3000 miles away, how were the British tyrants? Its not like they treated Americans poorly or horribly.

Taxation without representation is a tyranny... how would u like me to tax u for no freaking reason? or how would u like me to quarter my soldiers in your room without providing any reason for doing it?

Historical Discussion / Re: The Dutch at Waterloo
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:21:42 pm »
Is this another alternative history thread on how Dutch won the battle of Waterloo just like they won the American Revolutionary War? ::)

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:16:30 pm »
He never said the dutch won the ARW
Of course not, cause they didn't(it's called sarcasm by the way)... but he insinuated that somehow Dutch(LMAO), Spanish(ROFL) were instrumental in the Revolutionary War.

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 09, 2013, 08:11:36 pm »
Help from Dutch forces? I freaking laughed at that crap so hard... yeah bro, Dutch won the Revolutionary war in America... are u freaking insane? The brunt of land fighting was carried by the colonists who were Americans. Granted, France provided monetary help and sent military advisers, some of whom directly participated in the war, nevertheless, crediting France with being the sole reason for Americans triumphing is pure lunacy. I hear this ignorant notion over and over again:" Oh, Napoleon would have won if it wasn't for the winter", "Oh, Hitler would have won if it wasn't for land-lease", and now this nonsense about France winning the Revolutionary war... they helped, but the war was fought on the battlefields by American soldiers, nobody else... besides, Brits had plenty of money and soldiers and if they had the will to fight they would have come out victorious with or without France being in the mix. The truth is- Brits gave up at the end, and Continental Army simply outlasted them because of their unbreakable resolve to be free of tyranny.
Now whether Continental Army was bad at some point... this is irrelevant because they defeated their opponent in the end, needless to say that the opponent was considered superior in every aspect.
Calling G.Washington, the founding father of The United States of America, greatest president in my nation's history, one of the most influential leaders the world has ever seen and brilliant military tactician an idiot is not only a blatant showcase of disrespect towards any American but also a clear sign that you are either an infantile internet troll or just know nothing about subject matter.

Actually IDEAS win wars and military might helps... I can give you numerous examples, or as you put it "enlighten" you if u desire... do u want me to make u look like a fool?

Historical Discussion / Re: What would you have been?
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:31:10 am »
That cossack looks pretty regular to me.
There was only one regular Cossack unit-the Life Guard Cossack Regiment.

Historical Discussion / Re: Lock n' Load
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:07:41 am »
*Reads Topic* So... erm... that american guy hosting the show is pretty stereotypical.
The guy is just an actor and he plays his role... dont read too deep into it...

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:05:57 am »
Nevertheless, American Continental Army not so kindly called by you "shit", defeated one of the mightiest military machines of the world at that period of history. This achievement alone should absolve it from being called "shit". Obviously it wasn't shit, because shit Armies don't win wars plain and simple. American Continental Army was a great army, with several outstanding leaders and numerous brave soldiers. Their initial lack of military discipline was compensated by their patriotism and believe in righteousness of the Revolution. By the end of the war American Army's discipline and ability to conduct warfare was superior to what British could muster. I don't really see how your examples are viable or indicative of anything since they are taken out of context and twisted to your own liking. You have taken an isolated episode and attempted to theorize that the British militia was in some way better than American regulars. I can give you several examples of battles where American Army went tow to tow with British finest and defeated them.
In regards to Confederate Army, you once again making stuff up by stating that Confederates somehow were convinced that they gonna lose, therefore they went to War and lost, does it make a lot of sense? I think not. I really don't know what were you trying to tell me there.... that Confederate Army was shit? I think not. Another great Army that had become immortalized in people's memory especially in the South where I live.

Historical Discussion / Re: Military Marches
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:56:08 am »
On the topic of Russian songs:
But this is not the topic... Topic is Military marches... "Not For Me" is not a Russian song, it is a Cossack romance(ballad)... "Во поле береза стояла" (The Birch Tree) is not a military march, it is a Russian folk song..."Если завтра война" (If Tomorrow Brings War) is not a military march, it is a propaganda song...

Historical Discussion / Re: Military Marches
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:05:34 am »
Well, from the Russian Civil War, there's this.
ROFL.... this is not a military march WTF... its just a stupid song...
here some proper Russian Civil War Marches...
We will march bravely to battlefield... Civil War March of the South Russia Volunteer Army.
March of Drozdov's Regiment.
Siberian Riflemans' March(one of my favorites)

Historical Discussion / Re: Epic last stands
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:33:11 am »
Brest Fortress.

Historical Discussion / Re: What would you have been?
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:14:52 am »
based purely on heritage: Cossack Irregular

Historical Discussion / Re: Favorite Weapon?
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:58:33 am »

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:47:42 am »
People seem to ignore the fact the title clearly is in singular.


Great Armies!!!
Armies existed in different periods and cannot really be compared or liked one more than the other... therefore many armies...

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:44:58 am »

 Don't you think most soldier fought because they wanted to protect their land, and it just happened to be a communist state?
Huh? What you said is what i was implying in my original post... although "protect their land" is a broad generalization also... no one had "their land" in slavish Soviet state... for the most part people defended their right to EXIST rather than land. There were over 3 million people of Russian origin who fought with Germans to take back THEIR land.

Historical Discussion / Re: Great Armies, which was your favorite?
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:35:05 am »
Favorite armies:
1. Army of Sparta during Greco-Persian Wars.
2. Macedonian-Greek Army of Alexander the Great.
2. Roman Army of Late Republic.
3. Imperial Roman Army.
4. Norman army under William
5. Crusades: Templars and Hospitallers.
8. Alexander Nevsky Army of Novgorod and Pskov(Battle on the Ice)
10. Knyaz' Dmitriy Donskoy Army(Battle on Don river)
11. Zaporizhian Cossack Host Army(Zaporiz'ka Sich)
12. Almighty Don Cossack Host Army(Vsevelikoye Voysko Donskoye)
13. Kuban Cossack Host Army (Kubanskoe Kazach'e Voysko)
14. Russian Imperial Army under General Suvorov.
15. American Continental Army.
16. Napoleon's Army.
17. Republic of Texas Army.
18. Confederate Army.
19. Russian Imperial Army of Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878.
20. General Command of the Armed Forces of South Russia under General Denikin(Russian Civil War).


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