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Messages - Jarl Ballin Swag

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 26
PC fixed fuq it

Community Name: RitZ
Steam Link:
Regiment: not in one I think
Competitive Experience: been playing since MM
Do you swear to follow any captain’s orders?: Ye

It sounds like you just saw someone doing a reverse column and you were like "that looks like a cool thig. I'll take that and say I invented it"
Did I ever say I invented it? I pioneered it's use in competitive play. Aldemar didn't use the reverse column to any significant extent in our 1v1, and he ended up rage quitting when the 3e started winning. The reversing of that 1v1 was only a small detail that I took great attention to. I adopted it and used it to a much greater extent - the furthest extent ever seen in 1v1s.
u r a fgt

It sounds like you just saw someone doing a reverse column and you were like "that looks like a cool thig. I'll take that and say I invented it"
eu did it first but 3e was the first na reg to use it i guess

hey loser add every lb you record this season to ur highlights so they're not gone in 2 weeks thnx

or y'know upload them to youtube or whatever.

hey loser add every lb you record this season to ur highlights so they're not gone in 2 weeks thnx

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: [NAvsEU S2] NA Thread!!
« on: July 07, 2016, 10:38:24 pm »
Add me to Team I'm pro with NA Ping x)
ur bad and no one can see anything

Regiments / Re: 41st Welch Regiment of Foot
« on: July 03, 2016, 02:25:23 am »
Tbh this reg is so stacked that you don't even need a leader to beat most regs

Exactly, all you need to do is make sure  most of them don't die, and get in melee, rinse and repeat, ez.
actually the only one that needs to survive is Aporta. He can beat like everyone
hes dookie at native

Competitive NA Events/Tournaments / Re: [NAvsEU S2] NA Thread!!
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:27:32 am »
seeing who was on team NA last time i think im still good enough

Community Name : RitZ
Steam link :
Regiment : 41st
Competitive Experience: Been in regiments since MM, won NWL or w/e along with some other tournaments
Do you swear to do your best and follow any captain’s orders ? : ye

The Mess Hall / Re: Rate the "RAP" song above you
« on: July 01, 2016, 11:35:31 am »

new logic mixtape is bobby tarantino...its dope af

Audiate. Basically what I am getting from your arguement is that the 92nd should be in the hall of fame just because of Littlefield.

Read what you just posted.

I'm arguing that Littlefield should be one of the all time leaders, put above at least the Medium tier. If he can, for instance, make a better regiment with the people he had than Apoc could have with the people he had, he absolutely should be in the High tier at minimum, if not up there with Karth and Tico. Zzehth and Wind are both credited on the OP for different reasons, and if both of them endorse Littlefield as one of the better NA leaders, it should absolutely be considered.

But whatever, this whole thread is, again, just a big circle jerk thread, and little more than that. Keep nutting in each others eyes and joining each others regiments, bruvs.
then why are you posting essays

Just because you guys were irrelevant during the time of 92nd's ass-whooping doesn't make 92nd irrelevant. ;)
Just because they were irrelevant doesn't make your argument correct

Edit: I also think 92nd was rly gud, but we never entered league 1 to compete against better regiments when it "mattered", so who knows

I would argue that the 92nd was the Nr24 of NA, though that would probably rustle some feathers.
12th is a Nr.24 clone

The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 24, 2016, 08:26:31 am »
If you guys have that meeting, remove me from the current list.
I play nw like once a month.

Same, and the 15 fps life is not a good one

The Mess Hall / Re: North American Community List-NACL [New Thread]
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:47:25 pm »
All I'm saying is if you can justify having AsianP as 91 and Grim as 90 in all time leader even tho they both lead the 3e then the 7th RF (Zorkoth/Monty) Should be at least 90 as they beat the 3e 10-2

even novapoison is down there at 75
Zorkoth and Monty both individually had a huge impact on NA, Zorkoth lead the 7y for a long time and Monty was a Double Major with Tico ( same ranks) for a while as well. He also lead the second 1stFKI after the 12th disbanded and before he joined 3eVolt.

Together under the 7thRF they smashed all of the NA regiments including the 3eVolt and they deserve a spot among the list as leaders.
They smashed all the NA regiments because they were still the 12th just under a new name. Look at the 7thRF roster. It's entirely 12th guys. Sure Zork and Monty should be on the leader list but bear in mind the kind of meleers they got to work with from the start...
Shame on us for training up the best meleers in the community.

Yeah that doesn't make much sense, considering you even mention in certain leader's bios that they had good meleers and you deduced that they might not have done as well without them. rip contradiction city.
63e is shit

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