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Messages - ash.j

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Regiment name: 59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot
Events that you'll be attending: Tuesday
Primary Role: Line Infantry
Secondary roles: Skirmishers/Light Infantry
Leader's Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have? 10
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Yes


Regiment name: 2nd Coldstream Regiment of Footguards

Events that you'll be attending: Friday Siege

Primary Role: Line Infantry

Leader's Steam profile URL: Crawford

How many active members do you have?: 30-40

Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Yes


Regiment name:6. Kurmark Landwehr Infanterie
Events that you'll be attending: Tuesday Siege
Primary Role: Line infantry
Secondary roles:Skirmisher
Leader's Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have? 8-13
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Yes


regiment Name:1stRHG
LCol: steam: 1stRHG Nation

is this event starting at 7gmt ??
 :) :)

8:00pm EST

Regiment name: 4e French Foreign Legion
Events that you'll be attending: Tuesdays and Fridays
Primary Role: (Ex: Line Infantry/ Light Infantry / Skirmishers / Artillery / Cavalry / Dragoons) Line Infantry
Secondary roles: We can go skirmishers if the need arises
Leader's Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have? About 10
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Indeed i have


Regiment Name: 69th Bolodong of Foot
Events that you will be attending: Friday
Role: Line
Leaders Steam URL:
Active: 5-6? most likely
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment: Yes


Regiments / Re: 8th Kings German Legion [NA] - Recruiting -
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:19:28 pm »
Awesome regiment! A really good group of guys. Good Luck!

Regiment name: 37th Lifeguard Of Hannover ( It;s the old Leib Gren xD)
Events that you'll be attending:Friday
Primary Role: Line Infantry
Secondary roles: Cav
Leader's Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have?: 6-9
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment?: Yes.


Regiment name:15thNA Regiment of Foot
Events that you'll be attending: Friday
Primary Role: (Ex: Line Infantry/ Light Infantry / Skirmishers / Artillery / Cavalry / Dragoons): Light Infantry
Secondary roles: Line Infantry
Leader's Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have? 15-30
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Yes


regiment name: Rheinisches Schϋtzen
events you'll be atending: friday linebattle
primary role: skirmishers
leaders steam url:
how many active members we have: 10 usually bring 6-8 per linebattle
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment?: Yes


Events: EU / Re: [NA] Pyrots Weekly Public Linebattles
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:36:21 pm »
The 7th Marines will no longer be attending this event. Thank you guys, it was fun!

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: March 18, 2013, 01:05:44 am »
- Regiment Name : Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
- Regiment Tag : DCLI
- Faction : UK
- Class : Light Infantry
- Based : NA
- Thread Link :

We were the 7th Marines, but changed our name and style. You may remove 7th Marines from the list.

Events: EU / Re: Audiate's Friday Linebattle
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:47:34 pm »
The 7th Marines will no longer be attending this event. It was fun, thanks.

Events: EU / Re: [NA] Pyrots Weekly Public Linebattles
« on: February 25, 2013, 10:43:38 pm »
Regiment name: 7th Marines
Events that you'll be attending: Fridays (if we cant get into Fridays we can go another day, just let me know in the reply)
Primary Role: Line (possible Arty detachment in the future, if we can't get arty that's fine)
Secondary roles: Artillery
Steam profile URL:
How many active members do you have? 10+
Have you read, and accepted the rules on behalf of your regiment? Yes

The "14th Buckinghamshire regiment of foot" no longer exists, you may remove it.

Just a quick question, You're still the 14th Buckinghamshire, and you just renamed; Or what's the case?
In any case, added to the waiting list. That means you've been accepted, however you'll be put on hold till we can make sure there's enough space to fit your regiment in.

The 14th wasn't really working out. the players we were getting didn't know what they were doing, and it was a struggle to get anything done whether getting people to attend, or setting up TS. We disbanded that, keeping a few of us, and made a new regiment with stricter recruiting.

Is there a steam group or anything that I need to join?

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