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Messages - psmith

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Gents - how is everybody doing?  Hope to see you all again soon.


Tartantyco - I'm interested.  I'll send you a PM with my contact info.

Also, here's a post I made about this very topic in the BCoF forum:

Community / Re: Your very first experience in NW
« on: February 02, 2013, 09:09:25 pm »
Death-by-rocket in first minute in very first LB in NW.  Recorded on Fraps.  Was rather epic to spectate the rest. 


Community / Re: The Arrangement-Recruitment (ATTENTION BIGGER REGIMENTS)
« on: February 02, 2013, 07:12:40 pm »
I admit I didn't read all 5 pages of replies  before replying, but having been in sales and marketing for many years, so here it is.  Borrowing from the U.S. Marine Corps recruiting ads for examples.

1) To earn a customer (recruit), you need to have a compelling product & selling proposition.  This is the Who, What, Where, Why and How of your regiment and what it delivers for the potential recruit, i.e., what do they get out of it?

What NOT to do: Be egotistical and self-serving.  "Join MY regiment blah blah blah". 

2) You must have a compelling message that is clear, concise, and compelling.   Yes, I'm using the word compelling a lot for good reason.  The message must be repeated in multiple forms: Forum Post, YouTube video, Forum Signature, Steam Page, Web Page...etc.  The message must move the audience member reading/seeing it, (see next item).

Example of what NOT to do (Marines fail):

3) Visuals > Verbal.  People are more moved to action by something they see, rather than a tedious blurb of words.

4) Deliver on your message. Not only back up your message with consistent content, but also with your & your recruiters' & other leaders' behavior.  If you want to be a professional, inspired unit, behave that way.  If you want to be an ass-hat unit, behave that way.

5) Last secret: Be exclusive.  Scarcity sells. In contrast, desperate pleading (i.e. spamming) for customers/recruits conveys weakness and lack of confidence.  Be sure to include a barrier to entry.  People are intrigued by barriers and will come flocking over to try your unit out, (see #2 above).

Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: A Catch 22 of Modern Warfare #2
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:57:39 pm »
I enjoyed this topic.  More on this over at the BCoF forum here:

General Discussion / Re: Artilllery Tips
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:50:08 pm »
Good arty overview and tips.  Thank you.  Ideal artillery defense ideas are interesting.   In LBs, I've found insufficient build points to severely limit effective arty fortifications, or, an early cavalry assault on the arty position before defenses are built.  Early infantry support is necessary for a happy & productive battery.   8)

General Discussion / Re: How to command the bots?
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:33:37 pm »
Yeah, never heard of being able to command bots in any mode other than Commander Battle.

All people that are ingame can and should be killed. If not, the round won't end. With the bonus-system active they also play a strategic role which make them an excellent target.

Bingo, correct answer.  It's all about purpose & incentive.  BCoF looks like it will be different and will focus on taking objectives to win a round instead of pure slaughter.  Right now, in NW, elimination of thine foe is the only way to win and fatefully that includes the non-combatants. 

General Discussion / Re: Source files and Singleplayer concept
« on: February 02, 2013, 04:24:46 pm »
Thanks for sharing the Single Player concept.  Loved reading the brainstorming ideas and image inspirations. 

Community / Re: Union Or Confederacy?
« on: February 01, 2013, 03:13:06 pm »
I am interested in alternate history and thus lean toward the Confederates to see if history could be changes.  Although didn't the Confederates win most of their battles?  Well truth be told, I will likely join whichever unit my online buds invite me to.  Though wouldn't it be interesting to simulate the war and join up with a geographically-local unit?

Historical Discussion / Re: Epic last stands
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:49:17 pm »
Bravo Ililsa! 

And here's another that "actually" happened..

Purpose-Driven Gaming - the concept of purposeful gaming, i.e. pairing a "larger purpose" with "in the trenches action" has huge attraction for me.  I believe this is the future of highly-addictive gaming.   A compelling element that would certainly add a long life to BCoF is a strategic companion game that mixes with the FPS game.  Planetside2 tries to accomplish this, but I can't help but lose interest in the fight.  Having an endless, persistent war with no possibility of victory (or perception of such) made me stop playing after a week. 

Some examples in gaming that have used this successfully are:

Heroes and Generals - a game under development that will provide a command system to address the aspect of "herding cats" into cohesive, cooperative forces whose outcome of battle actually means something on a larger, strategic map.

cRPG Strategus - A current game that can be played now, is a M&B Warband mod. The interesting mechanic here is that each Strategus Event has a time-limited campaign and then it restarts fresh.  During each campaign (5-6 months long?), battles are scheduled by the game servers based on conflicts that are initiated by players & clans on the browser-based strategic map.  Players (both public and clannies) sign up for battles on the website and then show up in TeamSpeak to get organized 15-20 minutes before the battle.  Public players or players from other clans play as mercenaries, or "fillers", in case an individual clan can't fill the 50-slot roster by itself.

Iron Crescendo was a strategic event for Red Orchestra.  If you follow the link provided, it gives a concise overview of the key features.  The most interesting, and addictive features for me were:
  • 4 or 6 hour persistently-running battles, once or twice per week
  • Never-ending respawns but with capture-able, round-ending objectives on each map
  • Round victory resulted in capturing a geographic area on the strategic map
  • Capturing an area on the strategic map added resources to be used in upcoming battles

This may be something the community develops as a mod, and I would certainly love to see it.  Can't tell you how jealous I was of people playing ACW: The Blue & The Gray mod for Empire Total War (don't own it, doh!) which had a strategic campaign.  When The North & South mod for Napoleon TW came out; it didn't have it (and wasn't very polished) and was very disappointing for me. 


Good point, however for pubbers who just want to drop-into an organized unit and play the game on any Sunday afternoon, may be a fun element.

Check out a brief write up (the middle part) of this link about Chain of Command's points system.  Quite novel and I've never forgotten it:

Love your posts McEwanMaster.  I read that the devs will have a map-specific goal/objective system that will help determine the points that individual players & regiments & commanders earn for achieving them.  Your idea spawned a thought in my head that perhaps the commanders could change regiments' goals during the battle, overriding the server, and thus using a limited # of "command pts" to do the override.  For example, if 3 regiments were assigned to capture and hold "Cemetery Hill", but they are clearly having a hard time of it, the commander(s) could spend a command point(s) to order other regiments to change to that objective.

Perhaps these command points regenerate over time.  Would make the commander role a bit more interesting, and useful.

Also - nothing has been discussed regarding losing points.  I believe games should take away points for certain reasons.  Perhaps if a regimental commander disobeys commands, the commander has the option of penalizing that player's points total at the end of the battle.  If the regimental commander acted prudently, then the commander has the option to also not penalize them. 


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