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Messages - Fallout

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 53
2te renamed to 12th, change pls

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: August 04, 2014, 03:15:35 am »
I don't get it;(

Lolololol I forgot I was supposed to ref today alexander lol thanks for the post ;D ;D ;D ;D I am a real professional.

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:30:02 am »
So yeah 2te, most active regiment eva WOOOoOoOoO! I seriously believe this regiment is like a fat man with diabeetus, you only see him when the ice cream truck comes round every few weeks.  Then he slips back into his hole.

Jackie = Hitler
Zzethh = His beautiful wife c;

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:18:26 am »
My mom said you guys are the best regiment NA.  Confirmed.

Both Leagues seem very interesting, no regiment has shown itself to be unbeatable and both Leagues are still open!
2teGarde is unbeatable D: My mom confirms this. 

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: August 03, 2014, 01:24:15 am »
omg more people visit byebye's mom than this thread, this makes me cri everytime

Since bloody Karth or Offizer won't I will ;D

The line battle between the 63e vs 3eVolt!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media plspls

For those of you who are interested and have some fresh Recruits in dire need of some advice!

Video Tutorials

Instructions weren't clear enough, got my dick stuck in the ceiling fan

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: August 01, 2014, 06:20:23 am »
omg that was the best thing ive ever read on audiate, i cant even handle it.  I would feel honored if someone called me a cancer, that means they at least care about you c';

GG to the 63e.

I want to remind Fallout that this is a game. Hounding and slaying a regiment every chance you get does little to encourage good sportsmanship, respect, or even a positive attitude.
We will follow rules to the best of our abilities but we take no interest on playing with a biased power tripping admin. I do not want to have Fallout admining a match of the 3e's again.
While I understand your frustration, I do feel the need to defend myself.  As a referee, I signed up to enforce rules, keep an even playing field, and keep order regardless of tags and that's what I plan to do as long as I am a referee.  I hold ZERO biased against all regiments regardless of insults or rule breaking.  What I do not like is when I do my best to referee a nearly 60+ man 1v1 event and be criticized when I enforce the rules so the entire event doesn't becomes chaos.  I apologize sincerely for calls that you did not agree with and that you felt hounded but it was because you were the ones MAINLY breaking the rules.  I cannot penalize the 63e for rule breaking if they do not break rules.  If a regiment breaks rules, I enforce them, end of story.  This is all I will say on the matter entirely.   Good match regardless by both sides and I apologize for any inconvenience.

The match between the the 5th and 4te went down smoothly with the score being 9-1 in favor of the 5th

Good line battle to the 15e yesterday, I feel so bad though about beating Millander 10-0 on his last line battle :'(

Regiments / Re: 2te Garde Grenadiers (NA)
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:25:22 pm »
Got that line battle today against the 15e today hopefully at 8pm est

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