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Messages - Zauberfisch

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Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: January 16, 2019, 09:56:35 pm »
Regiment Name: 96y Dneprovskiy Pehotniy Polk
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 30+ (We will play as 2-3 lines in one team)
Steam URL of at least two contacts:
Do you want to come weekly?: Why not

Good evening,

Your Regiment is hereby accepted.
Please join our Teamspeak ( ) to receive the details 30 Minutes before the start on Wednesday.

See you next week.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:37:14 pm »
egiment Name: 1. Niederländisches Garde-Regiment zu Fuß "Von Kühn"
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 8 -10
Steam URL: Leutnant Artigo:     Oberstabsgefreiter Dallas:
Do you want to come weekly?:  Just Once

Good evening,

as just discussed on steam, you are accepted. See you shortly.

Best Regards

Servers / Re: ♞Cavalry Groupfight Server - EU [new thread]
« on: December 28, 2018, 12:30:57 pm »
In behalf of Wars, a friend.

Your Nickname: Wars*_*
Who banned you: I don't Know
Tell us your story: for connecting and disconnecting and I will not speak in another language when the admin tells me
Why should we unban you:I will not speak in another language

Good day,

we will discuss your request in our next meeting, but I'm afraid due to the current Holiday this will not be until the 6th of January.
I will post here again after the meeting.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: December 17, 2018, 01:24:57 am »
Good evening gents,

in the name of the King's German Legion I would like to thank all attending regiments for another great year of quality linebattles.
I'm looking forward to fight side by side again in the coming year.

Please keep in mind that this week was the last battle for this year, the next scheduled event is on Wednesday the 9th of January.

Happy holidays and best regards
Colonel Zauberfisch - King's German Legion

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: December 05, 2018, 07:31:19 pm »
Regiment Name: 2-gi Pułk Piechoty Legii Nadwiślańskiej
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 8-12
Steam URL of at least two contacts:
Do you want to come weekly?: Once

Good evening,

Your Regiment is hereby accepted.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: December 05, 2018, 05:20:51 pm »
Regiment Name: 39th Regiment of Foot
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 12-15
Steam URL: [RE] Polar u have me.
Do you want to come weekly?: yes.

Good evening,

Your Regiment is hereby accepted.
Please join our Teamspeak ( ) to receive the details 30 Minutes before the start.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch
Modify message

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: December 04, 2018, 08:57:02 pm »
Regiment Name: [Kingdom]
Class you wish to play as: Inf and Cav is possible.
Estimated Amount of players: 12-18
Steam URL of at least two contacts:   
Do you want to come weekly?: If the event is good then yes.

Good evening,

At this point I can only accept Infantry.
Cavalry is not available I'm afraid.

Please join our Teamspeak ( ) to receive the details 30 Minutes before the start.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: November 28, 2018, 08:50:58 am »
Good day Gentlemen,

Is it possible for the RRA to get reserve spots for Artillery and Cavalry?

Arty: 1 Cannon 4-6 men
Cav: 8-10, Hussars

I'm afraid Artillery is currently fully occupied and has a waiting list.
Cavalry is technically also taken at present, but I'd be happy to share the KGLs Cavalry slot with you for the time being. Let's talk in today's meeting before the battle.

Regiment Name: Königlich Sächsisches Nr101
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 8-15
Nations: 1st France 2nd Prussia
Steam URL :
Do you want to come weekly?: Weekly
I agree to the Event rules
Please join our Teamspeak to receive the details for tonights event 30 Minutes before the start.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: November 21, 2018, 07:43:14 pm »
Regiment name: 4. Pułk Piechoty
Estimated Attendance: 8-15
Class: Line
Nation preference: Any/France
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
FSE thread: Gonna send it later
Regular Attedance or Not: Regular
Do you agree on all rules?: Yes we do

Good day sir,

sorry for the late response, but you are accepted. Please accept my steam invite and join our teamspeak to receive the details for tonights event.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Deutsche Groupfight-Liga / Re: Deutsche Groupfight-Liga [Saison 3 läuft!]
« on: November 09, 2018, 07:48:11 pm »
Guten Abend die Herren,

ich habe gerade kurzfristig Schiedsrichter für 2tesGFR vs 1tes[MB] übernommen.
Glückwunsch an das 1te[MB]. Sie haben 15:0 gewonnen.

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: November 06, 2018, 05:23:51 pm »
Regiment Name: 5e regiment
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 8-15
Steam URL of at least two contacts: [5e]Napo
Do you want to come weekly?: Weekly for moment
I agree to the Event rules

Please make sure you send an Officer to signup on the KGL Teamspeak 30 Minutes before the event to receive the event details.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: October 30, 2018, 09:26:01 pm »
Good day,

Regiment name: Artillerie Regiment Nr.4 zu Berlin
Estimated Attendance: 6-10
class: Artillery
Nation preference: Prussia
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]: or
FSE thread:
Regular Attedance or Not: regular if possible
Do you agree on all rules?: yes we do

I'm sorry, but we currently do not have room available for Artillery.  If you want to, your regiment could attend as infantry, but I'm afraid the artillery slots are permanently occupied at the moment.

Regiment Name: Royal Regiment of Artillery
Class you wish to play as: Line
Estimated Amount of players: 10-15
Steam URL of at least two contacts:
Do you want to come weekly?: Weekly
I agree to the Event rules

Please make sure you send an Officer to signup on the KGL Teamspeak 30 Minutes before the event to receive the event details.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

Events: EU / Re: 33rd Sunday Linebattle [EU] - spaces for lines
« on: October 28, 2018, 05:12:59 pm »
Good day gents,

I'd hereby like to sign up the King's German Legion 1st Hussars for tonight's battle.

Regiment Name: King's German Legion - 1st Hussars
Expected Attendance: ~5
Which class would you like to play? Cavalry
Will you be attending once, or weekly: potentially weekly (we would like to try the event he next 2 Sundays)
Steam name:
Do you confirm you have read and agree to the rules?: yes

Guten Abend meine Herren,

ich habe kurzfristig Admin für das Match "1tesMB vs kk" übernommen.
Das Match ist ohne nennenswerte Zwischenfälle verlaufen und endete mit einem 15:1 Sieg für das 1tesMB.

Gratulation an die Gewinner.

(Verwendeter Server: DGL1)

Events: EU / Re: [KGL] Wednesday Linebattle [Line Slots available]
« on: October 21, 2018, 06:10:17 pm »
Division,s Name: 3te Schlesische Artillerie Battalie
Regimental tag: [3teSAB]Bat*I_Rank_Name and [3teSAB]Bat*II_Rank_Name and [3teSAB]ResvBat_Rank_Name
Estimated Attendance: 8-20
class: Line
Nation preference: Prussia
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]: or
Regular Attedance or Not: weekly
Do you agree on all rules?: yes

Good evening,

your Regiment has been accepted.
Please make sure you send an Officer to signup on the KGL Teamspeak 30 Minutes before the event to receive the event details.

Best Regards
Colonel Zauberfisch

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