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Messages - Falk

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Events / Re: Hearthstone Community Tournement
« on: April 16, 2017, 09:03:01 pm »
Battletag: FetterWal#2163
Heroes: (TBA)

Events / Hearthstone Community Tournament (EU Cards)
« on: April 16, 2017, 08:57:59 pm »

Welcome to the FSE-Thread of Falk & Frittentime`s Hearthstone Tournament


Based on the Best of 5 game format, which is being used for all rounds, every player has to select three heroes. The heroes have to be announced at the registration on the tournament and can't be changed afterwards.

Only standard cards according to the definition of Blizzard are allowed. Once the heroes have been determined and the first round starts it will not be tolerated to make any changes to the decks. Whoever breaches this rule will be automatically disqualified from the tournament.

To determine the winner of one round the Conquest mode is being used: The player who wins one game is not allowed to use the same hero again and has to select one of the remaining heroes. For the player who lost a game, the hero can be used again in the next match. The round ends when one of the players has won with all heroes.

The choice of which hero to use in which round is up to the player with the limitation of above written Conquest rule.
After one of the players has won with all three heroes the round is decided.

There is no obligation to take a screenshot of the match results. Nevertheless, it is advisable to do so in case of any disputes.

In case of disconnects the match has to be repeated if both players agree that the match was still open and not about to be won by one of the players. As disputes might arrive, please directly contact the organising team. Should there be suspicion that a player intentionally disconnects from a game for strategical reasons, there will be a first warning, followed by a disqualification from the tournament in case a similar situation arrives.

After the announcement of a round start the players have one week time to play their matches. If one player has to wait longer than that for the opponent, the organising team has to be contacted and it will be decided whether the first match is a default loss for the missing player.



Participants 10/16

1. Falk / FetterWal#2163
2. Frittentime / Frittentime#2633
3. Destiny / Kristus#21708
4. Stark / Stark #21654
5. MarxeiL / MarxeiL#2155
6. Dan the Chef / Danthechef#1205
7. Timlef / Timlef#2701
8. Luko / Lukoschus#2330
9. Audiate / Dorkpork#1980
10. Flammeus / Flammeus#2704

Appication Format:

Battletag: Name#1234
Heroes: (Hero1/Hero2/Hero3)

Price Pool: TBA

Regiments / Re: 85e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« on: February 23, 2017, 06:53:27 pm »
Hey if I join can I play NWWC with FT?

You don't have the skill to be in our RGL Line up anyway


KKA sending the Cringe Army to cry again ?

Off Topic / Re: R4ss14n V0d00 C4v4lr1
« on: February 07, 2017, 09:44:13 pm »
Von mir auch viel glück. Wie kann man joinen??

I blame Dark for bad leading. Mit mir als offi izi win

Events: EU / Re: Forum Bet - ITS FREE!
« on: December 17, 2016, 12:24:44 pm »
Username: Falk
Steam ID:

50 gold on win for 93rd

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk.3
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:47:52 pm »
rip falk ;[

luv u 2 bby

I wish u guys best of luck x3

if ppl wuna know why i left they can ask in steam cuz lots of shittalk around

I work 40 hours a week full time job so i wouldnt have time for that even if i wanted.
i stopped cuz cba to stand the trolling and shit behavior.
jheez im sure ull make it better thoo

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk.3
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:35:46 pm »
rip falk ;[

luv u 2 bby

I wish u guys best of luck x3

if ppl wuna know why i left they can ask in steam cuz lots of shittalk around

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk. 2
« on: November 07, 2016, 09:00:24 pm »
ok i am back lads. gib me col back

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: Mini-NWWC 2016
« on: November 04, 2016, 06:20:39 pm »

Also Falk you inept mong, Scotland has their own team this year. We are not being "Special" compared to the rest of you, you are all just creating unnecessary bullshit where none is needed.


#ehhm hallo ? admin pls ?

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk. 2
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:44:36 pm »
members from this regiment made me ragequit groupfighting twice today

i didnt know this reg still able to make me proud lolz

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: Mini-NWWC 2016
« on: November 04, 2016, 04:27:25 pm »
its always fukin brits beeing special. it doesnt matter if scotland(for example) is unable to get a team or not u say no coalition than u dont do them or u allow them cuz weak countries but than ud have to accept other coalitions aswell.

- Regiment Name: 15th YR

- Leaders Steam: u got me

- Predicted attendance: 20-25

- Do you accept the NWCL Rules?: yea

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