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Messages - KingHenryV

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Re: 15th Regiment Of Foot Saturday Linebattle
« on: September 12, 2013, 01:10:27 am »
Name: 52nd Oxfordshire Foot
Preferred Nation: United Kingdom
Troop/Class: Line Infantry
Attendance: 5-7

Events: EU / Re: Strozzi Sunday Linebattle [NA] [Accepting Application]
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:14:54 pm »
Regiment name: 52nd Oxford Line Infantry
Amount Attending: 4-7
Preferred Class: Line Infantry/Foot Guards
Will you obey the rules: Yes
Steam Name: lort683

Events: EU / Re: Strozzi Sunday Linebattle [NA] [Accepting Application]
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:55:05 am »
Name: 52nd Oxford Regiment of Foot
Attendance: 5-8
Perferred Class: Line Infantry
Obey the Rules: Yes
Steam Name: lort683

Have you tried launching Warband in windowed mode?

On the splash screen before you click launch, click "Configure" and on the "Video" tab tick "Start windowed". If this works, you may be able to switch back to full screen after the game has loaded by pressing alt-enter

Thank you SOOO much mate! It works now!  :) :) :) :)

Hello all-
My Warband launcher opens as normal. However, when I click "Play" on launcher, the Paradox loading screen comes up, but then Mount and Blade minimizes. I click on the icon on my taskbar, as one would to open any minimized program, but nothiing happens.

I have uninstalled the game several times, gone into the game files and deleted them, then installed the game, but nothing works.
If anyone could help me, I would GREATLY appreciate it.
Modify message

I'd like to reserve a regiment.

Regiment Name: Connaught Rangers
Desired Faction: British Empire
Name: lort683

Events: EU / Re: Thursday North American Public Linebattle
« on: December 30, 2012, 09:54:17 pm »
Regiment Name: 57th. York Artillery
Regiment Leader: KingHenryV
Leader's Steam: lort683
Estimated Attendence: 4 or 5
Desired Role: Artillery

Servers / Re: AMTGS Teamspeak Server [200 Slot, open to clans]
« on: December 29, 2012, 08:58:28 pm »
57th York Artillery
Two Channels
1.)Training   2.)Events
Four (Still Recruiting)
Steam is: lort683

Pages: 1 2