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Messages - Stefiboy

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 61
lovely name, good luck
It is isn't it, and thanks.

Ahh the memories of when Malakith used to tell me how much he hated you... Good times

Now see that was the old me...

Regiments / Re: Regiment List
« on: March 09, 2016, 12:14:02 am »
- Regiment Name : 93rd Regiment of Foot - The Sutherland Highlanders
- Faction : United Kingdom
- Class : Line
- Based : NA/EU
- Thread Link :


History of the 93rd

Upon the disbandment of the two regiments in 1799, the new 93rd Regiment was recruited from the recently disbanded Sutherland Fencibles by their old colonel William Wemyss, at this time a Major General in the British Army, on behalf of his 16 year old cousin Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland. Wemyss had the remaining volunteers from all over Sutherland lined up by Parish and selected those he thought most suitable and issued each of these a pinch of snuff, a dram of whisky and their bounty money. When the regiment first mustered, in Strathnaver in August 1800, not a single man selected by Wemyss failed to report. There is a cairn at Skail, in Strathnaver, marking the spot where this muster took place.
One of the soldiers who had served with the Fencibles and then with the 93rd was Serjeant Samuel Macdonald. Sergeant Macdonald was reputed to be a veritable giant, standing six feet ten inches and a chest measuring 48 inches. A one time actor, being cast in a Drury Lane production of Cymon and Imphigenia as Hercules, Macdonald served in the 3rd Sutherland Fencibles as a sergeant of the Colonel's company. With the raising of the 93rd, he volunteered for the new regiment, being accepted by Wemyss. Countess Sutherland, upon seeing Sergeant Macdonald, donated a special allowance of 2 shillings 6 pence a day. She is reported to have said that anyone as large as Sergeant Macdonald "must require more sustenance than his military pay can afford."
The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders became famous for their actions during the Crimean War. The regiment was sent to the Crimea in 1854, after war broke out against Russia, as part of Colin Campbell's Highland Brigade. They took part in the storming of the height above the Alma River followed by a move to Sevastopol. On 25 October they were stationed outside the British-controlled port of Balaklava as part of its very thin defences. The Russian Army sent a massive force to attack Balaklava, the Russian force was 25,000 strong; but only their massed cavalry pushed right forward down the road to Balaklava. Part of this threat was parried by the immortal charge of General Scarlett's Heavy Cavalry Brigade.
On the 28 December 1814, the British advanced up the left bank of the Mississippi River towards New Orleans. The 93rd Highlanders come under fire 750 yards from Andrew Jackson's parapet, by the parapet and a schooner on the river. They laid for 5 hours in the rain, sleet & bombardment the British then pulled back. 1 January 1815: British attempt a reconnaissance in force. Torrential rain bogs down artillery & troops. US left flank actually routed and in flight but unperceived by British until too late to take advantage. 8 January: Final British assault. Mistakes and bad luck add up. American position on right bank of river actually overrun & captured. Left bank; American advance redoubt taken by detachment of light infantry companies including that of the 93rd. British right flank falters. 93rd aborts support to captured redoubt and crosses field to help faltering right flank assault. Halts 100 yards from parapet. Lt. Col. Dale killed. No orders to advance or withdraw. 93rd stands fast & is mown down. General Edward Pakenham killed. Orders finally received & after futile attempt to advance, 93rd marches off field. British losses: 2,000. 93rd contributes 300 to 550 killed, wounded & prisoner. 18–30 January: British withdraw downriver to ships, embark. 11 February: British capture Ft. Bowyer outside Mobile, Alabama. 93rd & others landed on Dauphin Island outside Mobile Bay. 13 February: Sloop-of-War brings news of preliminaries of peace at Ghent. Women & children of 93rd allowed ashore.
July 1881, the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders were united with the 91st (Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot to form the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the Princess Louise's (Sutherland and Argyll Highlanders) later renamed Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's) . The traditions and character of the 93rd remained so strong that members of the 2nd Battalion would continue to refer to themselves as the 93rd right up until that battalions move in to suspended animation in 1947. For ten years a clumsy arrangement of the 1st and 2nd Battalions receding and taking front place with each other continued until the Colonel charged the 1st Battalion (old 91st) with absorbing and embodying the traditions of the 93rd.

Ranks of the Regiment

Colonel - [Col]
Lieutenant-Colonel - [LtCol]
Major - [Mjr]
Captain - [Capt]
Lieutenant - [Lt]
Ensign - [Ensign]
Rank and File
Serjeant-Major - [SjtMaj]
Colour Serjeant - [CSjt]
Serjeant - [Sjt]
Corporal - [Cpl]
Lance Corporal - [LCpl]
Private - [Pte]
Recruit - [Rec]


Centre Company "The Bastards of Winterfell"
Colonel Jon Stark | Stefiboy
Lieutenant Gordon MacGee | NinjaSniper
Lieutenant Cameron MacLeod | Cody

Serjeant Major Justin Turilli | Dragon
Corporal John Williams | Killaster
Lance-Corporal Gordon Wolf | NoKitlRangar
Private John Cervantes | RedSmurf
Private Willy McFiddle | Darf
Recruit Richard Sharpe | Bereitz
Recruit Logan Brooks | CanadianJihadi
Recruit Anthony Bonefasco | Yerooch
Recruit Gordon Sutherland | Roger
Recruit Sean White | Josericgarcia
Recruit Will Falcon | Falcon
Recruit William Hurtman | Hurtman
Recruit Charles Pheonix | theGamingJenesis
Recruit Leroy Jenkins | GunZz
Recruit Erwin Connely | VORZO
Recruit Murc Riley | tinypieman123
Recruit Kurtis Leopold | Kurtis224

Light Company "The Golden Cloaks"

Thread is being Aesthetically improved on. WIP*


Regiments / Re: 5e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [Recruiting NA/EU]
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:56:59 pm »

Events: NA / Re: The 5e's Classical Saturday Linebattle [4pm EST][NA/EU]
« on: February 01, 2015, 03:38:32 am »
Regiment's Name:Prussian Husaren-Regiment von Seydlitz No. 8
Leader's Steam:NickG
2nd In Command's Steam:Vincent
Preferred Faction:Prussia
Do you agree to the Rules: [Y/N] yes
Accepted, Welcome to the Event.  ;)

Events: NA / Re: The 5e's Classical Saturday Linebattle [4pm EST][NA/EU]
« on: January 31, 2015, 10:19:57 pm »
Regiment's Name: 100th Gordon Highlanders
Leader's Steam: [100GH] James McKen
2nd In Command's Steam:[100GH] The Gray Knight
Class: Line
Preferred Faction: UK
Do you agree to the Rules: [Y/N] Yes
Accepted, Welcome to the event.

Events: NA / Re: The 5e's Classical Saturday Linebattle [4pm EST][NA/EU]
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:36:57 pm »
Unfortunately, we are having Difficulties with the Server, so we have to cancel for today, however next week it will be all good. Sorry.

Regiments / 1. Infanterie Regiment [Recruiting NA/EU][IE 2.0]
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:10:00 am »


Events: NA / Re: The 5e's Classical Saturday Linebattle [4pm EST][NA/EU]
« on: January 31, 2015, 12:07:32 am »
Regiment's Name:  61LH
Leader's Steam:Chinatown(a soldier in the middle with his hands up, white background)
2nd In Command's Steam:non
Preferred Faction:France
Do you agree to the Rules: YES!!!

I know this is the second time I'm posting this, but I'm just eager to get a reply. ty.
Sorry about that, i was away on vacation and forgot to post that the event was would be cancelled for a couple of weeks. Anyways, you are Accepted.

Regiment's Name: Nr.4 Baden Infantry
Leader's Steam: Nr.4_Maj_Forest
2nd In Command's Steam: VagMonster
Attendance: 12-14
Preferred Faction: France
Do you agree to the Rules: Yes

I wouldnt join this linebattle if i had to slit my throat and shove my penis in it.

Yet again i wouldnt do anything concerning Stefiboy.
Oh That's Nice...

Modifications / 1st Imperial Marine Division [Skin Request]
« on: December 21, 2014, 05:14:02 pm »
Hey, uhm, this might be a little wierd but could anyone be able to change the 33rd Foot and the 51st Foot in NW to the following? (Also if you could Rename the Troops)

1st ''Honorary'' Marine Infantry Regiment
Enlisted and Officers

1st Force Reconnaissance Marines
Officers and Ensigns, Enlisted have the same Helmet as the Officer's and Ensign's

Btw, i already know this is fictional no need to point out the obvious.

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