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Messages - Budzinskiy

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 7
News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 11 - 1st Battle of Bull Run
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:52:04 pm »
Awesome,I'm really waiting for the beta or any demo version

Off Topic / Re: Deutsch By French
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:39:33 pm »
You made it to easy for me :trowl fesse:

Community / Re: The Great Community Wedding!
« on: February 06, 2013, 09:15:40 pm »
The French people will boycott your wedding because you're a roast-beef  :P (kidding btw)

Forum & Website / Re: Unfair Muting
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:37:38 pm »
Don't really see why you posted this here and now though. Propably best off in another one of the dozens of threads :)
For the most number of people,you're right but i don't think so  :P
I'll explain myself,Tav has been muted for what he has done,ok, but now in my opinion,he is using all his influence to be rescued and I don't think it's really fair.A lot of people has been muted too but who really care?It's the hypocrisy that I'm denouncing.He will win one siege at the election because of his influence and maybe cleared because of that!What about us ?
That's what I'm thinking if I have to be ban or something like that,I'll face the consequences!

Forum & Website / Re: Unfair Muting
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:13:03 pm »
Maybe the problem is that everyone is "hoping" on Tav because he is famous but what would he really do ?
I think before launching a vote for community representative,they should have let us explain our program !

Off Topic / Re: Musik
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:39:40 pm »
Warum nicht ?

Off Topic / Re: Deutsch By French
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:34:23 pm »
Yea Leuten
Wir dürften eine Party zusammen organisieren!Vielleicht können wir in dem Ruhrgebiet fahren !
Um Stahl und Kohl zu kraften (von dem Verb von Minecraft)  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

General Discussion / Re: Classes- M&B classes or Custom?
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:09:46 am »
Or they just could add a customisable system for the uniform of different regiments and could be fun and more  realistic

Forum Français / Re: Requétes d'images !
« on: February 05, 2013, 11:38:26 pm »
Ah la dictature ! Tu m'as supprimé arbitrairement :P !
Bref heureusement que tu as bien re-précisé que tes sources ne portaient que sur l'époque napoléonienne et non sur toutes les époques.
Pour me venger,je cherche à savoir si tu aurais des images à propos du:
- Régiment :3ème Régiment de lancier de la garde impérial
- Type d'unité :Lancier
Cela est en effet très rare voir inexistant donc si tu as des illustrations sur ce régiments,ton site serai juste une mine d'or!  :P

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 05, 2013, 06:22:21 pm »
What about me,I should be duck of Flanders :p

Forum & Website / Re: How we should move on: An unbiased View
« on: February 04, 2013, 01:10:10 am »
I really think that this topic is useless.Especially when  you're talking about the "revolution" because seriously if dudes like Hekko or Hancock would have done nothing,the truth would never appeared.We have to revolt,it's right! 

Community / Re: NW Community Representative Voting
« on: February 03, 2013, 09:06:50 pm »
ME 2013 :P

My program:
-I will fight against the hegemony of few people that consider they have all the rights!
-I will open a thread which will be updated weekly.The main purpose will be about fighting against admin abuse on the forum and the server. This thread will be locked(because of spam)and the only way to complain will be to PM.Then I'll write what happened with-out mentioning the name and people will able to PM to say if it happened to them too.Ofc for that you'll need some proof but i'll do as much as i can for the people of this thread.
-I'll be on duty certain day on the official teamspeak and few others to let explain to me if you have any problem and if you have any good idea for the community
-I'll try to clarify as much as I can the reason about any sanction with the forum and game admin to avoid unfair muting or ...

Remember:if you vote for someone,it's about what he will do and not only if he is cool or admin in any community!
The Community representative are here for you and it's not the opposite!

The music is just epic and keep doing a great work :)

Community / Re: Who would you choose as your representative and why ?
« on: February 01, 2013, 09:50:00 pm »
Don't you think Lucas that it would be a 100 time better if this thread was about the official program of the candidates more than that ?
You know that the non-famous person here will never get any attention and the vote will go for the most famous and it will be the same problem than before.

Community / Re: Who would you choose as your representative and why ?
« on: January 31, 2013, 07:17:36 pm »
Why would you vote for me ?
Uhm first of all,I'm neutral and I'll always be.
I will respect your opinion and do the best for the community and also for you too.
I have some great idea about fighting all miss administrating and corruption
I've been a part of this community since one of the first version of MM.
That's all,uhm no I'm French lol but is it a reason to vote fore me,i don't know :P

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