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Messages - Pumti

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 63
Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:23:48 pm »
As stated in the other thread but more precisely here:

If 96y add players with any former 45thN or 15thYR affiliation - 45thN Centre will refuse to play the match.
45thN Centre is an independent structure of our former grenadier section. It has been and will always be so. Therefore we of course will not be adding any grenadiers either.

even if they do add anyone they won't be allowed to play the match anyway due to the 1 match ban that newly added players get after the 2nd matchweek
Keep in mind that after yesterday the rules apparently no longer apply
Whatever, Price before our match against 55th denied Stoiki and said that he is not eligible to play for 96y this RGL. So by following this rule we will not use any new player during our RGL campaign. We got enough of active players and after yesterday’s match we all understood that we can win this league without any need to strength up the lineup.

That is well-spoken. 96y won over the 45e - and the 45e won over 45thN Centre.

Therefore, the odds are not looking in favour of the 45thN Centre. However, it's just nice to know that the match will be on fairgrounds.

This original post was only created as there have been instances, allegedly, of L1 players switching to L2.
With 45thN grens and 15thYR disbanding, RIP - this scenario is just one that we are warning of.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:04:44 pm »
As stated in the other thread but more precisely here:

We of course adhere to the rules, which we also are sure the 96y will. As in accordance with the rules - Neither side will add players with former 45thN or 15thYR Gren affiliation.

45thN Centre is an independent structure of our former grenadier section. It has been and will always be so. Therefore we of course will not be adding any grenadiers either.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Matchweek 7
« on: April 05, 2023, 03:00:22 pm »
Delaying match until next week

We will of course not be adding any former grenadiers to our roster, as in accordance with the rules. We expect that 96y also doesn't add any newcomers with affiliation to 15thYR & 45thN Grens.

Match: 45thN Centre VS. 96y
Date & Time: Thursday 13th
Referee: needed
Server: needed

M&B: Warband - Napoleonic Wars / Danish Players NWWC???
« on: April 04, 2023, 04:52:51 pm »
Danish players for NWWC? Anyone?  :-[ :-[

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2023 | Overview
« on: April 04, 2023, 04:46:06 pm »
Team Scandinavia lets go (or just denmark)  ;) ;) ;)

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: March 27, 2023, 11:06:46 pm »
Okay coming home to this is honestly shocking.

It is something unpopular (and not for the good of the community) to enforce such a rule but Price had no real chance here. 55th people attacking Price is dumb. Just get your guys on in time. You knew everything you needed to know.
But that becomes a side story really. What 45thN has done today is probably the most disgusting thing I have ever seen or heard in NW. Pathetic humans who are so desperate to finally achieve something in a game they have ruined their respective childhood irl for. The 45thN is a cancerous ulcer in our community. They are a prime example of why this game went downhill a long time ago. Not a single person would achieve anything beyond being unemployed in the real world with such a mentality. I hope the community awakens. If any regiment is playing ANY match against the 45thN in the future you can do nothing but lose respect for them. One needs to treat diseases. The only possible treat for the 45thN is boycotting them 100%

That is a messed up accusation  :( wtf

Boycotting is an insane suggestion - On the contrary 45thN as a whole (Gren, Centre, Cav) gives so much back to the community. We constantly engage with other regiments on multiple parameters where the NW community benefits and thrives.

On the contrary - 45thN is a prime example of keeping NW alive (the FSE too apparently).

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Event Ideas
« on: March 26, 2023, 11:21:01 pm »
ZOMBIES EVENT / tournament thing



Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« on: March 26, 2023, 09:55:54 pm »
This thread is lit atm

Phailure our lord and saviour

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Rosters
« on: March 21, 2023, 08:06:33 pm »
Regiment Name: 45thN Centre
Addition: .1724148/ #killme

Agreed to by the 33rd and the admin.

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Rosters
« on: March 20, 2023, 09:01:53 pm »

Regiment Name: 45thN Centre Empire
Addition or Removal:

449590 | Zentir
.429909 | Jonnyboiy

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Matchweek 4
« on: March 19, 2023, 09:51:30 pm »
Match: 45thN Centre VS. 33rd Centre
Date & Time: 21st - 19:15 GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Needed

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Sherwood Foresters (SF)
« on: March 13, 2023, 11:23:49 pm »


Sherwood Foresters was founded around March 2021 by Mitchell with the aim of offering members of the 45thN Centre Company a semi-serious way into the more competitive groupfighting scene so that they could improve without relying on regimental events. We play almost daily groupfights and participate regularly in tournaments, having recently just signed up to EGS. We are one of the many 45thN based groupfighting teams that are exclusive to 45thN members and we currently consist entirely of Centre players. We do not have the immediate aim of being the very best, we only aim to improve with each groupfight we play.




[Major] Mitchell
[Captain] Wolf
[Lieutenant] Pumti
[Company Sergeant Major] Watson
[Sergeant] JamD0dger
[Corporal] DarkBG
[Lance Corporal] Ben
[Lance Corporal] Ody
[Lance Corporal of Horse] Yovko


[KingsGuard] Bisse
[KingsGuard] Garch
[KingsGuard] GlennofNW
[KingsGuard] Gringo
[KingsGuard] Haschtrollet
[KingsGuard] Headless
[KingsGuard] Horde
[KingsGuard] Jake
[KingsGuard] Luke
[KingsGuard] Shadow
[KingsGuard] Lil'Sebastian
[KingsGuard] Platinum
[KingsGuard] Poberta
[KingsGuard] TobbenTheLi
[KingsGuard] Veto

[Chosenman] Jaska

[Kinsgman] Krabby
[Kingsman] Legend
[Kingsman] Mask Slayer
[Kingsman] Optimus
[Kingsman] Source

[Guardsman] Slutbag

[Veteran] Jack
[Veteran] Jenkzzzzz
[Veteran] Tired Jake

[Veteran Gunner] SouljaBoy

[Regular] Brainbow
[Regular] Browarx
[Regular] Dexter
[Regular] Dravoi
[Regular] Hade

[Trooper] Hughie
[Trooper] Wolfgang

Think that description needs to be updated in many ways xD

SF nowadays have many players from different regiments / companies
But mainly 45thN lads ye

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Royal Fusiliers [RF] Retarded Foresters
« on: March 13, 2023, 11:21:20 pm »
SF = old NPP reborn?
SF who ?? RF>SF

45thN Teams in Order *ALL TIME LIST*


Forgot SF4

Regimental Groupfighting League / Re: [RGL9] Matchweek 4
« on: March 13, 2023, 09:08:16 pm »
Match: 45thN Centre VS. 55th Centre
Date & Time: 14th @19:00GMT
Referee: Needed
Server: Needed

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