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Messages - CCL Official

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Introduction and Thank you's!

Welcome to the official thread of the Cavalry Champions League - Season 2. Myself and Stephan are super excited to be reviving this League for a second iteration. Anyone who participated in the first season will no doubt remember the feeling of disappointment when the League had to be ended so abruptly, but even having said this, was easily one of the most enjoyable and professionally hosted leagues to date. The first iteration ran smoothly and was presented very meticulously to us all, and we hope to be able to do Tardet and Exofrance proud by doing the same with this new season, no doubt it will be difficult to match the hosting skills the previous organizers possess, but we will give it our best shot. Myself and Stephan both have experience hosting events and tournaments, however neither of us have took on a project of such magnitude, so i will ask now that you bare with us and forgive any minor hiccups that may happen along the 6-8 weeks this tournament will run for.

I want to say a personal thank you to Tardet and Exofrance on behalf of myself and Stephan for allowing us access to the resources of the first season (Most notably the rules) and of course, the amazing sub board which would have been almost impossible for us to acquire for our own league. You no doubt have made this whole process a lot quicker and so much easier for us to set up, so we can't thank you enough for that.


This Cavalry Champions League is in direct line with the now well-established Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League. While the CNWL has proven to be the most successful regimental contest for years among the cavalry community, we did not carry the wish to host something which did not necessarily belong to us. The CNWL remains a project which should only be hosted by Erik or by someone he deems worthy of taking over. Moreover, the Cavalry Champions League should bring a few changes compared to the previous editions of the CNWL. In practice, it doesn't modify drastically the whole concept but it brings in new features which could possibly alter the nature of a competition such as the CWNL. We hope to be able reaching the same level of quality observed during previous editions of cavalry leagues, but for many reasons, we prefer hosting a brand new tournament which should give us the required freedom to carry on with the aforementioned changes. That way, if someone wishes to take over the organisation of the CNWL later on, he or she won't be impacted by the result of this tournament.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Warnings, Suspensions & Bans
« on: February 02, 2019, 06:54:48 am »

During the match opposing the Husaren-Regiment Nr4 to the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers taking place in the second week of the CCL, Woj insulted his opponent several times, during and after the match. Such behaviour is not tolerated on CCL servers and as a direct consequence, Woj is receiving an official warning.

We insist that this is a light punishment, and would Woj be caught observing similar behaviour, he could face a complete and instant removal from the CCL.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Warnings, Suspensions & Bans
« on: February 02, 2019, 06:50:40 am »

During the match opposing the Husaren-Regiment Nr4 to the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers taking place in the second week of the CCL, we had reports of potential misbehaviour committed on the side of the Nr4. After checking the logs and taking the time to figure out an appropriate answer, we decided to give the Nr4 a slight warning for disruptive and provocative behaviours.

It was observed that at some point during the match, some of the Nr4 members acted in a provocative way towards one or several members of the 1erRC. While we would have hoped for the Nr4 leader to keep things under control, it appeared his own behaviour worsen things rather than calming it down. After a discussion with Felix, we made sure he understood the issue with his behaviour as well as the ones of his members.

We also took into consideration the context of the match which was going on for a long time and lead-up to frustration on each side. Netherless, we can't stress enough that such behaviour won't be tolerated on CCL servers and insist that future punishments might be harsher.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Warnings, Suspensions & Bans
« on: February 02, 2019, 05:01:38 am »

All informations regarding bans and suspensions occuring during the CCL can be found on this thread.

Regiments Bans & Suspensions





Players Bans & Suspensions






Cavalry Champions League / [CCL - S1] Warnings, Suspensions & Bans
« on: February 02, 2019, 04:56:33 am »

All informations regarding warnings occuring during the CCL can be found on this thread.

Regiments Warnings


Husaren-Regiment Nr4

Week 2

Innapropriate and provocative behaviour during an official CCL match.

Players Warnings




Week 2


Cavalry Champions League / [CCL - S1] League Stage - Week 2
« on: January 20, 2019, 11:03:59 pm »

The Cavalry Champions League started last week with our height regiments taking their first footings into the competition.

The 11e Régiment de Hussard, lead by Lindblom and considered as a strong contender for the title had a tough first match-up as they took on the French heavies from the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers in the opening match of the CCL. After a flying start which saw them taking a 3-0 lead without many answers from their opponents, the 1erRC managed to grab one round, only to see the 11e striking two back to back, securing the draw and offering themselves a four round lead quite easily. From that point forward, many could have expected the 1erRC to collapse however the French and Poles managed to gather themselves, took advantage from their slow-paced play-style and with lots of patience, managed to crawl back and reduce the 11e's lead to one little round only, 5-4.

After nearly two hours of intense plays, it took a lot of composure from both teams to not crumble under pressure and in what would be a highly contested final round, the 11e managed to secure a slim victory, mostly thanks to an amazing Shadey who prevented a 1v2 clutch to go in the favour of the 1erRC; in the very last moment of the encounter. Netherveless, the 1erRC showed a strong resilience for their first match of the CCL and despite not being able to get the draw, they fully deserve that defensive bonus and send a clear message to their future opponent. On the 11e's side, they managed to avoid getting upset in their first match and despite the 1erRC's come back, they can still be happy as they have gained four important points against an opponent which is likely to cause troubles to many of other top regiments of the CCL.

The three remaining matches of the first week were all played on Sunday and as expected, two of them ended up being extremely one-sided matches. The 4e was simply too much to handle for the 2Lr and despite a strong showing in numbers from the 16e/KGL alliance, they didn't manage to find a gap in the Nr6's armour. With that being said, it is only the first matches and both the 16e and the 2Lr will have plenty of occasions to prove their worth later in the tournament.

The last match of this first week was a completely different story however, as the Nr4 and the 5e offered to our viewers a nail-biting series which took place on all ten rounds of the match. It all started with the Nr4 making one hell of a strong statement in taking the first two rounds quite convincingly, making the 5e doubt themselves very early on. The Frenchmen under Exofrance's leadership didn't give up and manage to grab one back but in a similar fashion to the 11e vs 1erRC's match, the Nr4 was simply too strong and despite the 5e gaining the numerical advantage in several rounds, they were unable to convert these advantages into actual rounds. As the Nr4 reached five rounds, the 5e was only sitting on two and the Frenchmen saw themselves with their backs against the wall, with no more room for mistakes. Fortunately for them, it was at this moment that they seemed to wake-up as a whole and as they were continually gaining the numerical advantage, they did not let these rounds slip away from them and managed to secure the draw.

From an outside perspective, this match was an intense and skilful battle which sums very well why this competition has the potential to be extremely close, from start to finish. With that being said, the Nr4 will certainly share many regrets looking back at that match. If a draw against the 5e can be considered a strong performance on their side, they had things under control and yet didn't manage to not give-up a strong lead in the late part of that encounter. From a 5-2 situation where they could have denied the 5e any single point in their first match, they were unable to prevent that comeback and will certainly not be fully satisfied with these two points taken in the first week.
Netherless, the counter-performance of this week is to be attributed to the 5e Hussards. In a match where they were considered as the favourites, yes from a small margin, but favourites still, they showed a lot of flaws in their gameplay and have a lot of stuff to work on if they still intend to be a strong contender in this CCL.

Scheduling: 24.01.19 | Match: 27.01.19

Match Date: 25.01.19 Time: 21:00 CET | Referee: Wüstenkrieger
4 6


Match Date: 27.01.19 Time: 20:00 CET | Referee: Napoléon
1 9



Match Date: 27.01.19 Time: 20:30 CET | Referee: Tardet
9 1


When announcing your match:

[size=11pt][font=trebuchet ms][b]Match:[/b] Regiment A vs Regiment B
[b]Date & Hour:[/b] 19.01.19 - 19:00pm
[b]Referee:[/b] To be defined. [/font][/size]

Match: Regiment A vs Regiment B
Date & Hour: 27.01.19 - 20:00 CET
Referee: To be defined.

The Cavalry Champions League started last week with our height regiments taking their first footings into the competition.

The 11e Régiment de Hussard, lead by Lindblom and considered as a strong contender for the title had a tough first match-up as they took on the French heavies from the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers in the opening match of the CCL. After a flying start which saw them taking a 3-0 lead without many answers from their opponents, the 1erRC managed to grab one round, only to see the 11e striking two back to back, securing the draw and offering themselves a four round lead quite easily. From that point forward, many could have expected the 1erRC to collapse however the French and Poles managed to gather themselves, took advantage from their slow-paced play-style and with lots of patience, managed to crawl back and reduce the 11e's lead to one little round only, 5-4.

After nearly two hours of intense plays, it took a lot of composure from both teams to not crumble under pressure and in what would be a highly contested final round, the 11e managed to secure a slim victory, mostly thanks to an amazing Shadey who prevented a 1v2 clutch to go in the favour of the 1erRC; in the very last moment of the encounter. Netherveless, the 1erRC showed a strong resilience for their first match of the CCL and despite not being able to get the draw, they fully deserve that defensive bonus and send a clear message to their future opponent. On the 11e's side, they managed to avoid getting upset in their first match and despite the 1erRC's come back, they can still be happy as they have gained four important points against an opponent which is likely to cause troubles to many of other top regiments of the CCL.

The three remaining matches of the first week were all played on Sunday and as expected, two of them ended up being extremely one-sided matches. The 4e was simply too much to handle for the 2Lr and despite a strong showing in numbers from the 16e/KGL alliance, they didn't manage to find a gap in the Nr6's armour. With that being said, it is only the first matches and both the 16e and the 2Lr will have plenty of occasions to prove their worth later in the tournament.

The last match of this first week was a completely different story, however, as the Nr4 and the 5e offered to our viewers a nail-biting series which took place on all ten rounds of the match. It all started with the Nr4 making one hell of a strong statement in taking the first two rounds quite convincingly, making the 5e doubt themselves very early on. The Frenchmen under Exofrance's leadership didn't give up and manage to grab one back but in a similar fashion to the 11e vs 1erRC's match, the Nr4 was simply too strong and despite the 5e gaining the numerical advantage in several rounds, they were unable to convert these advantages into actual rounds. As the Nr4 reached five rounds, the 5e was only sitting on two and the Frenchmen saw themselves with their backs against the wall, with no more room for mistakes. Fortunately for them, it was at this moment that they seemed to wake-up as a whole and as they were continually gaining the numerical advantage, they did not let these rounds slip away from them and managed to secure the draw.

From an outside perspective, this match was an intense and skilful battle which sums very well why this competition has the potential to be extremely close, from start to finish. With that being said, the Nr4 will certainly share any regrets looking back at that match. If a draw against the 5e can be considered a strong performance on their side, they had things under control and yet didn't manage to not give-up a strong lead in the late part of that encounter. From a 5-2 situation where they could have denied the 5e any single point in their first match, they were unable to prevent that comeback and will certainly not be fully satisfied with these two points taken in the first week.
Netherless, the counter-performance of this week is to be attributed to the 5e Hussards. In a match where they were considered as the favourites, yes from a small margin, but favourites still, they showed a lot of flaws in their gameplay and have a lot of stuff to work on if they still intend to be a strong contender in this CCL.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Rules
« on: January 18, 2019, 07:41:25 pm »

Quote from: Old Wording
(2) Wall-hugging is not permitted. Playing with the wall (i.e. gaining an advantage in playing close to the map-borders/walls by leaving only a small space between players and the wall) is not allowed either. The decent space to not be considered 'wall-hugging or 'playing with the wall' is left at the appreciation of the referee.

Quote from: New Wording
(2) Wall-hugging or tree-hugging is not permitted. Playing with the wall or the tree (i.e. gaining an advantage in playing close to the wall/tree by leaving only a small space between players and the wall/tree) is not allowed either. The decent space to not be considered 'wall-hugging / tree hugging' or 'playing with the wall/tree' is left at the appreciation of the referee.


Quote from: New Wording
(2) Exceptions from § 2 I are listed in Appendix A. If doubt remains on wherever a certain modification is allowed or not, the administration must be reached for approval and if it doesn't already appear on it, said modification will be added to Appendix A.

Quote from: New Wording
(2) Exceptions from § 2 are any modifications which alter a cosmetic aspect of the game (such as uniforms) but doesn't help to gain an advantage other your opponents. If doubt remains on wherever a certain modification is allowed or not, the administration must be reached for approval.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Announcements
« on: January 16, 2019, 07:40:28 pm »

We have been donated five servers for this CCL, thanks to Lindblom from the 11e. All these servers are located in Strasbourg as this was the most central location we had available to us in Europe and we believe this should provide the participants with the fairest experience. Edit: Since the Strasbourg servers were unavailable, we had to go for other locations. Due to the CCL tournament providing now, not only one but two different locations for your matches, we'll have to update the rule-set to reflect this change and avoid any potential dispute over server choice for official matches.

The CCL servers are using a script made by another member of our staff, Wüstenkreiger, which should provide more security when it comes to ID checkings, before and after matches. In order to be able to play on these servers, you have to be using the correct ID and the correct regimental tag as listed there. Huge thanks to Wüstenkreiger for making this!

Any other information about the servers, such as bookings, can be found on this thread.

Edit: There was a mistake in the announcement about the location(s) of the servers; which has been edited. Please do re-read the announcement again to make sure you are currently aware of the current situation.

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Servers & Bookings
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:49:12 pm »

Cavalry Champions League / Re: [CCL] Servers & Bookings
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:49:03 pm »

Booking Template

[size=10pt][font=trebuchet ms][b]Regiments you are from:[/b]
[b]Regiments involved?:[/b]
[b]CCL Match?:[/b]
[b]Location preference?:[/b]
[b]Day, Date & Time:[/b][/font][/size]







































1erRc Vs 16e
24/02/19 20:15CET

5e Vs 2Lr
24/02/19 20:15CET




Cavalry Champions League / [CCL - S1] Servers & Bookings
« on: January 16, 2019, 06:48:54 pm »

On this thread can be found all the information related to the official servers of the Cavalry Champions League.

Every CCL official servers use a special script made by Wüstenkrieger. Keep in mind that these servers are mostly to be used for official matches. They are available for practices but the scripts will still apply.

Servers provided by Lindblom.

CCL_1 -
CCL_2 -
CCL_3 -
CCL_4 -
CCL_5 -

Cavalry Champions League / [CCL - S1] League Stage - Week 1
« on: January 14, 2019, 01:18:05 am »

The Cavalry Champions League has officially started this week and what a better way to kick things off than having the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers taking on the 11e Régiment de Hussards tonight for the very first match of the competition.

This first week will be the occasion for regiments to test their strengths and get their footings in the tournament and it is needless to say that they will all aim at making the best of the impression for their very first encounters.

As mentioned earlier, one of the big clashes for this week will be the Frenchmen from the 1erRC lead by Squall facing a very in-form 11e squad. Even though the 11e currently has the edge after some very strong showing in practices, you can bet that the pressure coming with the official matches is going to affect both teams and on that side, the 1erRC definitely is the more experienced group out of the two. Facing heavy cavalry is always a tough challenge, especially for the first match and the 11e won't be able to rely solely on their numerous skilled players to win that battle. Whoever comes on top of that confrontation will certainly gain a strong momentum coming in the second week.

Another interesting confrontation will be between the Nr4 and the 5e later this week. Both regiments have been looking rather sharp these last few months and put a lot of efforts in practices and most of their encounters happened to be very close. If the 5e Hussards arguably has the edge, it's a very slim one and the Nr4 definitely has the potential not only to get the draw but also defeat the Frenchmen fair and straight. It will mostly come down on small details such as which regiments have the most 'in-form' players and make the least mistake.

The two other matches should be a bit more one-sided and if the 2Lr and 16e both have a lot to prove and shouldn't be underestimated in any way, the Nr6 and 4e are still the heavy favourites in these matches.

Scheduling: 17.01.19 | Match: 20.01.19

Match Date: 20.01.19 - Time: 20:30 CET | Referee: Swiss
10 0


Match Date: 20.01.19 - Time: 20:15 CET | Referee: Wüstenkrieger
5 5



Match Date: 20.01.19 - Time: 20:15 CET | Referee: Shadey
10 0


When announcing your match:

[size=11pt][font=trebuchet ms][b]Match:[/b] Regiment A vs Regiment B
[b]Date & Hour:[/b] 19.01.19 - 19:00pm
[b]Referee:[/b] To be defined. [/font][/size]

Match: Regiment A vs Regiment B
Date & Hour: 19.01.19 - 19:00 GMT
Referee: To be defined.


After several months of hard-work, discussions and planning, we are proud to present the Cavalry Champions League, a new tournament format which we hope will bring a fresh air upon the competitive cavalry community. Our staff is composed of experienced and talented members, longtime cavalry players or leaders, with multiple tournaments organisations under their belts. With their combined knowledge and expertise, we intend to provide you with a high-quality tournament production, including a new way to stream matches, several different media contents and a lot of new features.

The tournament will consist in one league, with all regiments having to fight each other twice, in a home-away system. At the end of the regular season, the regiment with the most points will be awarded the title of CCL winner. Starting from today until the start of the tournament in January, this series of article will take a detailed look at the regiments which have been invited to this competition, revealing them one by one.

Today, we present you with the eighth and last invited team of the Cavalry Champions League, the 16e Régiment de Hussards


For this very last showcase, presenting the 16e Régiment de Hussards, we are going to take a little trip back in time to 2014, as 16e is one of the oldest regiments participating in the CCL.

It all started as a side-project lead by Bamse, who - at the time - was also 3rd in command of the 15th Hussards. In cooperation with the 16e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne, led at the time by Charles and Carolusrex, Bamse managed to set-up a small cavalry detachment which, little by little, turned into an actual regiment. Way after the infantry side ceased all activity, the 16e Régiment de Hussards continued to participate in NW events, with some eventual breaks in-between the years. Bamse himself would become a full-time leader of the 16e after the 15th merged with Erik and his men from the 7e to make the 4e Hussards.

The competitive side of the 16e is actually greater than what some people may imagine. For their first participation in the CNWL, during Season 2, they were placed in League 2 and finished the tournament with an impressive record of six victories for one defeat only, which was against the eventual league winner, the 73rd. This impressive performance for a young regiment granted them a well-deserved second place and was a promising omen for the regiment. They missed the third season of the CNWL but were attending the next and fourth edition in League 2 once more, where the results were relatively more mixed, yet still very decent. Their last season of the CNWL saw them losing only two matches only, against the 2Lr and the Nr4. In these two occasions, the matches were far from being one-sided affairs, proving that the 16e, despite not being as eager as other regiments to perform at any cost, were perfectly capable of holding their own against arguably bigger names.

That's probably what's the most intriguing about the 16e. The regiment seems to have this capacity to act in a very discrete and modest manner. Despite having survived throughout the years where many other regiments disbanded, the 16e never really seemed to mind being continuously placed in League 2, where some could have argued that after all this time and some very consistent results, they might finally deserve their spot up there regardless of their capacities to be able to fight with the other top regiments. For a regiment which didn't have any particular ambitions at the beginning, they achieved something which is not as easy as it may seem; longevity. On top of that, they also proved that they despite not having the most try-harding people in the game, they could achieve some really strong results and place well throughout years of competition within the cavalry community.

Regimental Leader: Capitaine Simon
Regimental Second in command: Lieutenant Bamse
Regimental Third in command: Sous-Lieutenant Olof

Competitive Results:

- Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Season 2 | 2nd Place - League 2
- Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Season 4 | 6th Place - League 2
- Cavalry Napoleonic Wars League - Season 5 | 3rd Place - League 2


And that's where the 16e stands for this CCL. Yes, they might indeed not be the most skilled regiment among all the participants. In fact, some could come to question their capacities to even survive in a league as competitive as the CCL. But the Cavalry Champions League is not a competition where regiments are invited based on their skill only. The wish to improve as a group, to give its very best and represent the cavalry community in a healthy and positive way, is something which is going to be highly valued in this tournament. In that regard, the 16e has proven to be one of the finest representatives of the cavalry community, continuously proving that friendship and fair play are as important as having a high competitive spirit for a regiment.

For quite a while now, Bamse gave the torch to Simon who will be leading the regiment in the CCL. But the 16e won't fight alone. For the competition, they will be able to count on many of the KGL 1st Hussars who have decided to unite their forces with the 16e in order to make sure the regiment can count on a substantial reserve of motivated players.

The 1st Hussar Battalion of the KGL, led by Zauberfisch, Ryan and Quinn, shares many of the aforementioned values which are very important for the 16e and for that reason, we look forward to seeing what they are capable to achieve among the ranks of the 16e. We also believe that while both regiments would have faced many difficulties in this league, would they have played it alone, they will be able to support each other and give the very best of themselves.

There is no questioning the task ahead of them is going to be immense but it is also the very best occasion for players who have been partaking in many tournaments in this cavalry scene, to finally be given the chance to fight among the very bests. No matter the results they will get, this will be one hell of a learning experience for them and something which we hope will strive in their hearts the wish to continue playing at this level of competitiveness.


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