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Messages - Giles

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Groupfighting Teams / Re: Red Hair Pirates | Groupfighting Team
« on: October 12, 2022, 10:11:18 pm »
GL my son

Regiment Name: 98e
Player(s) to add:

.1621541 / #Sigferd

Autumn Tournament Series / Re: ATS | 6v6 Classic Tournament | 25.09
« on: September 26, 2022, 01:25:05 am »

Who vs Who: 98e vs 45thN
Server: any
Date & Time: 02.10 Sunday 19:00pm GMT
Referee 1: needed

18e/59th   5:5   98e



The match started of nice. I sadly missed the first 2 rounds due to "french dinner", when I arrived it was 1-1 (I believe nothing important happened). The other 3 rounds were pretty standard 1vs1 with some nice close decisions taken. Although the 98e was unhappy about Round 5 (more to that later) the halftime score was 3-2 in favor of the 18e/59th. The second half sadly was very different and even a small shitshow. The 98e decided to go with a very different approach and decided to stay on a hill, which ended in the fact that the camp timer had to be used 4 times. The rounds took quite a time often still ending in a relatively normal situation after the camp timer had expired. After the 18e/59th already had a 5-3 lead and looked to be the winners the 98e won the last 2 making it a 5-5 draw. Overall the 98e looked to be just a little stronger in melee while the 18e/59th looked a little stronger in the shooting.

To Round 5: Giles was OAed seconds before the 18e/59th charged. The guy doing the OA died in melee before I could take action and a revive in melee sadly is not possible. It would simply create a completely wild and weird melee situation. As the 98e had a wild fol (also died before I could slay) in the same round and as the round was won with 5 people surviving which is pretty standard in a 17v17 I decided it was not needed to take any further action. The situation is pretty clear although a little unfortunate for Giles IMO. Sadly Giles took that as his start to complain about basically everything which is sad cause allthough maybe not being brilliant to watch, the match only had 3-4 minor basic rule breaks and from that point was decent.

Also wanna mention that the 18e/59th decided to try to provocate the 98e in the second half, while the 98e left the server with a nice little "ez".

Lets just leave all those side stuff in the future. GG and good luck to both regiments in the further tournament!

Thank you Stockholm, im just complaining about im dead with OA in round 5. I was still on line and you had 10 seconds before the charge. If you were quick you could revive me, anyway ggs.

Regiment Name: 98° Reggimento
Player(s) to add: Muradich - 2204189

Regiment Name: 98° Reggimento di Parma
Regiment Leaders (Links are required):
Regimental Referee (At least 1):
Regiment Steam Group:
Regiment Roster (With GUID's):

Giles - 1608458
Zeus - 1733571
IbrahimPasha - 68949
Metalsie - 62655
Sayartun - 1718073
Lebrun - 1832685
Vexis - 1422790
Buzz - 1706993
Robin - 1400309
Insight - 1514572
Negonde - 979877
sN0w - 963122
Frey - 1537509
Aya - 1775139
qRooxy - 1638449
Serto - 1851177
Sartman - 1369292
vBatuhan - 1923176
Nikotin - 1706583
Valerio - 1420799
Hecress - 1876528
Ragnarok - 1824062
Babayaga - 1541913
Mano - 1369331
Thelard - 1773311
Frankozzy - 497479
Gus - 1688306
İdore - 2233109
Troza - 1524637
Saruman - 2150441
Thyke - 2213158
Fiszek - 1098052
Ata - 2016906
Wermat159 - 451589
Farwe - 2262274
Eagle - 2236945
Maestro - 1706553
Panda - 2219199
Kapgan - 2048226
Asakir - 1294159
wolde - 2105695
Kibrisli - 2252405
Reayze - 2045769
Kozhin - 1273595
Keuszaty - 1738132
Vuraxen - 2200363
Palamir - 2042703
Rumil - 1480406
BySucuk - 1455107
Cyandross - 1706263
DarkCode - 2260364
Feanor - 2271715
ezo - 2336966
NoobP - 2154790
RulyJack - 2330560
CrozY - 1490691
Wanheda - 1839598
Bonaparte - 1693707
Arown - 2031188
MSA - 1481929
TheBerkayss - 1416228
Eternal - 2289446
Sowrena - 2298728
Bugra - 2034360
KiraKozo - 1268793
BOBO - 1725709
Foltes - 1822240
Senyor - 1920281
Merdo - 2355834
Pipet - 1724747
Zerk - 979138
aethril - 4173867
SilverWolf - 2229358
Aybuke - 2288136
Nukelu - 2324223
Skull of Death - 1899858
Noble  - 2199372
Nukelu - 2324223
Dushko - 2264485
Franco - 1141136
Folkwin - 2016165
Friendly_Monke - 2239981
Kramuk - 1926931
Bunduk - 1975469
Ahmet - 2290594
ragnar - 1824062
KewP - 2192153
Kanka - 1210502
SwissG - 1893535
Fred - 2231675
MarkaLand - 1730770
Attila - 1865849
Deadwinter01 - 1809507
Vulovic - 1839722
furkansalw - 2366383

Yasaklanmasını İstediğiniz Oyuncunun Adı: saku
Neden Yasaklanmalı?:28 Temmuz 2022 günü(yani bugün) sabah saatlerinde kahvaltımı yapıp kişisel bakım rutinimi yaptıktan sonra eski günleri yad etmek adına TR_Cavalry_GroupFighting adlı sunucuya girdim,bir kaç dakika tek başıma at sürdükten sonra sunucuya 'saku' nickname'li oyuncu girdi,sunucuya girer girmez bana tamami ile alakasız sorular sormak sureti ile taciz etmeye başladı,ilk başta umursamamaya gayret gösterdim fakat bir süre sonra dini/maddi/manevi/ailevi değerlerime hakaret etmeye başladı,kendisini hakaret etmeyi bırakması hususunda telkin ettim ve uyardım,kendisi bu uyarılarıma kulak asmayarak peygamber efendimiz HZ.Muhammed(s.a.v) islam dünyasının 4. ve son halifesi HZ.Ali(s.a.v), ülkemizin ve illerimizden biri olan 46 plakalı KahramanMaraş'ın kurtuluşunda önemli bir rol oynayan milli mücadele kahramanı Sütçü İmam'a son derece ağır hakaretler etmeye devam etti.
Olayın Gerçekleştiği Tarih ve Saat: 28.07.2022 Türkiye saati ile 9:30 ila 10:00 arası
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TR_Cavalry_Groupfighting adlı sunucunun forum sayfası TR_Groupfighting sunucusunun forumundan daha uzun bir süredir inaktif durumda olduğundan,2 sunucunun sahibinininde aynı kişi olduğunu göz önüne alaraktan şikayetimi 'TR_Groupfighting [AKTİF]' adlı bu forum sayfasına yapıyorum,en kısa sürede ilgilenilir umarım.

hoş geldin kardeşim

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