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Messages - ethicainl

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Re: 9thRC Friday Event [LINES NEEDED]
« on: April 06, 2018, 03:42:24 pm »
Regiment Name: 4e regiment suisse
Regiment Leader's:
Class applying for: Line
Numbers attending: 08-10
Preferred Nation: France
Preferred Team (1 or 2): NA
Would you like to join weekly?: Yes
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated?: Yes good as always
Only for arty: how many cannons can you operate with?:

Events: EU / Re: 84th Brigade - Sunday Line Battle [SIGNUPS OPEN]
« on: April 01, 2018, 07:37:17 pm »
Regiment Name: 4e Regiment de suisse
Class/Unit: Line
Expected Attendance: 08
Once or Weekly?: possibly
Have you read the rules?: Yes they look good
Leaders Steam Link:

Regiment Name: 4e regiment Suisse
Steam Contact:
Preferred Faction: France
Class: Skirmishers if possible otherwise we don't mind line
Expected Attendance: 05-08
Permanent, or only once?: If possible
You know the rules and promise to pass them on to your men: Yes they look good

Event Application:

Name of the Clan: 4e Regiment suisse
Estimated Attendance: 05-07
Have you read all of the Rules?: yes ofc
Regiment Leader's Steam [Link]:
Regular Attedance or Not: Yes
Class: Line Inf
Nation Preference: France
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes sounds good
Do you have our Team Speak Bookmarked?: Not sure, I think I will need the IP again.

The 4e Régiment Suisse are looking for members!
We will take any Drunkards, homeless, criminals, penals, conscripts, slaves, lost men, and dead men, Both EU and NA. We are a Swiss regiment in game. We take pride on being the 1st through the breach and always being at the front. We are both a European regiment and a North American regiment. We value respect, loyalty, and discipline. It doesn't matter whether you are experienced or not, we will train you to full potential even if that is a meat shield. To join just request to join the steam group or add Toby on steam.

Our leaders steam:
Our regiment's steam group:

Events: EU / Re: GH's Monday Linebattle - 7pm GMT - LF Lines & Light
« on: March 26, 2018, 04:30:24 pm »
Regiment Name: 4e régiment suisse
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending: 07 (We are quite small I hope that's still ok)
Class: Line infantry
Weekly or Once: Weekly
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes ofc

Regiment Signup

Regiment Name:4e Regiment suisse
Regiment Leader's Steam:
Numbers attending: 5 to 08
Weekly or Once:first time
Do you agree to follow all the rules stated above?: Yes ofc we have read them all

Regiment Name:4e régiment suisse
Expected Attendance:10
Leader's Steam name:
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes looks good

Regiment Name: 4e Régiment suisse
Preferred Faction: French
Class: Line Inf
Expected Attendance: 05-08
Permanent, or only once?: Once
You know the rules and promise to pass them on to your men: Yes ofc

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