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Pages: 1 2
The Mess Hall / Re: Are you a cuck?
« on: April 05, 2016, 03:10:02 am »

kek. would probably be 100% if I didn't have to compromise on some of the questions

You are the only nice person in this thread, congrats

hello 25th

Community / Re: NW Community Wiki - Update on 3eVolt+7thRF -
« on: April 05, 2016, 01:12:54 am »
great idea coco, i am cringing at all these people who have made their own pages though

Hey, three years! Congratulations everyone and a particular well done to Pumti for keeping the Regiment going for over a year now.

Still.... not quite five years is it?  ;)
This month marks the 5 years of the Casual Shenanigans gaming community! It has been a blast to play with everyone for all this time and I hope that we can go for another 5.

For those of you that don't know we have been around since 2012 although the first iteration of the regiment was not until the formation of the 46th back in march 2013 that we started our NW career.

Link to the first thread

October marks the formation of the 83rd I formed independently after our dearest Andrei departed.

Link to the first thread

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