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Messages - Krastinov

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 87
Other Games / Re: Mordhau
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:10:22 pm »
Yea, I don't really get where you got button-mashing from because that doesn't work at all in this game. You have a split-second to parry an attack, since you cannot hold it and there's a slight delay before you can parry again.

The whole point in melee is to trick your opponent into parrying early by feinting, dragging your attack, etc. Archers are a thing but you can deflect arrows by parrying at the right time as well, so that gives people without shields a chance.

I'll say right away that this game is more challenging than Warband will ever be, lol. It's basically an updated Chivalry that took some Warband mechanics and created a way more fun game than either. The only thing I'd criticize right now is a lack of maps and competitive game modes.

Other Games / Re: Mordhau
« on: May 11, 2019, 08:57:07 am »

Basically been maining the Messer for most of my playtime because it's godly

I also haven't gotten many "good" clips yet, just a few of these where I'm basically just bullying terrible people

Other Games / Re: Mordhau
« on: May 09, 2019, 07:29:59 pm »
I still laugh at all the people who say chambering isn't useful in this game. I've heard that so much from people who are new to this genre

Other Games / Re: Mordhau
« on: May 07, 2019, 06:30:24 am »
I'd probably clobber 99% of you that play this game

Community Name: Krastinov
Steam Link:
Admin History: Admin and Promoted to Moderator on NA GF with 3 year tenure where I handled unban requests, punishments, server settings/resets, etc.
Reason for applying: Because I want to admin a server that i play on a lot and punish the bumfucks who ruin the fun for everyone else. Give me the power
GUID *you can find it on BOB GF*: 634029

how many times i gotta tk russianfury

Servers / Re: Battle of Bastards Groupfighting / REVIVAL COMING SOON
« on: March 12, 2019, 08:37:37 am »
It's actually so sad how much better this game would be without people like Pedro, lol.

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Thread ♛
« on: March 10, 2019, 12:04:50 am »
where am i

The Mess Hall / Re: NA All-Time Thread ♛
« on: March 09, 2019, 04:49:48 pm »
if im an 85 then yoshie shouldnt be below me

Servers / Re: Public Groupfighting [NA]
« on: March 07, 2019, 09:09:35 am »

Servers / Re: Public Groupfighting [NA]
« on: March 04, 2019, 11:53:45 pm »
TFW you applied for nothing because you already had admin and the mods said I didn’t need to  8)

NW Popularity contest. If only this was a meritocracy :(

Servers / Re: North America Groupfighting
« on: March 04, 2019, 09:54:41 pm »

Servers / Re: North America Groupfighting
« on: March 04, 2019, 04:24:29 pm »
PedroK BoBK

Servers / Re: North America Groupfighting
« on: March 04, 2019, 10:09:54 am »
Community Name: Krastinov
Why do you want to be admin?: In all seriousness, I like being able to play on a GFing server with relative peacefulness and I actually enjoy keeping these servers fun for people who want to play without trolls.
Why should we let you be admin?: I follow the rules strictly without making exceptions or showing favoritism, I can understand the differences between joking or messing around and people ruining the fun for others. I use my powers within reason which is designated by the owner of the server. (I was ruthless on NA GF because all admins were told they had full discretion). I would like to contribute to the growth of a server that's more orderly than whatever fucking mess BoB GFing is.
Experience: Administrated 63e Siege for a year, Admin and Promoted to Moderator on NA GF with 3 year tenure where I handled unban requests, punishments, server settings/resets, etc.
GUID: 634029

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