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Messages - Graf_Maximus

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kaiserlich-königliche Hofgardisten 0 - 10 9e Régiment de Hussards


Thank all for this game!

Good luck everyone on the tournment

Happy birthday 4e!Most of my rage quits we’re made in the matches vs you,so thank you for that xD.GL in the future and wanna make more matches vs you on the bannerlord!

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC Signups
« on: February 23, 2018, 12:19:02 pm »
Player Application
Nation: Russian Federation (ak Soviet Union)
In-Game Name:Graf-Maximus
Steam Link:
In-Game ID (515784)
Do you Agree to all of the Rules?: Da

Player Application
Nation: Russian Federation (ak Soviet Union)
In-Game Name:Graf-Maximus
Steam Link:
In-Game ID (515784)
Do you Agree to all of the Rules?: I think yes,but maybe you need to change something... C'mon,of course i agree

(Just try to get into the team but of course it would be failed)

Good luck lads (Especially Dokle and Felix)

Thanks everyone for the tournament,I  was probably the most inactive referee of the tournament. Thanks for this CNC Erik,we fucked all haters,so we won. Congrats to my Spanish hermanos. Dokle I love you too <3 and thx Germany and all countries for this cool games. Ill just send our French hero when he was in Russia and his opinion about CNC:

С новым годом!Happy new year!


The lancers are no longer allowed and Spain is disqualified from the competition for using them.

what about this?

it was a joke

if you think that it is normal to jocking in the main thread like this than sry, I can not say anything...  :o

The lancers are no longer allowed and Spain is disqualified from the competition for using them.

what about this?

Rasti what is going on? Why nobody informed about kicking teams? Just wtf? Give official post about this thing! For example i have match versus Ireland and what now? Probably CNC is going to the hell.

Community / Re: Ethertons FSE Signatures
« on: November 30, 2017, 03:25:07 pm »
Text along the top: Graf-Maximus (Russian KGB)
Text along the bottom: Fuck WEST Since 2k15
Any extra requests such as images/extra text: Something with vodka,tanks,bears,and some russian anime girls (idk rlly)
Contact link:

Match: Ireland vs Slavic Countries Team
Date & Hour: Sunday 03/12, at 19:00 GMT.
Minimum number of players (8, 10 or 12): 8.

Nice match. Congrats to Spain.


Match: Slavic Country Team vs Poland
Date & Hour: 26.11.17 (20 CET or 19 00 GMT)
Minimum number of players (8, 10 or 12): 10 (will be fine but i forget to ask Zahari about it)

This match will take place on CavNationsCup_1, and will be refereed by myself. Thank you!

I hope I will be able to write a preview of this match.

Sorry about the double post :-X

Slavic Derby 8)

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