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Messages - Black Watch 1745

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Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:29:57 pm »
Thanks :D

And I saw that on the steam group one of you said that it would be set in the first and second so Covenanters would be fighting with Royalists and Parliamentarians. But that was a couple months ago so you probably changed since then to just the 1st.
  Yeah I think Dazzer was quite keen to broaden it to the second but we really have little to no information on English Royalist units of the second in terms of flags, uniforms etc. Hell we have very little on the New Model other than they wore red (we have flags for one regiment, Charles Fairfax's, and a few other references but not much else other than conjecture). Of course many Covenanter units fought in both so if we do add them as a separate faction then we could start to broaden it to the second. The Covenanter foot Regiment on Parliaments side will be the Earl of Buccleugh’s Regiment of Foot, we have their flags from the Second Civil War (they were Colonel William Baillie’s by that point) which were probably not that different from their ones in the first other than the motto. The Covenanter Cavalry Regiment will be the Earl of Leven's Horse which had lancers.
  The mod is set during the first (1642-1646) although the Parliamentarians really only go up to 1645 just before the New Model was formed, although Skippon's Regiment continued on into the New Model so there will technically be a New Model Regiment.

 EDIT 12/01/2017: We are getting quite close to releasing now (Dazzer is just trying to fix a few things with Commander Battle). Here is a zip file containing officer lists for the various armies. As mentioned, you pick one of these historical officers and his company to represent.
  We will start to sort out a proper system but for now you can post on the relevant discussion on our Steam Page to request one. The officer lists are sadly not complete as I have not had much time to complete them but I will endeavour to do so and update this.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: January 04, 2017, 01:41:40 am »
Will the Covenanters be their own faction or will their be a few Covenanter regiments on the Royalist side and some on the Parliamentarian?
  For now the Parliamentarians will have two Covenanter Regiments, one foot and one horse, whilst the Royalists will have one Highland unit and one troop of Scots Dragoons. There will also be one of Montrose's Irish Regiments who served with his Scots Royalist army.
  Eventually, we would like to see a separate Covenanter faction and we were initially hoping to do so but time issues etc. got in the way. If the mod does well then we may be able to do a second version that adds them as their own faction.
EDIT: Should mention as well that the mod is set during the first Civil War so the Covenanters are firmly on Parliament's side, the Scottish troops fighting for the King are usually called Scots/Scottish Royalists or sometimes 'rebels' if you were a Covenanter. Some had fought with the Covenanters before joining the Royalists whilst others were recently raised.

Off Topic / Re: Star of David on Ottoman Banner
« on: December 25, 2016, 02:35:27 pm »
  If my memory serves me right they did have a six pointed star on their flag at one point. Flags are tricky things in this era as countries are only just starting to regulate what they should be like officially so you get variants, I believe the US did not regulate the exact pattern of the stars on their flag for quite some time. These articles might explain a bit more:

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:37:32 pm »
Just to keep people updated with the mod, we are going to have to delay release till January at the earliest as our animator sadly can't make any more animations for us due to being a bit swamped under in the real world. Still, it will give u a little more time to polish the first release.
  In the meantime I have started re-working a few of the flags:

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 27, 2016, 06:54:30 pm »

  Strange, I can see them fine myself. Try the ModB page, they are posted there as well:

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 18, 2016, 01:33:16 pm »
Looking good  :)

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 15, 2016, 05:18:30 pm »
You worked so hard. I admire. I wish Irish soldiers in the project.  :)
  Dazzer has been working really hard, the Irish are already in and some chaps have formed a company of Irish troops.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 13, 2016, 11:12:44 pm »
  I assure you there genuinely was a Captain Blackadder! He is mentioned as being Montrose's scoutmaster at Philliphaugh and possibly served in that role before then. He was in command of a troop of dragoons. He must have survived the diaster at Philliphaugh because apparently he was later garrioned in Fyvie Castle.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:24:55 pm »
Some flags by Black Watch

  If people are interested in the flags of the era then I highly recommend the book by Peachey and Prince on the English flags of the Civil War from Caliver Books. They have other volumes as well on the Scots armies and have recently done one on cavalry standards.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:01:52 pm »
WIP Highlander


 :D :D :D
Lookin bootiful!

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 09, 2016, 08:22:56 am »
It is only a joke Dazzer, I did know what he meant. We English are a bit like that, I only jest though. 
I have edited the page to clarify as well but the cavalry are formed into 'Troops' rather than 'Companies'. I have not had any requests yet (although a friend of mine said he or one of his friends might look into forming a company for one of the Cornish regiments) though so, again, please do PM me for now if you want to form a company or troop.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:02:15 pm »
So basically you are trying to organize it like War of Rights.

The problem i had was that regiment and company was used as the same thing without explanation and the explanation was written like peoppe would already knew that you changed the style.

So all in all, to see if I understood, you are saying that people who want to play will have to form a company and then when x amoint of companies of the same reg are formed.
They thogheter then form the regiment? (In some kind of "forced" matter) so who is then the leader of that regiment?
For example 32nd have had quite a bad experience with outsiders trying command/control us. Will we have to listen/follow them?
  Sorry to bring this up again but I did not use them as the same thing throughout the piece, I used regiment at the start and then explained it and used company from then on, the only time I referred back to regiments was when I provided the link to the spreadsheet with the names of the regiments on it so people could use it as a starting point to form their companies. Plenty of people I spoke to had no problem with it. And what is a 'peoppe'? If you mean Pepe then as far as I am aware he is not involved with the mod  :P
  Just to clarify my earlier comment, I am assuming you mean the various companies appoint their colonels rather than a colonel getting parachuted in by a superior?

  In other news I will hopefully get the Marston Moor, Auldearn and Powick Bridge maps done soon and if I get time I might do one for Edgehill and Cropredy Bridge. I think I will hold back on the Oxburgh Hall and Whitehall maps for now. To refresh a few peoples memories here is the Auldearn map so far:

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 08, 2016, 04:36:27 pm »
and cooperation is key to success, you should make a plan before jumping straight right into event
but again we wont force you
Obviously, but since you mentioned NS i had to ask. They designate leaders who have no earlier ties to the regiments underthem and give them "power to command/control" them. Thats why iam asking if thats the style you are going to organize it or if you are leaving it up to the "community" to decide that.
Hmm I dont really understand what you want to say :D
Anybody can create a company
  I assume he is referring to brigade commanders in NaS being appointed rather than chosen by the regiments he will command? Personally, if we did it so a regiment is equivalent to a brigade in other mods then I do not see any problem in the commanding officers of the various companies that make up the regiment selecting who will be their colonel and command the whole group. Since people like the Earl of Essex and Charles I have been dead for 370 years give or take a bit I don't think we can historically do what they did and get them to grant commissions!

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 08, 2016, 12:44:03 pm »
When I say they are a part of a regiment, I mean they belonged to that regiment historically.  As I say we haven't quite got things sorted yet so a regiment with its companies could well work out like the UA or DA depending on how many companies are formed. They will be based around what field army they were in so all the companies from the King's Lifeguard are in the Oxford Army, Manchester's in the Eastern Association etc. Yes a company is equivalent to an NW regiment. I will edit to page to clarify if it is bothering so many people. I should mention War of Rights has a system where you belong to, say, Company A, 20th Maine rather than just make the whole 20th Maine.
Yes that is the sort of thing but you cannot have made up officer names and regiments, hence why I say PM me if you want a list of officers. I might nick that template though.

Pike & Shotte / Re: Pike & Shotte
« on: November 08, 2016, 12:10:14 pm »
Its looking really nice

However I have to point our (without writing a book cause the time is 01:00 and i got work today)your reservation system post thread thing is very difficult to understand and read. You are mixing the words companies,regiments and armies what are we actually reserving? And the name is hard to understand, does it have to be the leaders name or what?
  How is it hard to understand? You form a company that is a part of a regiment, a company being equivalent to an NW regiment. There are officer lists for the armies, it is not difficult to understand. I refer to them as regiments initially because in NW you create regiments (42nd Black Watch etc.) but in the English Civil War regiments and companies were named after their officers. I refer to the armies because different regiments belonged to different armies so those are the lists you can request, it is perfectly clear. I am not mixing them up, I start by calling them regiments as that what they are in NW and then refer to them as companies throughout.
The name is hard to understand? What? Companies are referred to by the name of their officers so the commanding officers will adopt their name. So you could decide to be in Captain Ffoxe's Company, King's Lifeguard of Foote. As I say if you want an officer list then PM me and I can see what I can do.

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