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Messages - Min

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 77
what happened to this thread can someone explain cause vortex is being edgy as usual

Time for me to quit gaming had lots of fun with the regiment when I was in it. Good luck in NAPL! :D
youll come back. You always come back

this is probably the 3rd time nick said he's gonna quit xD

but they always come back in the end....

If you have a recording of the 1v1 please upload it cause min is an autist and only uploaded the last round
 >:( >:( >:(

the last round was the only one that mattered

Got to play my first 1v1 LB within the regiment, was quite a lot of fun, thanks for it. Got the habit to take screenshoots for the 17e events in EU, hope nobody will mind if I share some from 3e's events aswell.

NAPL Match vs 30th' Screenshoots | 30.07.17

Good shooting to start things on.

Getting a kill at this range would be quite a bit of luck but doesn't hurt trying eh?

30th firing their last shots before the melee.

Advancing towards the enemy line.

AsianP versus PurplePanda.

1st side of our NAPL match vs 30th. Fwuffy was on-fire for them but Armada, Schroeder and Godfreid were carrying hard on our side too!

Taking a clear advantage thanks to an excelent shooting.

Melee is going to be tense

Why Sleek tho :(


Those sexy highlander skins though.
    The carnage is about to begin, under Grimsight's glorious leadership.
    2nd side of our NAPL match vs 30th.

I have recorded the full linebattle so I will potentially upload it, depends if the people who said they were recording plan to do it aswell.

tardet youre a beast

Don't worry Tyler, I believe in you. You can succeed at anything. Tyler, you are one of the smartest and most capable streamers that I know on Twitch! You have the ability to beat this boss and complete the God of War series. Everyone in this chat believes in you, and I think that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve. Tyler, I think you will be able to conquer this boss. Whether it is League of Legends or God of War, or even football, you have the ability to perform. I know you can win.

excuse me i have a few issues concerning the roster:

1. wiki is no longer in this regiment
2. victor isn't a cplfo
3. where's bick
4. the first 'i' in PJ's bittersteel name is capitalized for some odd reason

autists btw

i finally got promoted to Cpl after eons as a Fus

Well until all of this stops we are no longer doing events with the Nr8. Soz
From here on out any instigation on this thread will lead to an immediate ban from the 3eVolt thread.

Now that this is over are we doing events again

i don't speak for the officers/sentiment of the 3e, but after tonight i think it's quite clear we don't want to have anything to do with your kind ever again.

can't say i'm surprised

Team Name: Tyler1 ALPHA SQUAD
Team Members (2 Subs Max): Min, Suns, Armada, Exodus subs:TBD
Leader's Steam: Min
Do you agree to all the rules?: yes

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