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Messages - Nativemann

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Forum Games / Re: BoP: Napoleonic Wars [Game Live]
« on: September 22, 2016, 05:56:52 pm »

Swiss Confederation
The Confederation doesn't want to leave anything to chance. Being as Austria voices their hatred towards the French, and so close to home-land. One can only hope for a brighter future, but prepare for what they look to achieve, war.

War is but a stone's toss away, the Swiss looks to be prepared with what little they can be. Encouraging it's people to see the threat, however not forcing their hand for now. Nothing's worst than pressuring where pressure is not due.

The Swiss Confederation begins organizing a new National Guard, along with various Militia groups.

The Swiss Confederation continues improving roads

I'm thinking of revamping AoE but bringing it forwards to begin in the 1500s. Thoughts?
And why is it that everyone wants to start a game now after volk just started hers? Like hello where were you guys a month ago?
I didn't know the state of the Forum games, and was preoccupied after ending my other one. But I already talked to Volk about it, and I'm setting up so not overwhelm the populace.
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say?
I did not know the state of the Forum games, responding to where I was a month ago? Along with after closing the Caribbean game i became preoccupied. I also talked to Volk about putting my game up while BoP just started, and am holding off while I make it better? Does that clear it up for you?

I'm thinking of revamping AoE but bringing it forwards to begin in the 1500s. Thoughts?
And why is it that everyone wants to start a game now after volk just started hers? Like hello where were you guys a month ago?
I didn't know the state of the Forum games, and was preoccupied after ending my other one. But I already talked to Volk about it, and I'm setting up so not overwhelm the populace.

RtD: ZSC will be better than my last. I will exceed the limits and 'imagin-aaaation'!

Events / Re: Grenadier-Regiment Nr9 Friday Trenchbattle Event [Weekly]
« on: September 22, 2016, 03:01:59 am »
Regiment name: 9th Royal Marines
Regiments Leader's Steam:
Number of member: 5~
Will you attend weekly? Yes
Do you agree our rules?: Yes

Added armors to characters and armory.

Name: John Trent
Background: 24, served as a linguist in Ukraine/Russia and has been in some dicey situations. Born in USA. Knows English and Russian.
Previous Specialty: Standard, while in Ukraine and Russia has been in more than a few firefights, previous hunter and has used weapons in his experiences in Ukraine/Russia.

Name: John "Doc" Walker
Background: Former US citizen from New York miraculously made it out of that city phew.
A great doctor and a kind soul, although he's never handled a gun in his life even after the zombie outbreak.

After he and his group made it out of New York they figured Washington D.C would be safe since it's the location of the government "it's gotta be safe right?" at least so they thought.
Many died along the way and when he finally reached the place he was put into a convoy going somewhere else.

As he's one of few remaining doctors and more often than not the only doctor in a group he's often referred to as simply doc.
Previous Specialty: Doctor

Who needs a medic when you got a doctor?
Talk to Volk and see what weapon they'll let you claim from the Convoy Armory. So I can take note of it.

Who needs a medic when you got a doctor?

Usually medics are better trained to work OUTSIDE the operating room, like in the field. Just in general, obviously it is not true in every case.
When you think of medic, think of combat medic. They know how to stop you from dying, but an Doctor can ensure you live. If you're pelleted with bullets/shrapnel and medic tries to preform on you, that's a  greater risk of the patient dying.

Game Update.
I just finished editing the game info, rules and everything you need to know is there. So make sure to read, further questions can be asked if you need something cleared up.

Name: John "Doc" Walker
Background: Former US citizen from New York miraculously made it out of that city phew.
A great doctor and a kind soul, although he's never handled a gun in his life even after the zombie outbreak.

After he and his group made it out of New York they figured Washington D.C would be safe since it's the location of the government "it's gotta be safe right?" at least so they thought.
Many died along the way and when he finally reached the place he was put into a convoy going somewhere else.

As he's one of few remaining doctors and more often than not the only doctor in a group he's often referred to as simply doc.
Previous Specialty: Doctor

Who needs a medic when you got a doctor?
Added to roster.

b]Name:[/b]Kaedon "Casper" Larson
Background:Kaedon is the leader of the Navy Seal team 13. Seal 13 is a highly classified team, very few people actually know of their existence. Being a Navy Seal team, each memeber has gone through rigorous training and is prepared for virtually any type of combat. Every member of the squad is an exceptional marksman. However, Kaedons little brother, Kelly, is the regarded as one of teh best snipers in the world. O btw my brother is in my squad.

 Kaedon and Kelly both joined the force at the same time and both of them quickly caught the eye of the higher ups, who decided to induct them into the Navy SEALs. While Kelly is an expert sharpshooter, Kaedon is an expert at stealth and recon. He is the most reliable infiltrator in the US army.

Seal team 13 has served in Afghanistan and are recognized as killing several top heads of terrorist organizations, as well retrieving vital information from these terrorists.

Going through the special training, Kaedon is is an expert hand to hand combat and remains in top physical form.
Specialty [Recon, Standard, Marksman, Engineer]:Recon
Added to roster.

Name: John Trent
Background: 24, served as a linguist in Ukraine/Russia and has been in some dicey situations. Born in USA. Knows English and Russian.
Previous Specialty: Standard, while in Ukraine and Russia has been in more than a few firefights, previous hunter and has used weapons in his experiences in Ukraine/Russia.
Added to roster.

Alright I've decided a week=a month. Monday-Tuesday is beginning of month, Wednesday-Friday is middle of month and Saturday-Sunday is end of month. Weather and seasons will also play a part, based on how comfortable you are and being able to survive for combat or just in-general. You can't be in full-armor, it's summer and expect to be in top shape for long. Or going through snow with just a vest on and expect to be fine, debuffs and items are incorporated accordingly now.

Well just pick which role you'd prefer, as I said before if no CL is in before start. I'll just be a communications officer or something, until one comes or is elected. Things will progress either way, so whatever your comfortable with.

Finished an example on how a convoy engagement will look.
"Convoy Rush", Gunfire attracts zombies
Travel mode:

Engagement plan:
Some armed men open fired on the Humvees and based on how Volk responds are let me know to set-up the convoy. Along with the team leaders actions, ill give an appearance on the current setting. Same will be done for other engagements such as: building clearing, large fire fights, etc.. However, engagements concerning the vehicles of the convoy will be better detailed.

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