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Messages - NormalPlayer

Pages: 1 2
Events: EU / Re: 95th Regiment of Foot Thursday Line Battle
« on: May 17, 2015, 12:42:56 pm »
REGIMENT NAME - (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
TROOP/CLASS - Artillery
LEADERS STEAM ID -  STEAM_0:0:33407361 (For further informations contact me on Steam ID "STEAM_0:0:31810191" or join our teamspeak "")

Regiment name: (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
Estimated attendance: 7 - 12
Preferred faction: Any
Preferred class: Artyllery
Leader's Steam: STEAM_0:0:33407361 (For further informations contact me on Steam ID "STEAM_0:0:31810191" or join our teamspeak "")
Understood and accept rules: Yes
Attend once or weekly: weekly my friend!
Put us on hold if all slots are full :D

Regiment Name: (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
Preferred faction: Any
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Artillery! (We'd like to have two cannons, please ;)
Expected attendance: 7 -12
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: weekly
Regiment leader's Steam name: STEAM_0:0:33407361 (For further informations contact me on Steam ID "STEAM_0:0:31810191" or join our teamspeak "")
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: Yes!

Events: EU / Re: 72nd's Thursday Siege [EU]
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:59:21 pm »

Battle or Siege: Battle
Regiment Name:  (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
Unit Type: Artillery
Numbers: 7 - 12
Representatives Steam: NormalPlayer
One time or weekly: weekly
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules: Yes sir!

Events: EU / Re: 66Pp Friday Line Battle
« on: May 15, 2015, 04:13:38 pm »

Events: EU / Re: 66Pp Friday Line Battle
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:35:00 pm »

Name of the regiment: (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale

Estimated Attendance: 7 - 12 (2 cannons please, if possible)

What classes would you like?: Artillery

Regiment leader's Steam name: STEAM_0:0:33407361 (For further informations contact me on Steam ID "STEAM_0:0:31810191" or join our teamspeak "")

Did you read the rules and did you accept it: Yup!

Would you like to be signed up weekly: Yes, we'd like to be signed up weekly :D

Events: EU / Re: 66Pp Friday Line Battle
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:52:05 am »

Events: EU / Re: [TvS] Friday Event
« on: May 13, 2015, 02:52:23 pm »
Regiment Name: (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
Unit Type: Artillery
Expected Attendance: 7 - 12
Will you be attending once or weekly: Weekly
Steam name:
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules: Yes

Regiment Name : (GRI) 4^Battaglione - Artiglieria Reale
Unit type : Artillery and Artillery Guards
Number : 7 - 12
One time or weekly : weekly
Leaders Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:33407361 (For further informations contact me on Steam ID "STEAM_0:0:31810191" or join our teamspeak "")
Have you read and agree to the rules and unit rules : But of course my friend!
Additional notes:
- It looks like all the artillery slots are full. We'd like to be the first in queue; when someone leaves, or when there's a free slot for whatever reason during a line just call us ;D Thanks very much!

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