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Messages - MartinCZ

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 11
The Mess Hall / Re: Regiment Power Index (RPI) EU Rankings [NEW THREAD]
« on: December 06, 2021, 05:47:45 pm »

1) If you want this to be an objective list, you can never put numbers, values, or anything else out of your ass without substantiating facts and resources

2) As a member of one of the largest regiments, your opinion in evaluating this category cannot be considered impartial, especially if you do not provide any evidence to confirm it. Also, the fact that you are a Czech player probably strongly influenced your decision to put the Czech Republic in the top 5 nations. I am also a Czech player but I will never put the Czech Republic in the top 5 even if I add Slovaks as well. I am sure there are more numerous communities than us

3) when compiling a list of anything, you always have to add a comment, where you describe which factors affected the compilation of the current list

4) I dare to say that I have a much better overview than you and I would never dare to publish those lists in this way without any conclusive resources and proofs, but at first glance, I can say that both named and unnamed regiments will definitely not be in this order

5) I can appreciate when someone has the will and the time to make such a list, but the way you did this is most inappropriate because you obviously do not realize at your age how to properly create an objective publication. Everything you've written here is basically just your subjective evaluation, which basically no one can take seriously, and all the hate you've earned here is fully justified, which I don't know if you're aware

6) In addition, you only caused an unnecessary quarrel between the regiments. On the other hand, I find it ridiculous how some group representatives are able to argue here who actually has a bigger cock. You should be the ones who are more sensible and realize that without any substantiated sources and evidence, this whole thread is absolute nonsense and nobody can take this seriously

So, Kubus, either learn from what I wrote or better delete it straight away. And the rest of you be nice to yourself, arguing about this “100% true” list is completely unnecessary.

Regiments / Re: 1st "Grenadier Guards" Regiment of Foot Guards [EU/NA]
« on: December 06, 2021, 12:47:50 pm »
Nice to have you involved again ;D
On behalf of the 73e I wish you good luck. I hope we will meet on the "battlefield" soon

Regiments / Re: 73e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [CZ/SK]
« on: November 15, 2021, 09:44:26 pm »

Events: EU / Re: 92nd & 33rd Sunday Flag-Spawning Event [EU]
« on: September 26, 2021, 06:06:42 pm »
Regiment Name: 73e Régiment d'Infanterie
Preferred Class: Line infantry
Estimated Attendance: 10-12
Once or Regular?: once and then we will see
Contact Steam ID: Martin
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes and I accept them

Regiment Name: 73e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred faction: France
Class (Line, Guard, Skirmishers, Cavalry, Artillery): Line
Expected attendance: 10-15
Do you want to attend once, or weekly ?: Once
Regiment leader's Steam name: Martin
Do you have read and agree to the rules ?: Yes


I wouldn't be so sure  :D

Full company name: 73e Régiment d'Infanterie
Ingame tags: [VIe]73e
Class: Line infantry
Regimental motto: Unity, experience and fun
Expected attendance: 12-20
1st in command steam: Martin
2nd in command steam: Messius
Attending weekly or once: twice, only for this and the following week
Have you read and agree to rules? YES

Groupfighting Teams / Re: 5e Staked Group of Lebrun
« on: March 21, 2021, 04:49:54 pm »

Groupfighting Teams / Re: Misty Mountain Groupfighting team
« on: March 21, 2021, 04:49:33 pm »
good luck guys  ;)

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: March 18, 2021, 02:38:06 pm »
Your In-game Name: T0_Martin
Their In-game Name: 18th[L]_Sjt_Foltes
Reason For Ban:  he was teamhitting on purpose his playmates after respawn for a duration of 3 maps. I was furious about that so I made only this one screenshot, you can see that exactly when I wrote to him that permaban is coming for him he teamhitted me again (the guy in the front left), it was 9 seconds from the start of the round as you can see, so it happened before the fight began. I also have 3 witnesses from that map
Evidence (screenshots):

And if faking being afk in the corner is also forbiden, then here you go

witnesses: 45thN_Rec_Saxon616, Trexons, Kaneki
Time/date (this is very helpful to us): 17/3/2021, time around 12:20 GMT

Sadly witnesses are good enough. could use more screenshots or even a video of these kinds of things happening.

I understand but I just wanted to play and not to record some dickhead. I don't even use any recording application. I thought you can go to the logs as well and check that he was truly teamhitting his teammates. Btw I don't truly understand your statement, so is he banned or not ?

Servers / Re: The Groupfighting Server V3
« on: March 17, 2021, 02:18:53 pm »
Your In-game Name: T0_Martin
Their In-game Name: 18th[L]_Sjt_Foltes
Reason For Ban:  he was teamhitting on purpose his playmates after respawn for a duration of 3 maps. I was furious about that so I made only this one screenshot, you can see that exactly when I wrote to him that permaban is coming for him he teamhitted me again (the guy in the front left), it was 9 seconds from the start of the round as you can see, so it happened before the fight began. I also have 3 witnesses from that map
Evidence (screenshots):

And if faking being afk in the corner is also forbiden, then here you go

witnesses: 45thN_Rec_Saxon616, Trexons, Kaneki
Time/date (this is very helpful to us): 17/3/2021, time around 12:20 GMT

Good luck guys  8)

Regiments / Re: [EU] 6e Regiment De Hussards [NOW RECRUITING][REVIVED]
« on: February 25, 2021, 01:31:41 pm »
Hodně štěstí !
Vive la 6e !

Events: EU / Re: 19th Sunday Linebattle [EU]
« on: February 16, 2021, 06:11:45 pm »
Name of the Brigade: VIe Corps

Regiment Name: 73e Régiment d'Infanterie
Unit: Line Infantry
Expected Attendance: 15
Regimental Rep' and Steam: Col Martin
Backup Rep' and Steam: Sgt Bloodywolf

Regiment Name: 6e Régiment de Hussards
Unit: Light Cavalry
Expected Attendance: 6-9
Regimental Rep' and Steam: ChdE Vlk852
Backup Rep' and Steam: MdL James

Once or Weekly: Weekly
I have read and accepted the rules: Yes we accept the rules

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