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Messages - Duuze

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Community / Re: Community Chronicles
« on: July 14, 2017, 09:54:07 pm »
Behold the Chronicle of DinkelWink, Frithbiscut's first and only child conceived in a lusty affair with his Belgian mistress.
It's still rumored that DinkelWink was conceived atop a 12lber.

I miss Ryner.

Some people still say he's trying to finish a simple sentence about rowing to this day.

Events: NA / Re: 63e Friday NA *Line Only* Linebattle Event
« on: July 14, 2017, 08:21:27 pm »
i dont get why risk gets roasted about ryan gosling. he's pretty bangable i can see why risk likes him.

What's wrong with you.... Allah frowns upon you.

True no lives of NW

People still bushpirate in 2017? That is sad.
had 3 in our reg a week ago.Started to tk in a battle
Guess wut?
2 of them only got 1 guy before dying lul
other one tked while it wasnt alive and got perma lul

This makes me sad.

Historical Discussion / Re: Favourite All Time Leader(s)
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:59:57 am »
I like ww2 leaders and napoleon.
I've heard that Napoleon wasn't a great military leader and that his generals did a lot of the leading for him.

You've heard wrong tbh

Austerlitz alone was a stroke of pure military genius. He was also what I would describe as a "complete commander" - by which I mean not only was he a master of battlefield tactics, but a masterful strategist/campaigner and an inspirational leader as well. Always maneuvering into advantageous positions, dividing allied opponents attempting to join forces and routing them each in detail, encircling entire armies (case in point being the Ulm Campaign), etc.

He became almost lazy as he got older and started using more direct tactics (arguably losing some of his genius) but even in the Hundred Days days campaign he frustrated Wellington with his movements ("Napoleon has humbugged me, by God; he has gained twenty-four hours' march on me").
oh cool

Napoleon Bonaparte is the best for 1 reason. He made an army capable of fighting Wellington in under 100 days. An impressive achievement for any leader.
Organizational skills alone don't make you a great leader

Napoleon could rally the french, and "make it" to Russia.

Welcome, I remember you from nwl.

Community Name: Duuze
Old Gen or New Gen: Old (clueless will for captain).
Any competitive experience? (mainly for new gen players): 63rd

Could you capitalize the "M" in 41st members please.
As someone who appreciates grammar, specifically for its utility in reading comprehension.
I will take the initiative to use capitalization, for proper nouns , hence forth.

hey can someone ban this SaintG guy
Stop posting on our thread. I know it's the only way you have to try and stay relevant but no

Excuse me, I'm not on the list.
Uh well now you are officially. So please refrain from posting on here thanks!
so you can ban people from posting on a thread for like no reason? Will remember for the future

cmon trolle ur gonna have to do better than that.
sorry I don't think "salty because he left our regiment" should be a punishable offense on the forums :/

Good thing 4 you, lack of reading comprehension skills isn't a punishable offense on the forums ;)....

General Discussion / Re: The Effect of Ping on Combat Performance
« on: May 29, 2017, 01:20:12 am »
NW science

Community / Re: NW faces.
« on: May 28, 2017, 08:18:36 pm »

hey can someone ban this SaintG guy
Stop posting on our thread. I know it's the only way you have to try and stay relevant but no

Excuse me, I'm not on the list.
Uh well now you are officially. So please refrain from posting on here thanks!
so you can ban people from posting on a thread for like no reason? Will remember for the future

cmon trolle ur gonna have to do better than that.

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