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Messages - Moraine

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 243
Events: NA / Re: 20thME BCoF Monday Rotational Event
« on: September 01, 2023, 06:44:45 pm »
The end of an epoch.

the best event in BCOF ended a year ago I'm going to go ahead and lock the forum now that the game is dead. Despite that being the case it was fun while it lasted.

I told Olaf that game would die again because they didn't fix any issues at all and only created dlcs that no one was going to buy lol

You are almost as bad as Francis you worthless piece of pond scum.
I am what kept BCOF alive if it wasn't for me and my dedicated admin staff. and no one listened.

I told Olaf that game would die again because they didn't fix any issues at all and only created dlcs that no one was going to buy lol

bro's shocked that no one wanted to listen to his annoying ass lmao go outside please i beg
I don't take insults from failed regiment leaders or bad meleers bozo

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk.3
« on: May 07, 2023, 01:10:56 am »
Hey 15th Yorkshire,
I just wanted to let you know that we will be hosting a Special Large Scale Organized Event to celebrate the release of the 2.0 Update for Battle Cry of Freedom! The event is set to take place on March 12th at 9:00 PM CET (3:00 PM EST).

I would like to invite you and your Regiment to participate in the event. We have a Max. Server Capacity of 750 players and our goal is to have as many poeple as possible on the server, so we would be glad to have you participate!
If you're interested in participating please sign up using the link below. This way, we'll have a better idea of how many players to expect and can prepare maps accordingly.

Regiment Sign Up:
Discord Event:

If you are worried about your guys not owning the game, no worries, there is a Free Demo which allows you to participate in the event AND the game will be on Sale from the 9th till the 16th of March!

You can watch the official Announcement Teaser and get all the details about the upcoming 2.0 Update here:
You can also check our Press Kit, it has plenty of new Screenshots, Artwork and other information:

For a quick overview, here are some of the most significant features included in the update:
- Cavalry: Players can now mount horses and even tow artillery across the battlefield for greater mobility.
- Graphic Overhaul: The game's graphics receive a major upgrade, with improvements to terrain rendering, flora and grass shaders, and reworked post-processing effects for a stunning new look.
- Enhanced Performance: The update delivers improved performance, particularly when there are many players on the screen.
- Vehicles: Players can now operate armored trains, steamboats, and wooden launches, providing new ways to traverse the battlefield.
- Dynamic Terrain: The fully deformable terrain in the 2.0 Update allows artillery to leave craters in the ground, creating an ever-changing battlefield.
- Trench Warfare: Engineers can now use shovels and pickaxes to dig trenches, adding a new level of strategy to the game.
- Refined Class System: The class system has been reworked, offering distinct skills and abilities for each class to make gameplay more varied and dynamic.
- New Classes: A variety of new character classes, such as the Chaplain and War Correspondent, are introduced to add depth to gameplay.
- Blood & Gore: The 2.0 Update includes a free Blood & Gore DLC that adds a visceral touch to the game with realistic gore and blood.
- Brass Band Music: Players can purchase the Brass Music DLC for access to the Brass Band, featuring instruments like the tuba, saxhorn, cornet, bass drum, and trombone.
- Expanded Weaponry: A range of new weapons and artillery pieces are included in the update, offering more options for players to tailor their playstyle.
- Smarter AI: The AI code has been entirely reworked to provide players with intelligent and challenging opponents.
- Original Soundtrack: Players can purchase the game's original soundtrack, featuring 57 minutes of original music.

Thank you and hopefully see you at the Event!
- Olaf
yeah except your game died a week after 2.0 update!

After a hiatus, we're back with the release of the 2.0 update! May the artillery gods ever be in your favor!
This didn't go well

bcof 2.0 will not work the game will remain dead the devs are incompetent
Hey look I was right.

I told Olaf that game would die again because they didn't fix any issues at all and only created dlcs that no one was going to buy lol

The Mess Hall / Re: How good at melee is the user above you? Mk. 2
« on: May 07, 2023, 01:08:28 am »
I don't recall every fighting him in a GF at least. I would probably say above midtier

New Version: 2.8.0

- Added a lot of new RLB options

- Added a small little feature for Groupfights for lazy people (and ppl bad at quickmaf):
When activated in the Admintool Options Menu (in the Escape Menu), you will get upon spawning a Beacon over the head of the enemy which is at the same position like you (counted from left). This Beacon will disappear once enemies are closing in, so it will not be annoying while fighting. You can enable it again with Q (if activated in the menu).
The idea behind this is, that in big GFs a lot of noobs dont know who to charge, and this should help them. As normally in gfs both sides have all the time in the world and round starts only if both teams are ready, this should not be an unfair advantage, but helping for a quicker start.


2.8.0 Exe

2.8.0 as zip for linux users

2.8.0 colourblind version as zip

bcof 2.0 will not work the game will remain dead the devs are incompetent

The Mess Hall / Re: How good at melee is the user above you? Mk. 2
« on: March 04, 2023, 07:15:12 pm »
Probably a based eu person

Regiments / Re: 15th Yorkshire "The Snappers" mk.3
« on: January 24, 2023, 02:37:12 am »
I love my EUs


However, I will have to ban you Glenn for double posting. No hard feelings.

Don’t care didn’t ask plus you’re black BOZO
you ready to finish that 1-1 record and finally lose to me

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